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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. Hope the water mains are large on those streets . Main roads and large buildings they should be, side streets smaller .
  2. Going by the color and volume of smoke, Jeremy may well, Be correct . Just a big soround and drown . Edit. Just found this pic . Houses seem close , here's where wind direction is more important than in hunting !
  3. I shower in the AM with scent free stuff , but sometimes the night before to save time. I wash my clothes in scent free stuff and some gets hung in the basement much gets tossed in the dryer with normal clothes ,That's it . No spray downs , no scent killer clothes. When I killed my buck this bow season I was wearing a blue baseball hat from my FD that I wear most days and for sure sweated in many time s. He was UPWIND of me which is why with a north wind I was in that stand . my base layer was a pair of blue jeans I ve worn a few days and a t shirt from the drawer , so none of my base layers get any special treatment .
  4. Near Nashville, although the best hunting is near the Kentucky border . Yes free range . Iveposted shots from my nephews trail cam before, it's a much overlooked state . these aren't he best ones just easy for me to find quickly ...
  5. My nephew does very very well in his home state of Tennessee . This is his friends cousin though , shot with a ML . That's all I know at this point, other then one would think he'd be smiling !!!!
  6. Trust me , one will eventually run by and stop in front of your stand ,oblivious to you . One must be ready it'll happen fast . I had a split second to draw and fire at a buck of a lifetime fri. If my bow had started out in my hands and not the hook, I might have had time . Now is the time for your bow not phone to be in your hand , you'll thank me . : )
  7. BowmanMike, Great job! We each decide what a trophy is and you waited for a close shot for your first bow buck made a great shot and you were rewarded . You'll go on to kill bigger bucks, but I supect few will mean as much to,you .
  8. And to think since I killed my first bow buck in '88 up to my last two days ago, all I did was put the top,pin behind the shoulder half way up and shoot. You never know what you don't know ....
  9. Every year guys at work want to take a T.IC. From the academy , I'm surprised some aren't missing from the line rigs, we have two per truck . As per dogs, you know any dog with a good nose is worth a shot. Ya ya I know they'er not "licensed tracking dogs " only in NYS , would it be illegal to use a dog on ones own land to try and recover a deer. I have a beagle that finds them pretty darn easy , no training other then me and him walking the woods and him going nuts when he sees one. The light bulb went off and I used him on a buck I could not find , well he's on my wall ( the deer not dog ) . His batting average is well over .500 . Got a friend with a a scent hound ? If you'er in the Rochester area PM me I'm off work now and my buck tag is punched .
  10. I sent my deer right to,the freezer .
  11. I agree with about all that has been said . Keep in mind though , what's around the land now can change tomorrow . That farm can become houses , the guy next door that doesn't hunt sells to a large hunting family , the town opens up a public bow hunt on their land , and on and on. My town did that and my buddy that had great hunting on his few acres sorounded by woods and fields ? The town bought the land and on came the hikers and dog walkers and a few years later due to all the deer/car accidents opened it all up to bow hunting , and he had guys everywhere , most giving no thought to,wind or property boundaries . try to buy enough so if things change on the neighboring land you don't own but count on, you still have good hunting . Each year one of the neighbors of our 120 acres of farm land will say to me they'er concerned about the land turning into houses . They should be I'm trying to,get my wife to sell..... The can have right of first refusal .
  12. I too have two trail cams, that are largely entertainment and security . Neither are near my stands , and I get a kick out of fox , turkey and coyote pics as much as deer . My cameras don't Influence where my stands go. 30 years of hunting that spot do . Any stand adjustment comes from observations made during the prior seasons . I posted two trail cam pics of the buck shot in bow, and both were from another guys cam across the road , after I sent him a pic of my dead deer, he said I got him on camera ! which is nice as most years ones I got on camera are shot over on their side.....
  13. Good question , a couple weeks back I quoted a post, but decided not to, post my reply. Ever since then , if I wanted to reply to this thread on my I pad, the quotes were there , I could not get rid of them. Just now I backspaced over them and thought that got rid of them.
  14. Tip of the camo hat to Moog ! My hunting partner and I filled our buck tags already , so we went to my spot to move a stand and shoot our rifles on my range . While doing so his wife sent these " live from his front yard on Irondequoit Bay !
  15. Nomad

    Crazy deer

    Females....... if you can figure them out, you'll get one of them Nobel prize things .
  16. Saw 14 bucks while on stand yesterday in 8H, killed 1. Seeking for sure , bucks on their feet all hours of daylight covering ground, saw one fight , 4 good sized bucks, does not moving . btw there are at least 2 other " rut " threads .
  17. Nomad


    8H. Yesterday I saw 14 bucks including some really nice ones on their feet at all hours of the day. Running , fighting , seeking . Only 4 does the whole day though , but the bucks were sure looking for them.
  18. 8H saw 14 bucks and 4 doe yesterday . Bucks moving all day long ( well one stopped moving for good...) monster buck knocking the crap out of a smaller one. Many young bucks and I'd say 5 that were 2 1/2 and older .
  19. Thanks all, it's posted in harvest thread . About an hour and half drag.... wife had nice dinner waiting , and bought me a bottle of whiskey with a bow on it !
  20. Ok , so I hunted all day with a lunch break and short nap. I saw a total of 13 or 14 bucks and 4 doe, it was nuts . 3 of the bucks were much larger and 1 was the biggest buck I've ever seen. So the afternoon finds me in " the thick stuff" a couple young buck here and there , then I hear running , I stand grab my bow when all the sudden the biggest buck I ever saw comes In Pushing a younger one like its nothing . The monster stops broadside at 15 yards , before I could get my release clipped on he's gone. That whole thing was a couple seconds. So I figure what the heck I'll try and grunt him back , I grunt and wait, well this guys comes out of the corn and runs through the open part in to thicker brush , I grunt he comes back out walks by me at perhaps 20 yards, shot looks great. Watch him run off, I wait maybe 2 minutes as I'm sure he's down . Find good blood at point of impact, and basically walk the 80 or 90 yards right to him . kind of a bird in the hand thing, yep I got lots bigger ones, but this was a sure thing on a decent one.
  21. Not the biggest but I called him in stopped him with a mouth grunt. Chip shot got right down and an easy track
  22. Holy crap the biggest buck I've ever seen just came chasing / fighting a smaller one. Stopped broadside at 15 yards for a split second . All happened to fast ,
  23. Well today is our 28th wedding anniversary, anyone know of one of those .99 card shops , between rt. 5 and 20 and Webster ? Just in case I don't bring her home a buck to skin.
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