AS for the ticket thing, being an leo i always check the date on tickets, then write another one and stack them to make it look like their is only one. Id love to see the faces of people when they remove them to drive away.
Browning model 127, and a sog switch hunter. I found the browning by a gut pile one year and that thing gets scary sharp with just a stone. the sog has a bone saw and i just cut through the pelvis with it.
i had bird shot whizzing over my head oct 1 in my stand that's down like a 100 foot drop. 4 18 year old kids were surprised to see me come out pissed off but i decided to use it to educate them on where they are shooting and that there are people out here bow hunting.
my new .243 shot a 3 shot group of 95 grain whichester silver tips. .42 inches. I'm happy. i am going to keep a few barnes copper ttsx in case i set up in a stand with close shots.
This right here ^,either way right or wrong if caught more than likely there will be a ticket issued. It would be your money spent fighting it. The DEC rules and regs book was written so long ago it gives them a ton of leeway.
Took another slickhead, she was with a spike. Crap shot caught liver and tracked her after 4 hours. Dead right by the creek where i thought she would be. Time to wait on a big buck now that my freezer is pretty full.
To me it sounds like your hunting this area a lot, i have found that switching area or properties every few days multiplies the amount of deer i see by a lot. I know its not possible for everyone though.