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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. He hasn't done anything for western ny , that is until about 2 months ago he was flapping his lips about bringing in some government funded solar panel business , and just recently he put togethera panel of people to talk about helping fund a new stadium for our POS football team . To make a long story short he has been buying votes with tax payer money here in WNY for about the last 2 months. I think he is a chump and only cares about that giant money pit NYC.
  2. I just saw a mink wearing a fat lady.
  3. I'll have to check the name on the one my g/f got me, I have gotten home from hunting and still had above warm hot chocolate still in it.
  4. Its a stock replacement and a tube to house the buffer spring , also a must have to keep it compliant would be the addition of a bullet button.
  5. I hope cabellas doesn't go the way gander went with selling casual wear and sneakers and other BS.
  6. Try finding someone if you have a question at gander, good luck.
  7. Next time you find trash in a state park leave that there too . Such a joke.
  8. The only way i can eat peanut butter is with chocolate .
  9. The gander ad that came in the mail had a 700 in 308 caliber for $649 but i just checked the ad again and its for a sps model.
  10. Cold and leaky , reminds me of the trailer we used to have in franklinville , dumbest thing i never did was buy the camp off my uncle .
  11. My father carries a .38 colt ,6 inch ,not a snub. It was his fathers that he handed down to him , eventually ill take it over.
  12. He must have some good eats somewhere , the city deer around me have been spotted in april with head gear.
  13. I just upgrade from my 1981 john Deere snowblower to a 2 day old ariens , I wasn't looking for a new one but a guy called and said he bought it and it won't snow blow his stone driveway, he had chipped the paint in the auger housing and the shoot so he couldn't take it back and gave me first crack at it for half price, gave the deer to my dad.
  14. BRING IT! I just got a new Ariens snowblower last week, of course I tried it in the lawn because the driveway was clear but I'm ready to bog this thing down.
  15. I was thinking of the one that happened in Amherst NY , the guy shared the same name with someone on anti-psych meds. His pistol permit was taken away and he had to go to court to get it back . Seems to me somebody was giving out medical info.
  16. Just stop already , there has already been a case of someones medical records resulting their gun rights being taken away.
  17. My best friend lives about a mile down the road from there, I never got the chance to stop in and say hey.
  18. I was told to check out Little Ridge Archery . You will have a hard time finding anybody more knowledgeable then Jeff at Niagara outdoors.
  19. We got one on the trail camera where we hunt.We have night time pics of the yotes leaving that carcass there too.
  20. I like the picture of the old house , every time i see an old foundation or abandoned barn or house i try to picture what stories it must have to tell if it could talk.
  21. I had the same results with remi core lokt 165g in my 30-06 , i switched to the winchester poly tip 168g and it shoots sub moa out to 300 yards so far.
  22. The real scam artist in this is the company selling the equipment to the city . They were talking about it on the news . The company wines and dines city officials , the city officials then buy the equipment , the fines go towards paying for the cameras and what is left over goes to the city. I posted the first story i found on google , the list of cities growing . Im sure you can find something more recent. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-03-16/news/ct-met-redflex-chicago-investigation-0316-20130316_1_redflex-holdings-ltd-u-s-attorney-city-program-manager
  23. That's a common misconception , most black rhino sightings often go unreported because people think they are seeing a bear . P.S. I think it s a bear also.
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