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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. Theoretically the wind pushes the vanes and causes the arrow to move towards the direction from which the wind is blowing. in other words, the arrow moves more into the wind which seems counterintuitive. How much really requires some testing but I have never noticed much of a difference at reasonably close hunting ranges.
  2. Larry Where are your FPs landing now by comparison to BHs?
  3. I think it escaped from the movie the deer hunter.
  4. As much as I refuse to accept BHs not hitting with FPs during tuning, given your plans and the timing of opening day, this seems to be the most reasonable thing to do. Silly question, but I assume your BHs weigh the same as the FPs?
  5. So sorry to hear First Light.
  6. Yes, move the d looP down. With a compound shooting a release, usually you want the arrow at 90 degrees to the string at rest or up to 1/8” high of 90 degrees. Bow square would help but trying moving it down some.
  7. 1st shot fletched. Second bare. 22yds
  8. I love em. Been great on not so groomed trails, woods and muck. Pull right out of the muck without issue even when I intentionally sank it to the floorboards. Only criticism I have read is that they can puncture, but I have not had a problem and ride some trails with small tree stumps sticking up. I think they are 6ply. I can't speak to long term wear as they are new this year. My machine weighs over a 1000 with all the gear and it is a handful to the pick up the front and back end. But I really need it for 2 up and my weight (which also allows me to pick it up better than most could - lol) and the desire to do wheelies.
  9. And I thought I was going! Darn you. Hopes dashed again
  10. Wow, that's a great idea! New project! I would honestly love a pair of pink glitter boots with tassels. It would hilarious.
  11. Didn't want to detract from my pink glitter muck boots. While rare, glitter can be overdone.
  12. Afternoon sit weather dependent. Not 100 percent sure where. Have a couple of high likelihood doe spots now but I am thinking I might defer on shooting any does on opener. To much work butchering on a Monday night. Might try a stand I never sit just out of curiousity.
  13. I adjusted my buddy's by 1 inch and his shooting improved dramatically. Slightly short is better than slightly long. Good luck.
  14. Sorry to hear it Steve. Wishing you a very speedy recovery my friend.
  15. And I thought you had the hots for Velma
  16. The one big one has a gait like Scooby doo.
  17. Good luck with him or the others
  18. My tip on this, and I bought a lot of used bows - if buying on AT (great place for deals, especially post season) check the sellers feedback and ask for close up photos to be texted to you. I have never had a bad deal on AT but I won't deal with sellers with no feedback or that are not responsive when I request photos or information. But this only works for those that know what they want and need. And I only pay by paypal (not friends and family) unless its someone I have dealt with often. There are a few people that I have dealt with often that I will send a bow before receiving payment and vice versa.
  19. No pics TC, but I shot like crap last night and couldn't shoot my way out of it - to the point that I picked up my compound just to finish with some in the bullseye. Same thing with first shot this morning. Then I realized I was drawing elbow out and around, corrected and put the next two in the bullseye. I hate that despite that I shoot daily, like golf, some days I lose it and have a hard time figuring it out. And its usually something small that makes a big difference. Hopefully that is the last hiccup before season. Need to keep that confidence sky high.
  20. I use blackhorn. Works great. Never had a misfire. And I leave it loaded minus the cap for ML season and leave the gun outside. It is messy to unload however. Easier to shoot it. I assume it would be fine through regular season too, especially if you kill a deer or two or simply shoot one off after a few weeks.
  21. Great rifle. Congrats and good luck with it.
  22. I leave proof of sex in the field when field dressing, but I also leave the head intact with carcass.
  23. I think we have been through this. Gman or Buckmaster, can you find the reg that requires proof of sex? Honestly proof of sex makes little sense since tags are not based on sex of the deer. As a lawyer, I would be very comfortable arguing that the head is sufficient based on first bullet point and even that since its been reduced to meat (ie no longer a carcass) the tag with the meat is all that is required based on third bullet point. The only one that says proof of sex must be intact is when you have a carcass minus the head in the fifth bullet point. Maybe I am missing the correct regulation. Transporting Deer and bear may be transported either inside or outside the vehicle. A deer carcass with head and deer carcass tag attached may be transported with the taker in attendance. If someone other than the taker is transporting the deer, an additional tag supplied by the taker bearing the names and addresses of the consignee and taker must be attached to the carcass. All portions of deer or bear meat being transported by the taker shall be individually tagged and the tags shall include the name, address, hunting license number, the date that the portions were cut, and the signature of the taker. Packaged or boxed portions of venison need only one tag and must be labeled "venison" on the outside of the box. If someone other than the taker is transporting the portions, an additional tag signed by the taker with the names and addresses of the consignee and taker is required for each portion. Non-resident hunters: If your home state prohibits the importation of whole deer carcasses from NY, you will need to follow the above guidelines for transportation of individual or packaged portions of deer meat while in New York State A deer carcass minus the head may be transported as above, but evidence of the sex of the deer must be intact. The deer carcass tag must be affixed to the carcass, and a tag supplied by the taker must also be attached showing the name and address of the taxidermist where the head was sent. Heads of male deer may be transported to a taxidermist only if a tag supplied by the taker is attached bearing the taker's signature, address, hunting license number, number of points on each antler and the name and address of the taxidermist. The head of a doe with antlers that are 3 inches or more can be removed for mounting. Follow the same procedure that you would use for a buck you are having mounted. (See above.)
  24. Our crabapples look really good this year. Strange. Maybe they are more tolerant.
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