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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. Nomad

    Safe weekend

    Wait opening day is tomorrow ? Enjoy the hunt and stay safe fellas .
  2. Turkeyfeathers good luck . My daughter will also be toting her 870 youth .20 ga. She'll be in a large ladder stand maybe 60 yards from me , my best stand for deer numbers , she should have something go by.
  3. Savage .270 . The bullets idk , they'er pointy and there is a picture of a deer on the box , so I bought 'em .
  4. Then there's Howie, a guy I hunted with years gone by . Hunted in blue jeans, jean jacket , upland vest and a brown cowboy hat. One OD he's late so,we head out ( farmland ) as its getting light he pulls up to the house , then finding us gone drives down the road and down a lane way. Little bit latter BANG, back comes car with buck in trunk. We go over, "sorry guys I could not find my slugs, " see he hasn't even looked to his hunting gear since last year..... Scout ? Lol , pratice with gun ha ha , scent control pay attention to wind ? No . He found 3 slugs and drove out to hunt. He figured we would not be where he was going so he drove there , walked a bit and was leaning on a hay wagon smoking a cigarette , when a buck stepped out of the pines at 30 yards . " Well see you guys gotta get this cut up " and off he went . Every year Howie killed a buck.
  5. For all those that have trouble finding the birds . My friends deck. well that doesn't work .... Imagine a bunch of Turkeys on a deck a few feet away from being filmed by a Dad and his 3 year old . mods feel fre to delete the tread as videos won't play . couple screen shots . IMG_3308.mov IMG_2252.mov
  6. My mini van was the best hunting vehicle, for those not going far off road probably the most practical hunting vehicle . You'll need to be secure in your manhood though . Took the middle seats out , arrive at spot walk to back and get dressed , grab bow off rear seat , press a button and door opens fairly quite . Could nap,in it in comfort. Loading deer ? Open both side doors, lay out tarp, step outside lift head onto jam/ rocker area , step,inside and pull deer in then back out other side .
  7. hitch haulers work very well ! Even though I still deadlift at 57 Y/O it's a pain loading deer , can't imagine getting them into some of those trucks you guys drive .
  8. Seems to be a camp / no camp vote. Don't own a camp , but I've been a guest to many , not OD though as I won't give up my farm spot that day !!! My non camp friends who have week ends ,off seem to like Sat opener more hunting for them , less precious vacation days to divide up. I don't work a M-F job so no big deal to me . Although I'll say this on Monday , around me many just took Monday off leaving the area to me the rest of the week , as they went back to work I liked that . When I worked in a factory for 9 years it was Monday opener, it was impossible for new guys to get that day off ! So ya that sucked big time.
  9. Thanks durng the whole trip which started at 4:30AM and ended at 6:00PM , I had a breakfast burrito and two large Slim Jims..... i had to move my daughters belongings , carry it down the stairs and load my double parked cargo van , plus drive close to 700 miles in one day . Daughter had both our phones running apps, showing which roads were red, yellow or blue . Also doing real time routes . im really looking forward to the woods....
  10. Can of corn . Took idk 278 ? Down to,Staten Island , expressway thing through that and into Brooklyn . Off at Prosect few more turns and arrived . Loaded the cargo,van and back on the road by noon. Flatbush to Manhatton bridge , Holland tunnel . No,issues other then pissed off a Trooper near home , he seemed to get over it .
  11. Ladder over looking cut bean field with thick brush to the east . its on the south edge of the woods and deer walk that as well , but daughter will be in a stand near by and gets the " woods" deer I get the field ones.
  12. Ha ha ha you know me well grasshopper . I'm not supposed to bring it while bowhunting either.....or to,work , or the last time I was there ,and a numbered other places. But in 30 years of daily carrying . It's gone undiscovered . No worries .
  13. We went rifle I think 3 years ago, up,till then I used nothing but smooth bore SG . Winchester Suoer X , then Truballs . Idk killed a ton out to 100 yards .
  14. Nice , but I plan to be done by 8 AM Sat. .........
  15. We'll be back in time to watch Survivor tomorrow night ! She'll be in that same big ladder stand ....
  16. lol,thanks, I was just going to bribe the workers , if need be . i do,have some yellow " crime scene " tape around here somewhere as well !
  17. In this case a one way street with construction equipment blocking part of it in front of her building .... im going to stage all the totes out front , ( gated area daughter sits with them ) pull up on sidewalk if need be , load and go in under 5 .
  18. And I have the App . Thanks all interesting, almost all have a different approach .
  19. Thanks for the lunch tip, but I'm driving 650 miles ( round trip ) and loading a van on a one way road with construction going on. My goal is to get back to the motherland asap . i offered a young guy at work $300 bucks to drive her and the van down and back , almost as a joke and he said yes..... Thought she might be creeped out as she doesn't know him .
  20. Ok thanks guys, daughter knows the routes and roads , she'll be with me . Basically she knows the way she always went , I was just concerned that weekday traffic doesn't add a couple hours to getting there. no BQE we take idk some roads to Eastern Parkway ( I get a kick out of calling that a parkway , here a parkway is 55mph divided highway ). Thanks to all, and if you see a white rented van , get out of the way!!!!
  21. OK tomorrow I'm going from Rochester to Brooklyn ( park slope area ) and back in one day . Now I go through Holland tunnel and across Manhattan bridge , I've only none this week ends, I'm expecting worse traffic tomorrow , my plan is to be at the tunnel around 10:00 AM and start return home an hour or so after arriving in Brooklyn . Now what are the NYC guys thoughts about those times and traffic ? Thanks
  22. It'll be an excuse for some , and the reason for others......
  23. The stand is only in its second year, so far so good . My plan is to buy a second seat, or depending on the cost 2 more. At some point they'll stop making that stand and I want at least 1 spare seat .
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