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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. Buy bigger, if going into basement bolt it down, and in a corner if possible to limit the use of crow bars to attack it . Try and install it where it'll be out of sight of causual visitors, i.e. Workmen , the babysitters boyfriend and so on . I also removed the name off mine, YouTube is full of videos of how to break into all kinds of gun safes , some are scary simple to break into . Liberty and Browning seem to be good mid range ones, most of the other box store ones are little more then metal lockers dressed up as safes, which may meet the needs of folks looking to,keep their kids and sneak thieves out of . Often people buy a cheap one then put all their guns, jewelry , cameras , binos and other valuables in one handy location , and anyone with the Internet and a few minutes can clean it out . dont know your price range but Google residential security container ( rsc ).
  2. This is a friend of mine since kindergarten, after law school he moved to Seattle. While there he really got into traditional archery , to the point of having bows made for him , by Glen St. Charles ( he also owns some of his tools and 1/2 his work bench ) and Bill Stewart. Anyways Washington state gives out 5 sheep tags per year, after 25 or so years of building preference points he got a tag this year! However work and home life limited his hunting time to a couple week ends, so he went out with his .270 instead of a stick bow . One week end was all it took , he stalked to within 50 yards , but they moved before he had the right shot angle , so he had to sneak up,on them as they went over the next draw . He severed an artery to the heart and got both lungs as well .
  3. No kidding! I'm in Western NY, but keep a supply of food, water, camp stove and fuel, batteries, led lanterns, tarps, plywood , back up heating , back up sump pumps..... 11 days without power during an ice storm helped me refine my preps.
  4. Lol yes ! Heres the story, our daughter played BB in school , an old friend from my youth had a daughter who played as well. One day in the stands he asks me if I want a Fireball, then proceeds to tell me he buys them each hunting season as they last awhile and break up the bordom on stand. Then jokingly says he's had good luck killing deer while one was in his mouth .( just keep one in your mouth the whole time on stand, during the rut ) Truth be told, he's can kill nice bucks in bow and gun no problem ( oh and he uses no cover scents, washes his clothes and body in the same soaps the family uses all year, no scent killer sprays nothing). So I buy some as I loved them in my youth, and low and behold , I kill a nice buck in bow while the first fireball I ate is still in my mouth. So I posted that hunt story mostly as a joke , because guys spend good money on every type of scent, soap, spray, scent loc clothes and on and on while others clean up on nice bucks using none of that, except Atomic Fireballs...... And the wind.
  5. Nice morning it almost feels like hunting season! One unknown moved through behind me a bit ago. Someone just flipped the lights on....
  6. This is my first year doing it, got The form a few days back.
  7. Zero wind and fewer deer... Saw one on walk in as well as a heavy skunk odor . This stand is often a later morning one for some reason . But at 9:00 I'm getting down and going to shoot my 9's.
  8. Enjoy your new bow ! Whatever works for folks, my wife and I have seperate acts. Checking , savings , of course 401k's and other investments. We generally don't ask permission , she wants to go to Vegas with friends she does, I want to go hunt out West with my buddies I do. Now when I bought a Rolex off a guy in California via a watch forum she was mildly pissed for a few minutes, but when you're the trophy husband like I am one can push the boundaries !!
  9. I'm glad you'er ok and will recover with rest . Something for many to consider, let someone know where you'll be and when you intend to be back. My wife has a screen shot of my hunting app with all my stands marked. She knows which one I'll be in and when I'm back on the ground she gets a call from me . I hunt farm land and can hear kids playing at the bus stop..... Still if someone tried to find me in acres and acres of thick brush perhaps in the dark it would not be easy without pre made plans. Hope you can get back out there soon !
  10. I use mine to make a path to one of my stands, most of them are 30 yards or less in from fields , this one is a bIt more though . Never called any in with it .
  11. I believe you can find them marked down at Harbor Freight, and you get a free flashlight as well !
  12. Nomad


    I enjoyed this one very much.
  13. The site is weird here too. i see pictures of Papist and Uptown Redneck hunting together, read a thread where Bubba put his wife's tag on a second buck, and Doc was able to walk for miles in the valley and not see a posted sign or mountain biker.
  14. DP. It seems to never post , the circle just goes around... I hit refresh and get two posts.
  15. After reading the live from the stand thread, I may go this afternoon for the last two hours if it looks like the rain holds off .
  16. Id take the second one on opening day for sure. That gives me a month and a half to leave the woods alone, setting up for a great gun season . oh I might go a couple times on weekends to see if any trespassers are lurking around, but mostly I'd be shooting on my range, doing some fall boating and hiking .
  17. Rem. Mod 11 , 12 ga Browning BPS 12 ga Knight ML , MK 85 Golden Eagle first year bow hunting in '88 I killed a buck with it and many years since till '06 Reflex bow ,not sure of mod. Dan Wesson .44 8 inch SS heavy barrel Savage 270, not sure of mod. Came as a package with scope , 111 ? oh in Montana I killed a Mullie with a borrowed rifle , it was a pump , 30.06 I think edit, I finished off two with a SW .357 with Black Talons, still have a couple boxes of those ! Cars an AMC Matador and a ,82 Pontiac
  18. I love seeing posts like this! Hunters helping hunters .
  19. Pm me your address I'll send you a few. Just like Vicodin or oxycodone , don't abuse them, use only when necessary .
  20. Not going till a few days from now. Not taking a doe, still got a pile of ground, and getting meat is never an issue . Good luck to all .
  21. Not for me , but some like a huge Dicks it seems .
  22. No need to shoot them, if you can avoid the squirting flower move in close and squeeze the red rubber nose, that causes them to laugh uncontrollably , opening up your escape route. its very hard for them to give chase what with the two foot long shoes the wear !
  23. kindle's been on the fritz..... Actually I'm here under three names, some of my best conversations have been with myself !
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