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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Bballhunter11

  1. Im glad to hear its not all the bears Hopkinton, because i know of two guys that cant get them to stay together and i thought bear was a good archery company so i wondered how they could put something like this out. Hopkinton are your dead stops in line or set off to the side. The people i know having the problems the dead stops are off to the side.
  2. I have shot 2 deer with one shot with a muzzleloader before and have no idea how it happened. Went straight through a button buck and killed the doe behind him. i still had 2 tags though but it makes for a heck of a story hahaha
  3. Rubber dead stops on the Strike and other bear bows break all the time because they are offset. I have a friend that had the bear attack and his stops would last 2-3 weeks before breaking.
  4. Thanks i have never shot a bear yet. We know the guys that own the outfitter and we will be the first ones in camp so they said the bait sites will be HOTTT cant wait to get it on video and bring back a bear hide. We had the moose hide tanned that i got in New Hampshire in 2008 it makes a great addition to the camp.
  5. I shot a deer this year that was laying under some pines that i thought was a doe and it turned out to be a spike buck but i still had my buck tag so i just burned it on him. But if i didnt have one like you someone in my hunting party would of tagged it without a problem.
  6. Heading to Quebec in May for Black bear and maybe New Hampshire for moose again if i get another tag or a guy in out group does
  7. The scary article was the don't take to long to control asian carp commentary. Where a judge would not close the locks connecting the mississippi river and lake Michigan because 5 states could not prove the carp posed an "imminent" danger to the lake. The judge said that in a worst case scenario potential harm is great to the lake but there is really no way to know if it would or not unless it actually happened. Which in case this judge didnt know would be to late to stop it or slow it. Guys like this in power are scary, well we wont know if it will happen until it does well yea so does everything else.
  8. Here is the link to the Gas drilling article http://outdoornews.com/new_york/news/article_02bea358-2898-11e0-b8b0-001cc4c002e0.html
  9. Would love to have a nice sports car to play with hahaha Im into cars but my wallet isnt right now with just buying a wheeler, truck payment and school hahaha. Love the pics and videos though guys.
  10. I have a friend that has all the equipment and we are going to start reloading my shells in the spring i have a 30-06, 222 Mag and 7-08 to experiment with.
  11. I saw this on F&S the other day pretty funny. I have a chocolate lab but sometimes i think she has some meth lab in her hahaha
  12. Actually with that many people you could see that in NY without a problem. Its a great pic and i love the first buck signs lol
  13. That was one of those catch and release cougars right?? i have heard about them hahaha
  14. I know a guide in Alaska who has had many close calls with Griz. Last year he was walking with a client and heard something running in a stream they were walking by. The griz burst through the brush and the guide shot it at 5 yards and killed it. One more half second and they bear would of had them always a close call in alaska
  15. U didnt think the DEC came and "asked" for the pictures. The DEC did confirm that they let MLs loose in the past maybe u missed it. I remember them denying it forever and then confirming that they did infact let a couple loose in NY
  16. I know guy who killed one in cooperstown and it had a DEC tag in its ear. I saw the cat dead in his barn
  17. Yea my hearing is great to and i want to keep it that way lol. I was looking for something where i could still hear normal conversation in the blind or field but when the gun shots go off i would be protected.
  18. What does the stewardship plan cover split? might be interested in tagging along
  19. I like the mossy oak patterns treestand and breakup but i would like to try the gore opti fade pattern but its way to much to experiment with right now
  20. #41 is great hahaha they forgot the part where you disappear into china forever
  21. I have used both and been successful at killing deer. 20 ga has as much knock down as a 30-30
  22. No hogs where i live but i would love to help control some populations haha
  23. yea i wouldnt put anything past the crooks we call our legislatures.
  24. Thinking about buying a set of ear muffs or in ear plugs for next year when i go goose hunting because of the volume of shooting involved. I am looking at the type you can still hear with but stop around 80DB. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with these and what the results were.
  25. Mr VJP has it, its a good deal for all involved. I bought my lifetime at 20 so it would have paid for itself in 10 years so now i can spend that extra money on more GEAR!!!! hahaha
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