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Everything posted by bruno1

  1. No truer words for me. I have a rut stand that I know I’ll have an opportunity at but only if we have a bumper crop of acorns. Of course we do this year and I most likely won’t be able to get in there
  2. Here’s a good video for guys that wanna run and gun with hang ons and sticks
  3. By the look of his chest,belly and neck your probably correct
  4. He made a big jump from 3 to 4 that’s for sure. He has big sweeping main beams
  5. I’d say you’re spot on with that assessment
  6. I know of a few different groups of guys that shoot studs off of properties that look like this but I always questioned how hard is it really. I go an invite one day to hunt and I went, needless to say it just wasn’t for me
  7. Logo almost looked like Hardcore logo. I know that Dicks does carry Hardcore waterfowl gear
  8. Trust me I’m not a sensitive soul at all. Just don’t like someone calling me dumb when they don’t know what and why we’re spending the money on. I agree though, 5k for a 50 acre piece I couldn’t justify either but that is the way of hunting nowadays.
  9. Wow, usually I’d only see ignorant statements like this in FB! Actually for a dumb guy like me it’s just the cost of doing business not that I need to explain myself and how we spend our money. I’m not a paying sponsor so out of respect for the site I didn’t wanna mention that I’m an outfitter and believe it or not, most outfitters have to pay for their land
  10. Reading some of the prices people are paying upstate and I’d be ecstatic for those. Here on LI if I told you that one of our leases is probably a years salary for some. Not bragging just saying it’s all relative to where you’re located. I literally just spoke to someone this past weekend about expanding our operation to Kentucky and lease prices are $17-$35 per acre.
  11. I live in the middle of the island, looks like I need to scout the apartment complexes by me lol
  12. I guess your buddy is patrolling the deer herd instead of traffic infractions lol
  13. Took screenshots off a couple videos
  14. Can’t seem to post my Trailcam video from my iPad or iPhone
  15. I hunted over by Shahola Falls. Forget the state land number but plenty of deer there back then
  16. I’m seriously considering trying Pike County again this upcoming season. Always did well there
  17. I used to love hunting the state land in PA. Used to hunt in Pike County
  18. Not a problem. Harder doing the pigeon trap video than the dog training video lol
  19. Sorry just got back from grabbing my trap. Caught 13 in the trap. Next time I go I’ll do a short video on me setting it and checking it
  20. Not sure why Long Island is in red, there’s no deer here. I believe they migrated to WNY Lol
  21. I set out 14 cameras between yesterday and today. Usually I’m running them already but got a late start this year
  22. Going early to check my pigeon trap tomorrow. I use them for dog training
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