My buddy and his neighbor busted 2 scumbags in Niagara county shooting ducks from the road , he chased them long enough to get a plate number . They left in such a hurry that they left a couple birds behind , the officer let them keep the birds for dinner.
I had some rather large cracks in my floor to when I started, I got all the loose rocks and debris out of the cracks and filled them cement, after it dried I used a angle grinder and concrete wheel from harbour freight to feather the high spots out which took no time at all with the concrete grinding wheel, a little dusty but I used water and a respirator this is going to be my 3rd winter and the cracks are still holding up .I'll post pics when I get home.
Our floor was old and rough, a rough floor is better than a smooth floor for coating with epoxy, I did have a yard full of stuff under a blue tarp for a few days while I did the prep work, it was really easy to do. I used the epoxy coat brand, my fiance and I did the acid clean and waited 24 hours and my buddy stopped over and we had it done in under 2 hours for a 2 car garage.
If I put gloves on, I will make a fist with my trigger hand and put the glove on over a fist and if I need to shoot my front hand traps the fingers from the fist glove against gun and I pull my hand out.
I looked into them when I moved our house, I decided against them for the simple fact that any spillage, like a beer will be under the tiles until you pull them and clean . I went with a 2 part epoxy coating instead.
Some people are just never warm , i have always battled with cold feet , however i stood outside today for about 3 hours with no gloves on and my hands never got cold. My dad can stand all day in non insulated rubber boots and be fine but his hands are always cold .
I could not get the remington corelokts to shoot from my 30-06 apex , i reluctantly bought a box of 40 dollar winchester ballistic tips and the rifle shoots sub MOA . Luckily i don't shoot the rifle that much because i also don't enjoy spending 40 dollars on 20 bullets.