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Everything posted by steve863

  1. I knew a guy once who was constantly buying and selling guns. He would make a $25 to $50 profit on a sale and he was happy as a clam, yet never took into account all the time and energy he wasted trying to make that sale. I don't care if one owns expensive guns or cheap guns, my observation is that NO one will ever make much money by selling them. It's only chump change in the scheme of things thus any gun I own will never get sold. If my kids don't want them and decide to throw them into the river once I am gone, so be it. Not like I will be too worried about it then. LOL
  2. I don't think a woman has ANY more right than anyone else to terminate a pregnancy as late as 7-9 months into it. Neither does the Dr.. Maybe if the mothers life was somehow in real jeopardy, but so far NO one has given any examples of how it could be at this stage of pregnancy where the baby couldn't be pulled out alive instead of terminated. At this stage in the pregnancy the child in a good percentage of cases would survive if it were born prematurely, so what right does anyone have to terminate it? If it dies naturally then there is NO argument, but why does anyone, even the mother have the right to decide to terminate it at this point? How different is it if you let the baby be born naturally and then killed it when it was already outside of the mother? Wouldn't that be considered murder by most rational thinking people? I honestly don't see the difference between that or a late term abortion. There is something dreadfully wrong with humanity if we think nothing of such an act. As I've said in an earlier post. We have people balling their eyes out over a stray cat that was run over by a car or over the deer that we shot, yet the act of aborting a human being as late as 7-9 months into the pregnancy is just fine and dandy with most people? Unbelievable! I honestly don't know how many such late term abortions actually take place, I am hoping not very many, but having the law now give the green light to such practices is a tragedy because NO one should have the right to be allowed to do this. This is not cosmetic surgery here, this procedure involves a human LIFE and the termination of it.
  3. It is not a good thing that they didn't prosecute the priests, but the Catholic church HAS taken numerous measures to try to prevent the abuses from happening again in the future. Anyone working with kids in a Catholic church or school now goes thru a background check and specific child abuse prevention training and must get certified, even if they are doing something as simple as lunch duty at a school. Without this certification you are NOT allowed to work or volunteer around children in a Catholic church or school. Priests are also no longer allowed to be in a room alone with a minor without another adult layperson present. This of course does not mean that abuse of children can never happen again, but I am certain plenty of other churches, schools and organizations haven't even gone this far to try to protect their children. Maybe too little too late in the minds of some, but protective measures ARE being implemented.
  4. He has majority in both houses so he can honestly pass anything he wants right now. Then he'll gleefully sit back and watch those who aren't happy with these new laws fighting them in the courts for years and years hoping that the issue will reach the conservative supreme court. Yep, if he wasn't a tyrant before, he surely will be now!
  5. OK, I won't confuse the two for you Virgil, but I will say that homosexuals are in general obsessed with sex way MORE than the typical straight human being. Hell, their entire identity is based on who they choose to have sex with. Why is that? I could give crap who they want to hump, why do they insist that I should know about it? I find something very wrong with that.
  6. If the fetus isn't viable, why not then just let nature take it's course? If the fetus shown no signs of life, then you can deal with it's removal from the mother. How is anyone to know for certain, be it a doctor or just a mid-wife what the outcome will be for a fetus that they "think" is not viable? How many times have fetus' been written off by doctors while inside the mother, yet were born alive and kept on living? I tell you, many of us are blaming Cuomo for signing this law, and rightfully so, but I just couldn't imagine being a doctor, nurse practioner, midwife or whomever performing something as ghastly as a late term abortion. How they could live with their conscience after doing such a thing is something I will never be able to understand. I sure as hell couldn't! I don't know the statistics on late term abortions and sure hope not many get performed, but just the thought of it is enough to make one sick. And now for the state to sign off and legalize it all as if it were just a simple medical procedure is even more of a tragedy.
  7. I tell you it would. I don't think he has a prayer of ever becoming president anyway but you are seriously underestimating how much clout the Catholic church still has. There are plenty of Catholics out there who are very disturbed by the abuses of the church's hierarchy, but still hold to the values the church teaches. To an athiest NO church has any value, but there are still plenty of people out there who DO value core christian principles.
  8. I agree, but they need to start somewhere and Cuomo is the guy they need to start with and now would be the perfect time since he just signed this into law. Going after a big fish like Cuomo has more clout than if they excommunicated some little known state senator or assemblymen. And it would certainly be something Cuomo would have to answer to if he ever did decide to run for the White House.
  9. Unfortunately the Catholic church has made a LOT of mistakes and has a LOT of baggage of it's own right now. Nonetheless I am all for excommunicating Cuomo. I am sure he wouldn't give a hoot or would the simpletons who keep voting him in, but I will support anyone who will call him out and publicly ostracize him. It's about time someone does. You talk about a Teflon Don? Absolutely nothing has stuck to this guy and unfortunately few have even tried so if the Catholic church would decide to do this I would be all for it. With that said, I am sure the church will not have the guts to do it. Just as in politics, it becomes the same old thing where all it comes down to is lip service and in the end no one does JACK.
  10. Can someone give me legitimate "medical" reasons why an abortion would be done so late in a pregnancy? I am hearing this "legitimate reasons" language, but maybe someone can enlighten me as to why a pregnancy would need to be terminated if a mothers life was somehow in danger over attempting to induce labor or remove the baby alive via C-section?? To me the legal right to terminate the pregnancy has now been made much too easy. I would think a doctor would be allowed to save the mothers life in the gravest of circumstances without any such law on the books. Having the law on the books just opens up an even bigger can of worms where the situation doesn't exactly need to be "grave" for a medical professional to be allowed to perform late term abortions.
  11. Honestly, why should there ever be a LEGITIMATE reason to abort a child that 7, 8 or 9 months along in a pregnancy? Premature infants have survived being born quite early, so if the mother's life is somehow endangered, why not attempt a C-section and remove the child alive? If the baby dies at least an effort was made. You will be amazed how many of these infants will survive, yet some people think nothing of aborting this far along in a pregnancy. If an infant can survive being born at 7 months or even earlier, how is it not murder if you abort at this stage? Is terminating an infant while it's still inside it's mother any more acceptable than having it come out naturally and terminating it then? I am not writing this from a religious perspective here, but from a ethical and biological one. For those with an open mind, I would suggest people give this subject some serious contemplation before they think any of what Cuomo now enacted into law is a good thing.
  12. I think a lot of people mistakenly think that because Trump won the last election that we have a conservative majority in this country. I've got some news for them. Conservatives may have won the battle this time, but they are losing the war in my opinion. And I worry that some of Trump's antic's might be a death blow to it in the long term where conservatism will somehow be even more negatively linked to him.
  13. To them a woman going in to abort the human life inside her should be as easy as a woman going in to get a tummy tuck, a boob job or her a$$ lifted it seems. The only difference is that insurance or the state won't pay for cosmetic surgery while they would for an abortion. Mind boggling isn't it?? How anyone can argue that the fetus inside a mother is NOT a human life is beyond me. No, at certain points of a pregnancy the fetus would not survive outside the mother, but that does NOT in anyway mean that it is NOT a human life or any less of a human life. It IS life, but life at a different stage. Just like we are tiny when we are born, then we grow in size, our brains develop (hopefully for some at least), and then we grow old, and one day we will die. How hard is this to grasp?? It just make me sick when I see the emotion and people balling their eyes out over a stray cat that got run over by a car, or over the deer that we shot, yet they can't wrap their pea brains around what happens when an abortion takes place. Are these people capable of any reasoning at all?? I would think even someone with an inferior brain would be able to understand at least the basics of all this.
  14. I honestly don't think overturning Roe vs Wade would end abortions in this country. All it would do is leave the decision up to the individual states. Some states would surely make it illegal, while other states like NY, NJ, CA and a number of others would continue to allow it. If it's left to the states to decide the President would have no authority to end it in those states.
  15. My disgust with Cuomo goes well beyond the Safe Act. He is as vile as one can get. It absolutely boggles my mind that people in this state can't see it. He obviously hasn't given one minutes thought to what actually happens when a fetus gets aborted. How could anyone who HAS given it a minutes thought be OK with such a law? All in the name of protecting a woman's right to choose?? Unbelievable. I would absolutely be overjoyed if the Catholic church would excommunicate Cuomo. Not that Cuomo or the idiots who keep voting him in would give a hoot, but the public shaming would at least give me some satisfaction here. Unfortunately the church has enough of it's own baggage where something like excommunication of a sitting Governor probably wouldn't hold much water anymore, but any effort to call this guy out is surely welcomed by me. It obviously seems like no one else out there is willing to stand up to this tyrant which is a crying shame in my opinion.
  16. This is good. Finally a NYC gun law makes it to the Supreme Court. Unfortunately there are plenty of other uglier gun restrictions in NYC that won't get addressed here. I would have preferred that some of the others were addressed before this one. The complex process of just applying and being issued a pistol permit in NYC should have been addressed first in my opinion. Let's not even get into the fees that one has to cough up. If anything should be deemed unconstitutional it should be this. Now that the SC will make a ruling in this case, it may be years before they take up any other NYC or NYS gun law issues.
  17. I agree with a number of points you make, especially on the work ethic of many of these illegal immigrants and that most of them are NOT the criminals Trump makes them out to be. However, there needs to be a process for entry into this country. We are all immigrants in one way or another, but most of our ancestors came to this country via legal channels. You can't just swing the borders open for everyone and anyone to come in whenever they want. I don't know if the wall is the answer, but the system is seriously broken. Trump seems to be obsessed by the southern border, but plenty of people from Asia and middle-east countries are flooding into this country also. Why isn't he concerned about them? I know the Chinese population in the area I live in must have increased 5 fold in the last 25 years. I know for a fact plenty of them are illegal. And they sure as heck aren't swimming across the Pacific or Atlantic oceans or are coming in thru the southern border to get here. Many things are messed up in our system, and it definitely needs some fixing.
  18. Of course most won't admit it, but when you have people like Cuomo and DiBlasio coming up with laws to protect and/or give them health insurance, etc., that is all I really need to know on what their position is on the matter. They are actually harbouring them and violating federal law. If someone appointed me president I would put ANYONE who harbours illegals in jail for violating federal law. There would be NO exceptions for anyone. Individuals, businesses, Mayors, Governors, Senators, ANYONE would be subject to imprisonment for this.
  19. That's awesome. Culver and Ryan got their picture in the magazine and I now feel like a published photographer! LOL
  20. Yeah, there is a word for it. "Stoned". That's exactly what most of them look like to me.
  21. Don't underestimate those German carbon steel knives. I have a couple Solengen made hunting knives and they will hold an edge better than a knife costing much more. Plus, carbon steel will hold an edge better than just about any stainless blade.
  22. Are you kidding? She ain't going anywhere yet. She's as tenacious as they get. She could be on life support and she'd wiggle her (left) toe to give her vote to the liberal side.
  23. I realize that a client will pay good money for a hunt, but I don't think most outfitters will appreciate being told how to run a hunt. They typically know their areas way better than the visiting client. Most outfitters have several hunters in at a time and they can't be playing favorites to the whiney hunter who demands to sit at a certain stand just because this hunter thinks it will be the most productive one. That will without a doubt lead to an unhappy hunt for both client and outfitter.
  24. He absolutely loves to rub it in everyone's face. My dislike for him goes far beyond guns. I just can't stand the attitude he has. Like he knows everything and everyone else is a total idiot. It drives me crazy that people are just fine with his arrogance and keep voting him in. Trump can be an arrogant cuss, too, but Cuomo honestly has him beat in how he talks down to the people he is supposed to represent. Trump generally will talk down to the media and other politicians, but in general he is not too harsh on the average guy on the street who doesn't deserve it.
  25. Who was insulted? I would think Sits in trees would be honored to be called a Cuomo.
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