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Everything posted by nyslowhand

  1. Where's BUCKSTOPSHERE? This is one of his hunting obsessions. Posted an interesting article in NYON not long ago, possibly a reprint...?
  2. Losing track.. Are we still discussing blinds or GF demands or getting her "turned on"..? Of course you're talking about getting her interested in hunting, right? lol
  3. Yes, but not for collectible or sentimental reasons. Save one or two of most recent ones, mostly for proof of hunter's safety & bow hunting course completion since mine were initially recorded on stone tablets.
  4. Granted, some towns may have stricter laws, but common sense says it's a camping trailer on wheels so it isn't subject to all the codes a permanent structure would have on it. If it's a motorized RV, may get into differing junk or unlicensed vehicle ordnances per your town regs. When I bought my property I had the same initial thoughs as you have. By the time I shopped around for a used camper within my budget, they were all fixer-uppers with additional ongoing maintenance costs. What I found was I could build or buy a super-sized shed (12'x24') on skids for about the same initial cost with much less ongoing expenses. All I needed was proof (photos) it wasn't permanent, the proper property line set-backs, a building permit & a small added assesment increase for the non-permanent outbuilding. Again, this was per my town's regs. Shouldn't come up, but if you get into a discussion about sanitation with town officials, do NOT mention the word "outhouse".
  5. Most are designed for one person set-up. BUT, I'd be more concerned about a girlfriend putting a stipulation on your hunting already LOL
  6. We're discussing a region along the southern shore of Lake Ontario. Pretty sure (??) there are decent bear populations in other areas of NY. They just haven't migrated north out of the southern tier or westerly from the ADKs to be common where we're talking about this rare sighting. Not yet..!
  7. Damned bear sightings are so rare in our neck of the woods (N 8F), not even sure I'd shoot one. Maybe in self-defense..! lol. Still waiting for another "moose on the loose" alert like ~12yrs ago. Made it all the way to Williamson.
  8. Maybe 3-4 years ago there were cam photos & spottings of a small bear in town of Sodus. Just off the backside of my property. Guessing it was same one that got hit by a car closer to Wolcott. Makes you wonder when walking in/out of the woods in the dark & seeing the reflection of eyes... Bettter check 2014 bear season & newly opened areas. Most of NY has a season!
  9. Pretty sure John (Burmjohn) is referencing salaried positions with uncompensated additional hours "above & beyond the call of duty"...? Hourly workers can only do so much compensated OT, unless greed is the driving factor. Either scenario, if you're working a lot, something is being sacrificed. Generally that's your family, friends &/or personal life! Just have to decide what you want out of life and where your priorities lie, unless you believe in re-incarnation. My philosophy was that I worked to live & not the other way around! I finally put my foot down ~4yrs ago when I retired early & unexpectedly. Had enough of that crap!!! My mental health was worth more to me than padding the 401k. Sorry, couldn't resist..! Not to overly simplify this dilemma, but it all comes down to when you're in the twilight years, asking yourself in hindsight- Would I do it all again? Would I change anything? Was it worth it? What did I gain or lose? Was my family or health sacrificed?
  10. Let's just say, I wish I had all the money in my pocket that I've spent over the years on attractant scents. Do they work, as you asked? In the right situation, conditions, buck density, time of the rut, with a receptive buck within "smelling" range, the correct scent and if he's in the mood, inquisitive enough and hasn't also picked-up any human scent - Sure! More often than not, you have little control over making all these stars align.
  11. I've bought a lot of arrows in my lifetime, never got into DIY fletching. So I can only speak about the quality of purchased arrows. Most on-line archery sites can customize arrows to your specifications; arrow brand/model, cut to length, style, color & offset of vanes, inserts, wraps, etc. I've had mixed results from these sources, as have I at local shops. Can see the allure of DIY arrow building! FYI - Do a little more research on vane offset before investing in a fletching jig.
  12. Very generous offer, I applaud you! Hope you find the right person. I'm old school, meaning deals are made on a person's word or through a handshake. Human nature being what it is in today's world, you really need some concrete expectations of what this "sweat equity" barter will be. Need to define the specific work hours (# & when), tasks involved and the consequences of the individual's not fulfilling the agreed "work for hunt" obligation. If it's for a bucks only, no does or bears hunting privilege, then you need to make this very clear upfront! Sound too cold hearted? If you go into this relationship in a lackadaisical manner, you'll both come out of it disappointed & spiteful. Trust me, it's hard to look into a young hunter's eyes and tell them the relationship isn't working out when it's really your fault for never setting any concrete ground rules to begin with. Been there, done that! So before you turn over the keys to your mini-hunting kingdom to a total stranger, give a lot of thought to your expectations & options available. Putting my cynicism aside, pretty sure there are numerous young hunters in your area that would be more than willing to fulfill your expectations in exchange for the hunting privilege you're offering!
  13. Putting the financial issue aside, a very cool experience for the kids from both worlds.
  14. If you watch the Vengance Xbow review, either on Barnett's website or YouTube, appears as though servings on string ride on the rails. Put a bolt on rails & measure to mid-point of nock from rails - should be same as string hgt off rails. Most Xbows I've seem, string's serving rides on rails. If you use "as-is" probably get extremely inaccurate or inconsistent shot to shot, assuming it will shoot straight. To back up some, not sure I'd even shot a bolt with string off the rails that much. Not much to assembling a Xbow, typically 2pcs bolted together. Bad molded or machined part? Basically, it's not right & I'd return it to the store for an exchange or refund!
  15. Didn't you (WNYBH) also mention there would be a seperate youth division...? Don't see it....
  16. Always "the plan" for my SZ bow season, the 1st big, mature doe that comes within range goes down (hopefully). Typically try to wait until at least mid-Nov for a 2nd doe I try to donate annualy. After 1st doe the patience part of the season begins, numerous, long, boring sits waiting for that buck. Okay, like all good laid plans.... If I see a decent buck that gets my heart pounding & the adrenaline flowing, it's not getting a pass on any early season, pre-rut day. If it feels right at the time, do it and never look back 2nd guessing yourself! Have done it way too many times so I try not to set myself up for the old proverbial mind-game of sitting in the recliner during the winter with 20/20 hindsight looking back at the season and thinking woulda, coulda, shoulda..!
  17. http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/tech/2014/06/09/devices-drone-dji-phantom.cnn.html
  18. Not sure I'd use a Hoppe's oil, has a distinct odor! Not that I'm buying or endorsing this, but I did see an odor-less bow/gun oil from Dead Down Wind. Oiling the cam (pivot) on a compound bow probably won't hurt, nor will it help or improve anything.
  19. Guy has deer on-site he extracts/collects scents from, so it is natural urine. His products are as good as any other natural deer scents. If you've used doe estrus on a dragline and had a buck follow it - you swear by it. If you've used several bottles and had no bucks attracted to it - it seems to be a waste of money. Same goes for all the other commercial scents available. Pretty small business (North Country Products), so call before heading out there if you're local! Pretty sure he also has a few retail outlets that sell his products. Believe he has a Facebook presence, but no official web site as far as I know. Being a natural scent, they need to be stored accordingly, it does have a relatively short shelf life and should be refrigerated during early bow season.
  20. Depends on when they were born. Gotten recent photos (past ~2 weeks) of numerous fawns with, w/o and different phases of losing their spots. Basically depends on their age/DOB.
  21. Meat processors love them. Get to charge full price for 1/2 the materials & work. Years ago I asked a processor about donations & they specifically told me yes they accept them, but no dinks or fawns please.
  22. Good point! If anyone has every shot a Xbow out to 40-50yrds, you clearly become aware of the potential of a deer "jumping the string". Of course, you can hit the bull's-eye at those distances! But.... as you pull the trigger, hear the loud thud of the string and watch the arrow/bolt arc through the air to the target, it seems to take an eternity for it to arrive. And this is in addition to the distinct click of the safety before the shot. And..the noise, movement & time required to prepare for any 2nd chances make it almost nonexistent. Anyone that is contemplating buying a Xbow with the falsely advertised perception of doubling their compound bow's range &/or hunting (shooting) like you previously had with a vertical bow - think again!!
  23. FYI - There's also a $10 coupon for Dick's Sporting Goods on a $25 purchase in the new DEC's Hunting rules/regs booklet, pg 7. In printed booklet only, doesn't appear within the on-line version.
  24. If you read the NYON article, it's mainly retailers complaining about not being able to sell the 200+# Xbows they took from their suppliers. Pretty sure Biz is right, new Xbow regs simply carried over some of older ones which were originally used to describe the length, width, draw wgt of a Xbow as a legal implements in NYS. BTW - A Xbow's 3X the draw weight (~180# vs 60#) of a compound does NOT equate to proportional increases in fps. My 10pt is 180# and shoots somewhere in the range of 330fps with ~100Ke. Much better performance than compounds of the 1990's era, but pretty similiar fps/Ke as most compound models on the current market.
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