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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. Ok but if you shoot the wrong buck you owe me $3000
  2. If we have learned nothing else over many many pages of one particular thread, its that cull bucks are all but un-killable at times. So he should move right the top for the challenge alone.
  3. By hand with recurve and mechanicals out of box for compound.
  4. Looks like ole Wiley has retained defense counsel. Lol
  5. Assuming Fido don't get him first! lol
  6. Maybe it’s just coincidence but … I think he should be charged.
  7. I hunt 1/16 of that (mostly wetlands) and its hard to find the bucks over an entire season. lol Of course they may stray off and on as they please. Seriously, of course that's hard to do, especially if the owners of the preserve can't seem to kill it as a cull buck when they want it gone.
  8. Always good to have a second set of eyes to point out the mistakes. Thanks Biz!
  9. To sum this up, FSW is pointing out that killing one specific buck in 3 days in a 680 acre high fenced preserve would be hard, especially given the nature of the preserve with lots of cover and inaccessible islands. That seems rational. Heck that could be a tough task even if you had a full season to get that one buck. Since its a cull buck (I think FSW mentioned that), it would probably already be dead if it was easily patterned too so it seems this one buck may not be an easy target. He didn't say seeing any big buck roaming that preserve and killing it would be hard - big difference. He also acknowledges that high fence facilities can make it very easy on clients - I am sure that is true. They want big bucks killed or no one would return. I am sure everyone would agree that just killing any ole big buck in a high fence facility catering to big bucks would be easier than most open range private or public lands. If not, why pay for the right to hunt such lands. And some say that killing any buck in fenced land is of no interest to them. I am sure that is true too. Its all personal preference. So in the end, what is the argument? Maybe I missed something. lol Lots of pages here. And I am guessing the hunt is not going to actually take place. Oh and to answer the original question, I could care less whether minerals were made legal or not.
  10. Not bad at all Lar. A couple worth waiting on. good luck.
  11. Hang in there Eddie. Sorry about bad timing.
  12. I don’t own any kuiu. Have a lot of Sitka and it’s consistent in size.
  13. Happy BDay guys. Sounds like Bill is due a doe today.
  14. aren't there high fence operations that have 10,000 acres or more? Obviously it would not be easy to pick one animal and kill it in 3 days. Then there are others that are pretty small and intended to make the hunt a give me. I guess it depends on the operation. I am pretty sure, however, I could easily pay enough to ensure that i kill a booner but am much less likely to kill one on my 40 acres. Anyways, I would be happy with a doe and a decent buck this year. I happen to like both meat and antlers.
  15. Most savages are very accurate and reasonably priced
  16. I have the AT3Ws. They are wearing way better than any other tires I have used (still 50% tread after 25k miles), quiet and good traction in snow and rain. Love em. Dont do any real mudding so no idea there.
  17. Is he dead in pic 2 or just sleeping!
  18. Hopefully I can confirm the winning guess. Lol
  19. I know this guy won’t score huge due to short tines but let’s guess inside spread. I think he breaks 20” or will be very close.
  20. moog5050

    1st one...

    Looks like we are hard horn
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