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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. CX Piledrivers, 11.3 gpi, 75 gr Muzzy 3 blade for a total of 414gr. I'm not sure if I will keep the Muzzy's the same, I am not satisfied with the longer range accuracy I am getting out of them.
  2. Yea well where were you when I bought my Browning..man, I went with the long barrel, I guess I had thoughts of hunting out west some day : . Thats what happens when a bow hunter goes to the gun shop with a fist full of cash and no idea what he is doing. ha!
  3. The more I think about it, I think I will be more likely to buy another rifle before a shotgun. My 870 does every thing I need it to and it is plenty light and pretty too. My rifle on the other hand weighs alot, I want a shorter barrell '06 some day.
  4. Are you going to shoot it or sleep with it...lol Well you know Culver, if you think of guns as women that could be trouble. Guns are alot like women though, some are made for hard work and some are nice to look at. The key is to find a balance between the two, one that looks nice and shots well...wait am I talking about women or guns I forget? Either way I prefer something that is easy on the eye's especially if I am plan on keeping it around for awhile.
  5. yea why the heck did prices go way up recently? three years ago I paid a guy @$25 for a string, this year the same guy charged my brother @$87!!!
  6. 1. Yes, randomly through out the day..like cat naps. (seen it this year) 2. Yes and no..haha maybe for that day but that would most likely be due to human scent being there too. 3. Footprints? Just another set to them, has any one noticed deer tracks in their tracks from the day before?
  7. I don't know steve, the price on auto loading remi's has gone way up to damn near the same as the others. You are right about the weight though, I handled a really light weight auto loader that makes the Remington feel like a sand bag..I don't recall the brand but the guy used it for bird hunting. It made me want one!
  8. From the AR areas... Thehunters majority he loves to boast, 77% represents 158 guys and 60%=169 From a state wide survey last year.... "Having the greatest freedom to choose which antlered buck I take=58%" "Set mandatory AR to reduce harvest of yearling bucks during all deer seasons 48%" I must say guys like thehunter certainly have a negative affect on AR veiws, I like him, he helps the non-AR side by posting and being himself here. Good Job.
  9. haha yea Culver, I wish it were that easy at this point of the season. It would be even better if I could just open the freezer and have them climb in. lol
  10. Me too, wheres the info? The only way you are going to get 437 pounds of deer is if you tie or freeze 3-4 together..ok maybe 2-3 but still!
  11. I would think something like this would have made the paper here, I haven't heard any thing about it so I say its hogwash.
  12. Thats one of those people that ought to be real glad its not survival of the fittest any more, haha I would lump her in with the types that don't realize their headlights are not on at night even after flashing them with the highbeams. They must sit in their cars wondering why every one keeps flashing them and why they can't see anything.
  13. I just bundle up like an eskimo and make sure I move when I get cold. I have been when it has been waayyy colder than it has been this year so I just think back to days when it was 10 and a wind chill of -21 and I think its warm when its only 19 out.
  14. I don't think its aftermarket exhaust, I think its just a dirtbag who doesn't care about any thing like that. I laughed when I read that part because the guys that poached the buck I had hit with the bow had a low rumbly sounding conversion van, I am guessing it need some work and wasn't sounding that way on purpose. And do poachers actually buy a license? I don't see why they would, I mean if you are going to break some bigger laws why waste money on a tag?
  15. I use real Black Powder. I don't have to worry removable breech plugs or shotgun primers on my Lyman side hammer. ha
  16. haha I meet a ML beleiver last September, I kinda chuckled when he started with story time and later in the day he and his buddies were watching Turkey Vultures flying in a kettle and they insisted they were hawks. I tried to correct them and ofcourse I was wrong..haha I was not surprised at all. Any way, I also was wondering about tagging that Fallow deer..how does that work?
  17. This year it was split between state land and land owned and controlled by the farmer who lets in a couple of other guys. I had better luck seeing and getting chances at deer on the state land as NO others were on it and the acorns were heavy. Although my two does have come from the farmers land, only because that is where I made it count.
  18. um yea thats a hell of a good price, those things go from $40-$150 a piece..NICE! I have a Wusthof boning knife, 6" blade and I have had it for over 10 years and have never had an issue with it. Its one of my favorite knives and combine that with your sharpening wheel Santa is going to bring and you are all set! I want one of those sharpening wheels now by the way, it looks like it would be awesome.
  19. I think its safe to assume you should be fine if it smelled good. Maybe cook some up and give it to your buddy that hit him with the bow and have him test it first.
  20. You know I was wondering about that part, I thought you had to have a trapper license but I really don't pay attenion to stuff like that because I would never consider shooting a Fisher or Mink or Marten. Maybe he will get in more trouble then?
  21. Oh yea, he did nothing wrong but DEC is going to investigate. I like the part where they knew who he was and couldn't find him for a couple of days, and the guy that got shot confronted him at the time it happened and he still left the scene.
  22. Here is the link to the newspaper article, sounds like some one is going to get in trouble. This happened not far from where we hunt down there. www.thedailymail.org/articles/2010/11/30/news//doc4cf49c643ae27307695564.txt
  23. Well then its a good idea not to eat regular hamburger, venison is waaaayyy better than most any other meat as far as health concers.
  24. You can stuff a deer into most trunks, just last week we squeezed a doe into the back of my Sentra..haha My buddy tried to drive down a seasonal road that was a snowmobile trail in his old Corolla...he didn't make it far and I had a long laugh when he told me what he had done.
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