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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. when it comes to whitetailed deer and their acknowledged range.... NY state has the 4th highest amount of acreage open to the public for hunting them. we're 10th in the nation for antlerless deer harvested per square mile. 7th in the nation for buck harvest per square mile. we lead the nation with the highest % of yearling buck harvest that our the easiest deer to harvest. we don't need longer seasons. if you need a longer season and more time to hunt then you had an unusual hardship keeping you from the woods, didn't care to make more time for hunting, or need to be under the wing of a more experienced hunter to help get the job done. this utilized opportunity is bitter sweet in my opinion as our hunting satisfaction and anticipation is based on quantity and not quality. our state managed predator population as a whole is increasing and we currently have deer in the best situation given we've got nothing like EHD, CWD, or blue tongue to contend with. this target rich environment can't last forever and highest yearling buck take in the nation down right sucks from perspectives of both a quality hunting experience and whitetail ecology .....but nevermind we're doing fine. the way we're going is a like a cruise ship on the best body of water with a slow leak and no bilge pump. there's more than enough hands on board to fix the situation but everybody's too worried about enjoying their own vacation to bother what's best for everybody as a whole to keep the vacation going.
  2. was going to put some cams back out to catch survivors but then i never got to it. a lot of nice bucks speculated as surviving.
  3. only processor that touches deer meat of mine is Stratton's Custom Meats out this way. They wait to do venison products after season but do bulk sausage when they cut up your deer. they only do stuff like that in 10 lb increments though for what you order. so they use your deer really no scraps or anything left over.
  4. when i lived on the farm i was just as heavy but 2 full pant sizes thinner. i could easily carry a few seed bags on each shoulder. now doing that would probably break me in half. so the help has definitely changed.
  5. 40+ lb hay bales still pretty common Doc. many smaller farms, horse farms, suburban folks looking for mulch or food for rabbits all need them. even people raising a feeder steer for meat look for them. we even get traveling zoos and urban dairy farms that buy those bales. they can't handle and use the bigger ones like 1200lb round bales we've done before. still in high demand.
  6. i'm not old. only in my 30's but still a lot has changed and still changes. milking is gone from free stall to automated parlors. hardly anyone plows anymore. everything around here is no-till. hay harvesting has changed a ton. loose hay was before my time but many baled it into small square bales. now you have anything from haylage, plastic wrapped round bales, to large square bales. small square bales still common though. stacked on a flat wagon. now there's loader attachments that grab 9 bales at once to stack them, otherwise they're shot through a belt kicker aimed any where you want into a steel frame sided wagon. mowed it with haybines (sickle bar style cutting) with lots of triangular blades with guards to replace most with pop rivets, then later soft bolts that broke all the time. if you went through mowed hay it plugged up. now hay is mowed by a discbine that's got a row of spinning blades like a lawn mower that articulates out to the side with hydros. single row rakes that pulled the hay into rows to bale are now replaced with ones that fold out with hydros to do multiple rows in one pass. more out west where they have room to run they've got everything from automated irrigation sprayers that go around the field unmanned to much larger tractors with touch screen display and gps "autopilot". LCD displays show how full wagons and grain bins are. a lot has changed. barns can now be engineered for the whole process efficiency. guy not far away sold his vineyard and decided to be a dairy farmer. new barns alone are close to $4 million. crap isn't spread on fields it's collected in containment and methane gas collected and burned to heat water to clean milking facilities and supply heat. before you didn't go to college because you were a farmer now you go to college for ag business to run a farm like one.
  7. his father lost because upstate for once got off their a** to vote during a low voter turn out year, only slightly lower than last time current cuomo was up for re-election. it can still happen any election year the seat comes up, but for some reason people don't think that. they just look at overall voting population numbers and we know that's not accurate.
  8. ...that's bitter sweet. here in NY we kept ours and have rock bottom voter turn out for his re-election year. next one is coming around though.
  9. your views being that of America in general is the reason WE now going to have a Republican President, WE have a Republican majority in the US Senate, and WE have a Republican majority in the US House? Time to face reality with your big boy pants on. You're entitled to your views and far beyond the bounds of these forums, but they've now been proven obsolete.
  10. i know of a couple guys you just call them up in canada. they take over a 100 every season. some hunters it's more of a passion than deer and they've got it down. maybe i'll get out this year. any time is a good time but i'd rather take them later in the season.
  11. definitely on top of the game. i hope it passes.
  12. i as a permit holder and someone who very much hates NY gun laws am going to do this.... without question wait until January 2018 to renew. before then i'm going to go to the state police website (because it has nothing to do with the county clerks office) and print multiple copies of the paper forms ahead of time. by nature everyone will wait anyway, bum rush the site, and then the site will crash. i then wouldn't otherwise have the forms as a backup, and i'll have put myself in a pickle. i hope their IT department and admin paper pushers have coffee and a stress ball at the ready.
  13. nothing new or different every bow brand is slowly going toward similar designs like this. lightweight more rigid risers and preloaded beyond parallel limbs. the fit and finish on elite's with the warranty i'm sure will make them awesome bows and put them up there with the best. spilled non-sponsor ata show reviews of the Option series have been good. bowtech's split limb issues are the past. they were the first now everybody is doing them.
  14. i used to get stuff from gander a lot when i lived out in buffalo. now it's usually from cabelas and with their club stuff. i bought two pair of Muck boots that have served me very well years ago. time to replace a pair but the whole ordeal of them posting on social media supporting HSUS and then the lie about saying they were donating to a local shelter. just doesn't sit well with me. i'm all for helping animals but not through that psychotic group that would lock every hunter inside a church and then burn it down. i've been looking at other brands. I do get clearanced out things i need after the season. just got scent lok cold blooded pants and parka for 50% off with other discounts on top.
  15. as it dries up and with dragging bigger stuff will get hung up in an actual set of drags and other stuff will break down. some out it you'll have to rake out of the there somehow. whether it be renting something, like a york rake. you might be able to have your volunteer FD train by doing a controlled burn to burn it off but i doubt it. i don't here much about it and feel like here in NY it's taboo to burn stuff off unless it's a preserve or state controlled land. plowing a field is out dated. all you're doing is pulling up more rocks and weed seed to deal with. you just need to aerate the soil and let the seed make contact. from the looks of it deer travel all over. you're going to want to put them in there somewhere so that you can access without getting busted by every deer in there. wet spots and leaving some desirable bigger stuff and terrain will dictate shape a bit.
  16. good thing about SS media is it can be rinsed, drained, and reused practically forever i'd think. expensive but worth it. would you need a barrel type tumbler instead of the conventional vibrating tumbler? i've known people using both but no idea why you would use one versus the other.
  17. it looks like a brush hog will work more than fine. first pass a little higher and second drop it. then as things green up do multiple sprayings with a cheaper tank sprayer ratchetted down in the back of the UTV. drag it with a set of C tine drags or cultivators to go deeper and that should open things up to bare dirt. you just need a shallow seed bed and seed to soil contact. seems to me like it should be harder figuring out where to put them and how to shape them. in some spots it seems like you're going to need something planted that can take a little flooding.
  18. improve habitat and property value for landowners on the co-op i help "manage". take one of three bucks that made it through this season that would make appearances at one stand. that stand is one i took my first buck out of and those bucks would all be 4.5 yrs old. help prevent the poaching situation where i hunt and in NY. defend a 3D outdoor championship. take some others beginner and youth on successful hunts. i'm sure i forgot something.
  19. i know of others spanning up to Warren County. If i hear of a group ordering some up there i'll let you know. Probably stuck doing what you said though.
  20. that's a great group at that range! shoots whatever ammo you're using alright. i've got pistol competition tonight. hopefully i can shoot that well single handed. had a different grip come in the mail that should help me out a little more. not too practical for carrying around though. i'd like to get mine out for some small game though. so far it's an indoor/safe queen, without the looks.
  21. lake effect for you and absolutely nothing all week for us in the NE. south of buffalo always got hammered though when i lived out there. coyote hunters with dogs are complaining. anything we've been getting melts a little and freezes over to crustiness. no fluffy stuff to do much of anything on.
  22. another newer option that's out now is the Smith & Wesson Victory. not time tested but they know what they're doing. few pistol guys at the gun club have already picked up those.
  23. a fox will run down a young fawn to eat it. we've seen it. one day we had a JD gator and two four wheelers in a wagon train around a fawn and then ran a fox off. didn't realize why the fawn was running and bawling so much until the fox appeared in a dead sprint after it and started trying to nip at its rear. bear coyote and about anything else puts them low in the pecking order but they still have a go at.
  24. true but you haven't seen something done right and then you quietly change the way you do something like you've been doing it that way the whole time? haha
  25. i have an assumed easy solution. offer to bring over some beer and help him cut up a few deer. then we you see him doing something wrong jokingly bust his balls and say you'll take what meat he's wasting if he's just going to toss it. when he sees the pile when you're done and it's almost the size of his he'll change. quietly and not admitting to anything but he will. you never know what he's doing though to cause it and could be processing it completely right. say he takes that win mag and shoots the deer in the neck or too foward into the shoulders and then splits the rib cage right up to high in the chest. right there could be 18 lbs at least on a middle aged buck. i've gotten anything from 80 lbs to 40 lbs with the exception of a car hit button buck. i trim everything OCD like probably more than most. i hate it when i catch guts on a quartering shot. that means everything inside has to be trimmed and i don't pull rib meat. seems to happen a lot too.
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