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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by nyslowhand

  1. Boards are fun! Keeps you invested in the game regardless if your team is doing well or not. Saw an interesting perspective on the SB yesterday. Thought was that SF's defense would throttle Mahomes and win via their running game. Not an opinion I'd place a bet with... Sorry Biz!
  2. OMFG, reminds me of the actor Richard Gere's emergency room visit years ago.
  3. Hate to be the pessimist here, but any 2020 Xbow legislation appears to be going the exact same route as previous 5 years. Last year's legislative bills had different verbiage &/or provisions, kudos to NYCC! Bills still died in both the House & Senate's Enviro Conser sub-committees. As of early January 2020 the same bills were refereed to those dreaded, slow death sub-committees ... again. Am I waking up to a new day (year) with new hopes that will eventually end as the previous day (year) did? Love to get some input on this thread from NYCC about how I might expect this year to be different than previous 5yrs. Just difficult to be encouraged when Xbow hunters seem to be in a reoccurring Groundhog's Day (legislative) cycle. Clearly we do NOT need to beat this dead horse again with strong opinions from Pro vs Con members. Looking for suggestions about how to break this cycle.
  4. Wider tires in muddy areas are much easier to tow behind, esp with weight in/on trailer!
  5. Looks like a neat small trailer with nice ATV type tires & a tilt bed which is helpful. If it indeed has a small platform size...? May already know this, but these are great for building side racks on a flatbed trailer.
  6. ^^but, but.. don't ya just want to go out and sit in it and imagine you're fishing?
  7. A legend gone too soon! Sad day!!!
  8. Definitely not your normal TV hunting show, a la The Outdoors Channel. Granted it's on the History Channel, so assuming actual kills might not be shown as frequently. Worth the viewing time if not only for the Kodiak Island scenery, images of brown bears and what might go into an expected guided hunt. Little over the top showing hunters using MLs &/or compound bows, not something I'd dream of doing. Some of the assumed scripted stuff was hard to take like the less than proficient rifle shooters, potential shooting from a boat, baiting with deer carcasses, a mere 2 day hunt, hunters less than physically capable of hunting the terrain and esp the matching of the old timer guide (Buckey) with polar opposite, flat-lander hunters expecting to stay in a true lodge. Then there's the married couple going into the thicket after a wounded brown bear that had charged them with her only having 3 bullets and he had none. Seemed like the introduced drama of their retrieval with husband's Diabetes issues taking up more air time than the actual hunt was intentional by the show's producers. BTW - Anyone interested should skip the 1st couple of "background" episodes and get into the more "gritty" episodes showing actual hunting situations.
  9. Is the Jet Sled really that much harder to pull across grass (lawns) compared to on leaves like the video mentioned?
  10. True, but I was just looking at the irony of the situation. Obviously, this isn't an isolated back-up QB making good situation.
  11. .... and your deer is stacked next to these less than ideally field dressed ones. I was afraid of the answer, so I never asked a processor how long those deer laid stacked up. Not to mention at peak harvest times, those stacks can be .. big!
  12. The thing I find most interesting about this year's Super Bowl is that all the members of the Patriot's dynasty will be sitting in their man-caves watching their ex-backup QB they traded away playing in the SB. Karma....?
  13. Oh yeah, as enticing as the lower cost of Swisher mower products appears, they should come with a disclaimer about requiring continual repairs. Just not built to take a beating! Maybe this is why they have such an extensive online parts source? Paid my dues with a Swisher walk-behind brush hog doing R&Rs routinely.
  14. WOW, now that's even better reading - "Law & Order" section of the weekly Wayne Times.
  15. Interesting video, but does it need strictly Jif PB and a cig hanging out of my mouth to be a 100% effective bait mix...? IRC, the actual defendants in that Sullivan Co court ruling were not hunters. They were feeding deer for their own pursuit of happiness and possibly other constitutional rights. Which is what the judge considered in his ruling. This is why it baffles me as to how this ruling wasn't considered state wide...!?!
  16. I'm guessing these violations would be available to the public under the FOIA, but assuming you'd need to jump thru hoops to get access to it!?! As interesting as the "Cuffs & Collars" is, it by no means is a through bi-weekly report on all violations. Fun to read about idiots all the same!
  17. Kind of a unique ML system & powder cartridge! What will be more interesting is whether other ML mfgers will retrofit their barrel manufacturing to adapt to these new Firestick load cartridges. If they don't follow suit, Traditions will be left hanging with a unicorn and the Federal Ammo supplied Firesticks will be $$$. Assuming these Firestick cartridges will NOT fit/work with any existing ML'ers!?!
  18. FYI - I had one of these and abused the hell out of it with no issues. Hauling firewood, 1000# of gravel, toting ladder stands and tilting the bed to roll a deer into it. If you get the Haul Master and add ATV ties/wheels, you're in the price range of one of these Otter trailers. https://www.otteroutdoors.com/product-category/otter-trailers/
  19. Kind of strange, since most hunter's with vision issues levitate to scopes over open sights.. BUT ... Do know one person who had similar issues with a scope and installed TruGlo handgun type sights on his Xbow. Assuming it's all about where you sight-in the Zero on open-sights and knowing the over/under for different yardages. Thought he was crazy for doing this, but he loves the difference. So.. whatever floats your boat!!
  20. Fer sure! JMO, I'd rather see Pete Rose or Shoeless Joe Jackson in the MLB HOF than Rodriquez, McGuire, Bonds and so many others that used "performance enhancements". The great American past time, right!?!
  21. Whatz next, a bobble head version? Wait... they do come signed by the son as a sort of artwork piece.... (sarcasm).
  22. Link was fixed! Don't know much about anatomy, but that view showing where the head was sawed off looks really strange to me!
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