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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. I used to try every and any bow out there when I got new ones often with no price cap. i'd switch brands with the wind. I went with whatever I thought felt better that year. I've had or have bows from GanderMountain, Bowtech, Diamond, Bear, Hoyt, and PSE. Mathews usually had one in the running but never pulled the trigger and bought one. switchback, Z7, and Z7 Mag were good bows.
  2. you posted proof of what you got. looks like you don't have any pull there and got the restricted crappy permit. lol
  3. I think grow has posted a video before from growing deer TV that used that term. I wouldn't compare it to tenderloin but I think we're talking the same thing. point is I've found if it's a different muscle that can be separated it might not be the same texture, tenderness, or flavor as the one next to it. i'm not a butcher, despite my dad did have a store when I was very young, so I don't know the technical terms.
  4. I think you're talking about in beef terms what's called the tritip. I believe it's where the strap technically extends between muscles into the hind quarter. about 5" or so long. what i'm talking about is parallel and next to the upper rear leg bone. most cut it away with the whole rump roast but it's actually a separate muscle if you look. similar in shape to a backstrap. I rarely keep things together even in roasts, always separating muscles. probably more than necessary but I guess I have my way of doing things.
  5. there's a portion of the hind quarter that's inside it all. produces smaller roasts but it's tender and delicious. if not smoked as a whole it's great cut into cubes, marinated, thrown on a spit, wrapped, and cooked low and slow. basically a glorified spiedie.
  6. that slimy membrane you talk of I usually scrape away with an upright edge of a knife blade. if the shot was angled with entrance further back and catching anything behind the liver I usually toss it and don't trim out between the ribs. otherwise it gets a good rinse to remove clotted blood/blood shot and it goes into ground venison. we use a lot of ground in everything from soup, pasta dishes, burgers, tacos, etc. I've used it in other dishes that slow cooks it down but seems like more effort than it's worth by the time your done trimming and what you get.
  7. dbHunterNY


    we had that same one at our QDM co-op check station. it was a good one! this year when someone was pulling out it got hung up on their bed rack on the pickup and that basically ripped the guts of the scale to hell. I replaced it with one of my own and have a second one I use myself. Both those are Moultrie 300lb mechanical scales. I've tested/calibrated them with known weight in the range of 100-200 lbs. After shooting and weighing very old doe that had the chest girth and frame the size of a small horse, yet didn't weigh 100 lbs. I have little faith in charts and fully believe you should weigh your deer on an accurate scale.
  8. hell flaunt what the good Lord give ya and reel the ladies in!
  9. never have had a hang fire or misfire. I've only used 209 ignition systems though.
  10. you Pygmy paid to have a nipple covered? now I've heard it all.
  11. lost lots of time during the season to get poaching legislation passed (meetings with NY legislators, phone calls, and whatever else necessary). even more so work schedule and over a week long family vacation first week in December. it was a great season though. hunted the biggest bucks we've had on the property. bucks with history died and stories, trail cam photos, etc where shared. reports of clean late season misses on certain deer brings promise for next year. elsewhere on the co-op more hunters took their biggest bucks to date and getting them mounted, I got to share some of those experiences or talk with them about it. closed and added acreage to the farm in the beginning regular season. took a respectable 8 pointer around thanksgiving. haven't taken too many bucks lately, so that always feels good. shared the experience with my dad, daughter, and one of my cousins.
  12. the Delmar buck, despite poached, was a free range deer taken out this way in '81 it had more than 20 scoreable points and grossed over 200". around here nobody takes a big deer and spills everything about it, if you have a good hunting area a lot of work goes into growing deer into older age classes. this area isn't known for big deer so any big deer gets lots of attention without allowing the info to get out. we start to get road hunters, trespassing, and all kinds of drama with people that "Need" to hunt there.
  13. have white birch too but I feel like that stuff is worthless. I've had that opinion because every year I've got widow makers of them in my hunting spots here. one year I was on stand (tethered to the tree) and one fell within bow range of me. scared the hell out of me and I hate them. lol
  14. I have a ton of ironwood in by the spot I mentioned. stuff takes over sunlight kissed ground it seems. lots of clay and rocky soil though where I am. hinge it for deer cover and get it lower for turkeys. when the tree finally dies it makes awesome firewood that throws some heat. I haven't had any luck with poplar as deer browse unless it's young growth. most any species a deer will eat though that's young growth like mineral stumps or suckering from hinges, etc deer will seek out. it's very rich in nutrient content, much more so compared to older growth. I've stopped trying to hinge stuff over top of each other for canopied bedding. just collapses too much and is more maintenance. instead I just hinge outward and create side cover open in the middle for doe family bedding. tops and other stuff the bucks usually find somewhere close by they like. we don't have a ton of desirable browse species that's new growth. historically we've had crazy amounts of doe per square mile just in our small area within the WMU.
  15. SteveB it's not that I just don't have a recurve crossbow. I don't have any crossbow. Honestly, my next bow purchase might even be a hybrid long bow. i'll let you know if I acquire a crossbow, in the near future. it just doesn't seem likely.
  16. that wouldn't be my thoughts on why it'd help a great deal. DEC puts a lot of boots on the ground going to deer cutters and other places to get harvest data. they assume a lot about a good portion of the harvested deer population. it'd no doubt be better data and would help them accurately assess doe tag allocations if they did have check stations.
  17. it's sad that a high fenced lie is the focus. if it were a 7.5 year old free range buck even out this way it'd more than likely be huge.
  18. This doom and gloom might just be the change in times. Honestly information technology has killed the oldmway of hunti ng. Results like trail cam photos and recent harvests that are above average are dumped into any means to be at your fingertips. It gives false sense that everyone is doing better than you but they're not. Hard to wrap your head around idea you're just seeing the highlights. Hunters of yesterday seemed to pregame and enjoy the process. Hunters of today want to fast forward to see who won. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  19. yellow birch elm and ash are readily browsed. the poplar is junk though as far as I know. not good for anything. i'd cut every one. some friends of mine I think use a chickory and clover mix that's pretty hardy on their logging roads and can take the abuse.
  20. added to the farm. getting that portion logged to open up the canopy. another portion i'll be hinge cutting less desireable trees only for bedding cover and travel corridors in between and do the same to release or give some more desireable trees some space to populate. it's a section of woods that's got a lot of growth that's low value to me and deer. it works like a natural funnel though during the rut. they'd move through it quickly or use it for open random bedding. right now it's only got a small strip of browse that gets attention. I might find a couple right trees to sucker at the base to make mineral stumps from along the way too.
  21. when I previously saw it, it was captioned, "we're looking for a buck tag. we just found out this one buck has been sleeping with all of us in the past month alone!"
  22. I'll only include places hunted but i'm sure there's others. dacks up north: near a paper company lease I know of. it'd take a three days to hike up into there behind it but it's loaded with deer and giant deer. club who hunts the paper co lease forever never makes it to the inaccessible state land behind it or needs to hunt it for that matter. each club member on the lease pays $2k I think. club members think if you can get there you deserve to hunt it. good spots around stateland in 3A near slide mountain area if you again have time to camp and hunt. add in Mt Tom north of here but the potential for bucks here in capitol region: there's only pine bush as it's bow only but often times it's still over pressured with deer in a back yard, golf course, or other business where they're in accessible. every now in then you can catch a big one that gets pushed where he doesn't want to be from recreational trail users. western NY: there's some honey holes in places around High Tor and at Darien Lake state park but always had to access them by not using a trail head and instead paying off some fire house or person to park at their place to gain access. always got busted by more deer than I wanted to using the trail heads you're supposed to. never hunted Letchworth or any other public land spots out that way though, only private land. just wasn't practical at the time. If I won the lottery i'd hunt and kill a 3.5+ year old buck and doe, in each WMU region, on public land, before I die. that'd be a sweet bucket list item.
  23. in an area where "you can't eat the horns", a customer drops a bottle of buck urine on the floor, and doe hopelessly search for prospects that aren't their cousin.
  24. overall results will be different for different areas because they're just different. if implemented on a statewide level they'll be designed ensure a good # of bucks grow into 2.5 and on much more rare occasion 3.5 years old. antlers and body size will get bigger as a results but only to a degree that age can have. some of them will get smart (ditch some ignorance) and they'll naturally elude hunters and live to see older days. that's all they'll do. I've found out for many that's good enough and better than where they're at now. that said every state that has any mandated restriction doesn't do it every where. only in areas that are best served by them. it blows my mind that we live in a state with a DEC that can justify giving deer vasectomies and phlebotomies yet not be up for a trial and error run on OBR or ARs. I mean if they aren't willing to because they don't want to make a decision that might look bad, that day has come and gone like an anniversary.
  25. all QDM co-op's are different. ones i'd be referencing are in their infancy. the only thing they're doing is monitoring doe harvest closer than the state can and using ARs to pass only the youngest of bucks. some here and there get into actually habitat stuff but it's no more than what anyone else does around the state. a little hunt plot and simply logging their property once in a great while. if it's only 2.5 years old it's common to have spindly antlers, it's only seen it's second year with a true set of antlers! comparing antler circumference we're in an area with historically some of the smallest antlers. I agree with you though that ARs are only going to do so much. they aren't the fix all solution by themselves. i'm not saying the "data" meat cutters have isn't good. actually i'd better money that DEC has data collected themselves from all those deer. ARs have done what they're supposed to do. get deer to the next age class. if you want bigger bone per age class, you've got to give them more and better nutrition. it's also got to happen year after year for multiple generations of deer. literally in the next county over though I know of QDM co-ops that have been doing all parts of QDM for many years and it shows there bucks are bigger and older with people thinking they're midwest deer, but i agree they aren't really relevant to the discussion. then again maybe it's not. what I've taken from your posts is the antler restrictions did what they were supposed to but you're expecting and/or want more.
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