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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. Nomad


    20 oz Sam Adams October Fest . I can finish two by the time the Mrs. Can decide what to order !
  2. I thought I'd see pics of some of our members .....
  3. Moog , sent that picture to my attorney and traditional bow hunter friend in Seattle ,telling him you'er a fellow attorney and stick bow hunter . He replied " clearly he's evolved ".
  4. I have a camo ball cap I cut a "V" in the brim.... i did it mostly to be funny though ..
  5. This doe just came in from downwind ,apparently unaware of the correct travel routes for this stand in the AM !
  6. Moog your turkeys moved a bit west .... 15 yards from me.
  7. Let me tell you about scent and dogs. I killed a doe 1/2 from my home,gutted it dragged it the mini van and loaded it. The next day it poured all day I mean a true all day downpour . The day after that I took my beagle for a walk when we got to where I loaded the deer . He went crazy , so ok let's go Gus ! We ran the trail right to where I gutted it . Two days later after an all day rain, now dragging a gutted deer puts more scent on the ground but it was easy for him and ZERO training . After that he's done a pretty good job finding deer
  8. What drug charges ? The article says , official misconduct and obstruction of governmental administration , related to drug Investigations . If they were investigations he was part of and he falsified evidence or even put himself down for time worked that he didn't work those charges would fit . Need to know more to conclud . edit obstruction of Gov admin. Would be interfering with another officers preformance of their duties , that doesn't sound good
  9. Grow,on the right antler a few inches up is kinda a brow, idk what to call it. It's his best buck to date , I'm happy for him.
  10. A few nights ago my friend shot a buck also at 5:45 , solid whack noise seem like a good shot perhaps a bit back. He returned the next morning at 7:30, called me at 11:30 , he found a grand total of 9 drops of blood all near where it first ran and stopped. I asked what color ? Dark, ok sounds like a liver hit, it's dead keep looking . At 4:45 he sent me this pic. It went about 150 yards. if I read your post right you've looked about 3 hours, Id keep at it, yes it frustrating to,lose one but you haven't lost it till you stop looking, Good Luck .
  11. Another shot of left over room.
  12. Idk 50 or 100 years plus . Lots of reports of guy shooing WWII ammo. Not many years back I shot old paper shotgun shells.
  13. Nomad


    Youngest daughter on the road in Conn. Glad to see its not Bud light ....
  14. RIP i work with Troopers almost daily and have found them all to be great people , tragic what happened .
  15. Nomad


    Today there is a large police training exercise in the park , my friend is in it with the MCSD , he does mounted patrol .Just an FYI .
  16. Biz, it's not "pointless " after its repaired !
  17. I sure notice fewer , my eyes are getting old .
  18. St. Louis fan since '67. Go to Pittsburg each year to see a couple games . Sorry although I'm pretty much an underdog type guy, I hate the Cubs !
  19. I had it done once, fixed a broken brow tine . I completely understand the way most here feel and have piles of broken racks and antler mounts . I do feel repairing a broken point is a bit different then adding ones though . i don't hide the fact I don't have racks scored , and I'm not 100 % sure I'd do it again but I like the one I had " fixed" .
  20. Mrs 302 owns 120 ish I have exclusive access to about 90 , that is part of a farm of a few thousand . I hunt with a friend that owns 60 , from time to time .
  21. I used to tell folks, anyone can hit a big deer, these fawns are a more challenging target !
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