The kid I mentored put out 3 cams on his property in Vermont. Him and his dad went back this weekend and one was stolen. Private property, posted, still gets stolen. It's so unfortunate, especially to such a young hunter.
Are the newer molds these days for deer making them look bigger? They show more shoulder and a slight part of each front leg. More detail in the muscles. What do you think?
Never had a breakup in my time. We have had our ups and downs but nothing to stop us from hunting with each other. Everyone has their opinions and wants to hunt a certain way. Live and let live. Hunt safe and smart, that's all I ask for. If you want to shoot a small one go ahead but don't preach to the other guy he is doing something wrong. If your truly good enough friends you should be able to overcome any obstacle.
Just two of a whole bunch!
Did the same thing 3 years ago. Wood bit sliced my palm open. It was in a cardboard box with the tip sticking out the side. Put the box down lifted my hand and, well the rest is history and about 10 stitches. Feel better.