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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Funny that the news doesn't focus so much on business leaving but as soon as a some government funded solar panel plant comes to western ny its the next coming.
  2. My 2000 silverado z71 with front and rear locking diffs, complete rust bucket but nothing can make that truck get stuck, it uses jeeps for traction.
  3. False (i wish) The next poster has missed a shot at a dream buck.
  4. True ! The next poster has plugged up their toilet in the 24 hours
  5. Failure ! maybe this time it will work.
  6. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/1Q4vHONvubc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Could somebody please take this guys man card away . Im just happy he didn't take the lower jaw off or worse.
  7. The guy across the street from me turns on his wipers and then repeatedly rams the snow bank at the end of his driveway til he busts through , super annoying to watch.
  8. Just getting up every saturday during the season at 3am to pick up my dad and be 2 hours south before sunrise makes me a "real" hunter in my book, regardless if i even see a deer. I think the OP makes a very valid and true statement .
  9. False , the next poster can fit their fist in their mouth.
  10. Funny you should bring that up , i was driving home this morning and there was a cluster of balloons stuck in the bushes with 5 doe walking up to it , almost as to stalk the mystery item , i could not slow down to watch the outcome because of the jerk behind me tailgating me . I guess my whine for today would be people who tailgate me and i especially hate when motorcycles in the summertime tailgate me.
  11. Im gonna come back and read this after my hangover is gone .
  12. He just bought a bunch of votes on the western side of the state , he was on the news about some solar panel mfg. and some other factory coming to town that he made it a financial benefit for them to come here , the kicker is they are both on schedule to open about a month before elections , such a scum bag. Of course everybody forgot about the last solar panel company that the government funded on the west coast a few years back.
  13. Ummm... I have complete faith in the Tresmond law firm . I think we will hear about a supreme court hearing the near future . I don't have anything in writing to share .
  14. I'm guessing you'll be headed to the gander on young street, make sure you find the metal cart in the back of the store and see if any thing good is on it first, I always check it out while I'm there.
  15. This wasn't an actual harness , it was supposed to be used with a harness . It was a self contained unit that straps to the tree and then the harness lead connects to it . I was going through the receipts from xmas shopping and the price was 30 not 20 , the tag on the box was originally marked 70. Still a good deal i thought .
  16. The one in orchard park , i stopped there after work on tuesday i believe.
  17. Eastwood company sells a small job blaster for like 40 bucks , a shop will charge you more than that just for the minimum charge.
  18. Dicks just had the slow decent things in some nasty old beat up boxes for 20 bucks , they had about 8 of them left. It beats dangling.
  19. I always liked this one of my little buddy when he was a pup , he used to sleep so sound that you could pose him and he wouldn't move
  20. If i saw a trail cam on public land i would probably do some goofy poses in front of it just to give the owner a good laugh when he retrieves the photos.
  21. It seems a lot of things change all at once during the same time of year , more people in the woods and the corn fields being cut down , just trying to figure out if they moved away or are just hiding ,even the trail cam pics dry up.
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