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Everything posted by Fantail

  1. Nice pics paula, thanks for post them. Reminds me of a spot I hunted in 7r, Turkeys would always hit the old cornfeild. Especialy after the farmer spread manuer. I try not to think about it either
  2. eagle rider; While I don't use varget, the 100-gr sierra round is good jazz. last year I took a big doe with that round at 160 yards she just dropped, didn't go 5 yards, plus a buck off my lease that didn't go but 15 yards. 2 years before that a 7pnt off state land same round, he went maybe 35-40 yards, blood trail stevie nicks could follow. I typicaly use federal brass & imr 4350 nothing extreeme but have some lapua & neck size so I tend not to broadcast loads anymore. tell you what though I was working on a nosler partition 95 gr load with h-414 that started to look real good. On a side note I would go so far as saying I would not go over 200 yards, heck where I hunt that is hardly an issue. Aside from that I spend time at the range & have absolute confidence in my 700.
  3. Last weekend of March - went up to camp to roundup a 1/8 acre size new plot I'm planning to expand into. There was hardly anything to spray on that area, so I didn't. I mean the grass & weeds were just starting to pop up through leaves. Another plot, rye & some clover is poping, could be turned but I'd rather get the tilling work done over a weekend. And wouldn't it make sence to turn it a week after spraying? The main clover plot I'm hoping to broadcast seed before a good rain without tilling to refresh it.
  4. http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSbbYY9Inun0faJDp_c8wLzycLy3dFtKDtP72-yKbd80JoG4QTT Had some smart @ss thing to say about twinkies, but I forgot.
  5. Just a few things if your new to climbers if I may; Get used to it, pre season go find a tree and go up a few feet, and out how well the modle you buy settles in, how the seat adjusts, and setting up the harness strap. Get used to adjusting the starting angle. Avoid smooth bark trees. Also fix your drop rope so it doesn't get in the bite. Personaly I like the foot platform as level as can be, if it's slightly down angled - can't get comfortable. Around 17' for me is good, sometimes near 20' Over 25' - might as well piss myself.
  6. Does the hatching & spring have an affect - absolutly. This thread also reminds me of an issue on an old lease years ago. Bad coyote, possum & racoon problem. I was motivated to buy a new rifle, long story short 3 years later - Turkeys returned. That was alot of time and work though. Not to mention fuel was only about 1.50 a gallon to get there. Plus I did alot of squirrel hunting back then. Critter control? Well I think most of us concentrate our efforts to attract & hunt game, I know I do. Not alot of value behind hunting coyotes other then reducing the nucance. But it's definatly a problem. One goal I have for the property this year is take out 2-3 more coyotes. edit - slightly off topic, sorry, but a coyote season doesn't make alot of sence to me. We should be allowed to disrupt their breeding cycle and dispatch them year round.
  7. I think Paul Markel & Earl Pitts are related. I remember something else from katrina; if you don't obey big brother gov., they will send armed men into your mothers home and drag her into the street. Two things I need from the gov., my yearly refund and keep the bridges up so I can get to camp.
  8. Yes that makes sence. I'm also looking at it from knowing the property. I also don't own a 4-wheeler and can't get the jeep back where I hunt for tools & impliments. It's all hand work except for a tiller now and then. I was thinking take a hawthorn, leave a good lower nursing branch or two, cut the remaining branches and use some for cleft grafting the scions. I can get different crab, and all the wild apple scion wood I need free. Ok I might not save all that time but maybe less loss risk if it doesn't work.
  9. Who wouldn't want a few apple trees on their property / lease? Well growing a few from 3-4 year old trees you can buy is an option, if they are planted right and cared for. Then in a few more years start to produce. But unlike a foodplot it's a lot more comitment to time. I was talking to a friend at work who has some property and we got into a discussion about grafting. And she has had good luck with it. I found out established Hawthorn, you know the thorn apple or annoying shrub pricker tree you hate to run into - can take grafts from some wild apple, crabapple, and even some pear variety. (ding) So, I'm thinking possibilities; locating a 1/2 dozen of these I would normally avoid, graft them up and trim 3 years off the growing process.
  10. source Local ad agencies in Washington, D.C., should be encouraged to create ads to "really brainwash people" to give up their interest in guns, Eric Holder once told a Democratic women's group, according to a newly dug-up video showing a younger version of the current attorney general. ,. "We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way." I usually don't bother with politics on forums because there's too much douche. But that washington looser has got to go.
  11. Used the new chainsaw to buck two trees at my freinds camp then split `em with the HF 10-ton splitter last Sunday. The chainsaw is a poulan pro 18' from Lowes. It is not an industrial grade saw like a husky the same size. I did a review on lowes for it. But it seems to make a decent camp saw. The spliter - hand operated Harbor Freight deal. The work was actualy kinda fun, while securing some Turkey time in 7r;) Got about a 1/2 cord ready to go at my camp & near the same amount of work to cut up for the fall.
  12. Interesting, yes apparently the milo is. Well for this project size I can get the reartine tiller back there at least once a year if nessesary. edit - when I chored a garden I always replanted peas / beans, so I thought .. anyways I am still thinking some beans are worth a shot.
  13. Was at the SZ-7r lease last weekend. Late afternoon friend of mine and I took a walk to discuss a possible new food plot spot. It was about an hour before sundown and the hens were yaking up a storm. 3 solid gobbles in the mix. Feilds are dead & brown still, but you can see scatching in the woods. It feels like everything is a month ahead of time.
  14. Fantail


    Thunder chickens rule.
  15. Very unfortunate, yet this season you'll have a stronger reason to relish success in remembrance.
  16. Well let's see, the product page says ebony black seeded pea, long juvenile soy & white grain milo. Where the milo establishes faster and provides screening / trellising plant. No idea if it is good forage as well. But gander usually stocks tecomate and it's off 81 on the way to camp. I saw a video on eagleseed which looks great, and can't find anything local on seedway. And since the plot is under an acre, so if new growth gets hit hard might not mature into the fall, and a perenial, I guess I'm thinking convenience.
  17. Thread bump. Thinking about using a perennial this year such as soy / mix. Figgure plant just after May with something like tecomate deer pea plus.
  18. Lowes sells soil test kits? It's the same place I bought a decent pole trimmer/saw fiberglass handle etc., extends to about 20`, maybe something like that & a day will open it up. Did something similar to a new plot in 6k, opened it up. Tilled it as well, first pass found alot of roots of course but maybe your area isn't as rocky either. Oh yeah & don't use spectracide if you want any broadleaf.
  19. I've already seen Birds out. It occurs to me, due to less winter stress, if herds & flocks benifit & reproduce then the following year will be what to watch for.
  20. 5 minutes of fame. It is kinda cool but it does cost ya
  21. 12$ Apple trees at C/T Tractor Supply. 3.3.12
  22. The foot platform distance to the seat will be key. If it's to long and your legs are shorter when you sit the front edge of the seat can prevent good circulation. If that happens a fancy 300$ stand ain't worth 50 bucks.
  23. My thoughts; there is no 100% real anything on tv.
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