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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. Today started a week of hunting vacation. Got my slug gun and 6.8 ready and in truck. Spent rest of morning swapping out inlet valve on dishwasher. So do I go hunt or just wait it out until tomorrow? Buck tag kicks in tomorrow so I may just let the properties rest until then. And hit it hard for a week. Never took time off in gun season. Guessing I am in for some boring sits. First light last light thing except this weekend when people may push em around.
  2. Never had green olives on pizza but I like pizza and I like green olives soooooooo
  3. desnudo - I am pasty white by this time of the year anyways so no camo needed. I do wear a safety orange thong.
  4. Darn it, I would have entered if I knew there was a butt out tool - my wife was not happy to hear how it functions when one arrived in the mail yesterday. In all seriousness - well done to those that will receive the prizes and all the other successful hunters.
  5. I started reading on pg. 2 and thought "is this guy a meteorologist"? And yes, yes you are. lol
  6. Upbeat as usual. But considering your last 10 days of sitting in trees, you get a pass for being pessimistic. Just be happy for me when I shoot a booner!
  7. I bought a butt out 2. I am ready even if Phade is trying to destroy my excitement.
  8. Beautiful family buddy. Weather the storm together. Dad is with you all in spirit!
  9. yep - some properties require a few years for the deer to adjust, other get hit right away. When they hit those radish and turnip, they are a preferred source come late season. We had one brassica plot where you were guaranteed to see a buck at last light last year and my buddy killed a big 135'" there last day of gun.
  10. The issue you identify is one of the reasons I have never bothered with scents. I guess it could work if you are hunting a slight cross wind (or just off wind) where the sent is blowing in front of you.
  11. Good luck with the new rig john. Curious to hear your reviews on the scope. Let me know when you want to chase dogs. Always welcome up this way.
  12. Other than comments above I will add that I know of 2 marlin 30-30 that shot horrible from factory. Not off paper at 50 but not good enough to hunt with. Like softball at 50. Purchased same at same time so I suspect they had a bad run. But one would think that a rifle held by the family this long would shoot decent at least.
  13. Do you know if the gun shot well at some point?
  14. There will be slight variances but a well sighted in gun should work for every shooter especially at ranges most ny hunters shoot. I would not hesitate to use a gun sighted in by either of my hunting partners. That said, I do sight in my own guns.
  15. We have this one. It also weighs a ton. Works flawlessly and grinds fast. Price is right too.
  16. Not sure how well my fat butt would fair, but I may take you up on that!
  17. Let me know when you are coming. That blind in the background is all you! EDIT: There is a blind there to the left but not in pic which I blew up. Use your imagination. lol
  18. I would like to pass on him for another year but my standards ain't so high come regular season at my property where I have only scored one for the wall so who knows. I really need to hunt it more often. We usually have a few biguns around there to. First world problems of too many properties to hunt.
  19. No but I was slinging brass into my bed. Kinda like a big brass catcher.
  20. What say ye? Injured buck? See neck. Had him last two days in my plot. Only sat the plot once all season with my daughter.
  21. Sounds like a fun hunt - all expect the 800yd drag! Well done.
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