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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. As several drunk Frat boys may attest to......No standards are cast in stone when a bitch comes in heat...lol
  2. I seem to recall a different standard for the protection of livestock. Gonna have to google it
  3. If I had to deal with this owner I would start out by handing them the Pics to prove the dogs were there and then I would really take the approach that you are having your property heavily trapped for coyotes and let the owner know that the traps are easily accessible to curious dogs. If they care for those dogs they won't be running around unleashed any more. that would be step 1.
  4. But it appears they are dogs, appearing 30 minutes after the deer, ON PROPERTY OTHER THAN THEIR OWNERS. The last part is really the important part. I think I would have a nice face to face informative session with the owner about the dangers of the woods since you have so may coyote traps out and all.
  5. I am sure you mean that you will shoot what you want WITHIN the regulations and restrictions of the law...right?
  6. why? The 1st Ammendment also protects your right to make a fool out of yourself...lol
  7. I agree these instances suck and we have had aour share here again this year. Opinions vary but in the heat of the moment poor decisions are made. Doesn't make it right and I know there are instances where we set ourselves up for failure. to close to the property line. hinting in the rain. poor shot angle. not enough practice in the stand or withthe clothes we hunt in. .The list goes on. You know what they all have in common? We actually have control over all of them. Some we don't. But at the end of the day, the sun will set and Lord willing we will be hunting another day. Maybe with lessons learned and better luck. It sucks losing a deer and we should do everthing we can to avoid it. but it sin't the end of the world. What does torque my Jaw a bit is when I hear these stories and posts are made pointing out some errors and the Op gets cocky or a case of a$$burn. How a person takes criticism speaks to character in my view.
  8. One caution. non acidic foods like meat need to be pressure canned. I would really suggest the Ball canning book.
  9. Now that I might do near the property line instead of the prime hunting area
  10. Oh for God sakes. Getting a bit melodramatic? Gave his life? It is Veterans day. Save that for something a bit more appropriate.
  11. Actually it would only take 2 years to see an increase in the size and age of the bucks if the majority of the 1.5's get by the hunters. Since it was a 3 point rule some of the 1.5's still get taken so it probably takes longer. I know areas that voluntarily pass the 1.5's and they have seen pretty substantial increases in 3-4 years.
  12. Curious where you can up with the first blood from where you shot it. and how far you wer able to track the blood trail before you hit the property line?
  13. I would tell her to swap him in for a better model. Lol
  14. The are because they have a tendency to not retract and that makes them barbed broad heads. There is no doubt about this. DEC has commented on it and stores even have had signs up.
  15. More liberty reducing, beat their chest, feel good legislation.
  16. Better take 00 buck. I've seen you shoot.
  17. You guys just aren't getting it. Must be becasue I have been married for 25 years this coming July. He is trying to get away from her bitching. Geno- Look at the Italian hand gestures!!! That is how he got a mile in the woods. he has been running away in those Converse and she is in hot pursuit and yelling and flailing her hands the whole way. What is the date stamp on that? In a day or two I will pick them up on my Cameras in Rochester.
  18. Happens 2 or three times a year. We have just learned to ignore it or he pulls out the entire story.I've heard it so many times I feel like I was there.
  19. I think they have opted for the visiting the butchers route. They probably collect more data and expend less manhours to do it. I havent seen a check in 5 or 6 years.
  20. wow. from reloading to women. Who wooda thunk
  21. Belo isn't talking about what it ended up effecting but what they kept saying. They stepeed on their tongue every thime they spoke becasue they couldn't get it out fast enough that hunters were not the focus. Kinda like if you like your insurance and doctor you won't have to change. What they say and the truth are two very different things
  22. I bet that would be wrong. good thing Google is our friend...lol
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