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Everything posted by thphm

  1. Very windy here right now and 66 degrees, Just had 2 small doe walk past the house, very slow and cautious , was going to work on the new raised stand today, have 4x4 PT in the ground ,have to level up and start adding planks, just too windy to do by myself. Also do not need to have branches from the surrounding trees falling me.
  2. Gro. for the last 5 years by me I have seen the number of female hunters increase , young and older ladies both archery and firearms.
  3. Congratulations young lady on putting meat in the freezer.
  4. Now till sunset is the time to be out there.
  5. Good point but myself and others have had some nice bucks walk up or past at the time Always keep your wepon of the season in your hand.
  6. X Dear Search member and NYSDEC Leashed tracking dog holder license. Ticker went sour , had to give up my license,and my dog also is too old. There was info on the Dear Search website at one time how to train your dog.You just need some Fresh ( the fresher the better) blood from a deer.A few drops in a line at first a little hair will help also, Every day make the distance longer and start twisting and turning it. If they have a good nose they will pick it up fast.
  7. Also hot apple cider in a SS thermos that is inside of a insilated cover.Never had a problem with noise.
  8. Full plastic bottle of water inside of an insulated jacket or cover, with apple cider or water. A gallon only weighs 8.+ pounds,.
  9. Have you ever noticed abandoned Cars in the middle of no where.
  10. X2 Plus you can buy a lot of meat for what it will cost to repair it and time lost from work,if you screw it up.
  11. I had one on my property that I watched him grow from a spike to 10 pointer in 5 years.Long story. But I did not see him after bow season last year, I guess someone out smarted him.
  12. Visitors last night Around 11.00 pm around 1.30 am. Glad to see this little guy or gal is out smarting the fox in the area,been coming around at night for a month now. Pictures taken with a junk Trophy Cam.
  13. It's a shame thee wind kicked up thou.Going to have another full one tonight and not as windy tomorrow.
  14. If you wan't to start a fresh scrape and tie down a sapling as mentioned before.Do you put anything on the branch or branches to get them to start smelling. licking. In the past I have just made a scrape.?.
  15. Grow. I normally do not complain about about things that happen or have happened to me in my life , and I am guessing a good 20 years more then yours.I am a 1 man show,with a house ,animals and enough property to keep me,myself and I busy year round.( My Choice ) for proberly the last 20 years.I have had my share of accidents, operations and daily pains.You just learn to cope with them. Get that knee taken care of as soon as possible , go to PT, So you might miss a lot of hunting this year but the deer and other animals will still be there. And you will be in better shape to give it your all later on. I my self prefere not to shoot a deer in this warm weather unless it is at least a 3year old doe or by me ( has to be ) a 6 point or better buck.Do not have a chest freezer, I have to take it 20 miles to be butchered.Good thing for the 4 wheel drive JD tractor with the bucket on front to bring it down and put in the pick up.. Just hang in there an take care of your body first.And keep everybody here informed how things are going.I know everybody will be hoping the opperation turns out well.
  16. The first bird I ever shot with a bow and arrow was 60 years ago was a pheasant.
  17. Hmm, that means I must have 30 more then you in the drawer
  18. You could give Bear Spring Mountian a shot ( Not Bear Mountian ) NYSDEC campground and hunting in the area.
  19. Hmmm, looks like the does are traveling to the bucks by me, We ill see what happens when it gets cool out.
  20. Only one bike ?. wait till the Mushroom pickers are out there.
  21. Been making a mock one for the last week , cam only shoes a doe visiting it.
  22. I was going to build one also after I added up the price of the lumber ( pressure treated ) required I just went out and bought a ground blind. If you can get the wood for free that's a plus and you can and should coat it with some sort of wood presertive. There were many stands and platforms on my property when I bought it and all were made out of plain lumber and nailed up,99 % of them are in pieces hanging fro the tree trunks.
  23. Wow 35 years together that's Great,hope there many many to come, congrats to the 2 of you.
  24. I have been out cutting fire wood almost every day and for the last few weeks no bugs. You people must be eating or wearing something to attract bugs.
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