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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. What was that poor fella dragging. Looked like his tail but way too long.
  2. From another site. Just shows had brutal it can be out there. Hey we all have to eat just so tough to watch. That buck looked slightly old but in good shape. Wonder what happened?
  3. Collar on the dog. That deer is dead and the dog knew it. At that point let the dog eat it. Hope it didn't kill it then head home to a bowl of mighty dog!
  4. Love it! Not over done looks great!
  5. Made 3 lbs of cubed steak in the crock pot. Daughter has soccer tonight at 7;30. Told her to eat a little before we left and we can finish it up later tonight. I check in just before we left and this is all that is left in the crock pot! Sucks for me.......
  6. Now that my last post on CWD really was uneventful to the majority of you here is some good news. But before you read it just imagine your eco system turned upside down? Bet you there would be a lot of unhappy wives out there! lol Here is the news I heard today. Forget about the cure but listen to what he says about Alzheimer's disease and curing 15% of the ones that have it. I pray this is all true and happens quicker then they say. https://ljsp.lwcdn.com/api/video/embed.jsp?id=9c682ea3-34f0-4ccb-991c-6e23a5bd073a&pi=b1d70b5c-8e54-463f-9ced-1ca62c173276&fbclid=IwAR2vLeU1b6R6sO8-YI-Ivq-aN_EHputSrHbbsULVmG8umZSb1ZHCy4PfFgE
  7. Awesome Eddie. Take it slow and let that muscle memory come back. Good luck!
  8. Take a read at the latest edition of ODL adventure issue. It has a real informative article on CWD. Sure sheds some spotlight on deer farms and what us hunters can do to help contain the spread of the disease. Well written but tends to focus on deer farms as examples of spreading the disease. To me ODL is the Holy Grail in outdoor writing been reading it since 1970. Please don't comment until you read the article. We know how everyone feels about our resident deer farmer.
  9. Yeah what ever happened to mad cow???
  10. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/deer-disease-may-spread-to-humans_us_5c62db95e4b0b50014a9f198?ncid=APPLENEWS00001 Seems like they want to find a test so they don't have to kill the deer.
  11. My daughter just texted me the article. Seems like a few big news orgs picked up on the story. To me this is old news? I mean didn't Wisconsin ban hunting in certain areas cause it was so bad but nobody ever tested positive.
  12. Why is CWD in the news so much. Zombie deer and such. I just got an email from my sister forwarding an article. I told her to relax and when I start acting weird.....oh shit that wont work. Well I told her not to worry........or should I???????
  13. I just filled out the application and sent pictures. I love getting DEC emails its so worth it. What G-Man said!
  14. Island got a few inches then turned to sleet freezing rain. Kids got home ok soccer tonight canceled! happy boy right there!
  15. https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2019/02/12/senate-just-passed-decades-biggest-public-lands-package-heres-whats-it/?fbclid=IwAR19RTteZw755hX1OiZcUhouzQd5Qb8bQ0FO9dLbIQrPyd2vrDPmb32TFXI&noredirect=on&utm_term=.ade33e0ff0c0
  16. Could you imagine those extra tags they carry for road kill! There is no doe left on my property! lol
  17. My Nephew, what a great guy! Loves his wife, son, future son/daughter and deer camp! Ask him to do anything at camp he is there doing the work of three guys. I'm lucky to have him around! (That's Grand Central Station)
  18. Great! I was using bigger tile and a saw.
  19. I hated using glass tile. Hope you wore safety glasses when cutting? Too many splinters of glass just wasn't worth it in the long run. Looks nice good job!
  20. Highway depts. using beet juice and molasses on road surfaces. https://www.businessinsider.com/why-cities-put-beet-juice-beer-waste-molasses-on-roads-2018-1 That is why so many road kills in winter its a liquid food plot for deer! lol
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