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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by HectorBuckBuster

  1. I don't hunt it on opening day, but leave right near it.We do hunt it alot after the first few days and we get alot of deer from it. I can also tell you there are some big boys that live there too.
  2. OK, the hunters name is Matt Nash from Slaterville, NY.
  3. You can hunt in certain spots in Ithaca. Cornell does allow people to hunt you just have to go through a background check and so on.Then you need to sign up for that area you want to hunt ahead of time.
  4. I don't think it would top the state record looks like to may deductions for a typical, but still a amazing deer.
  5. Well I got this on my cel phone today. They said this deer was shot in Ithaca/Cayuga Heights area last week. Said its a 16 point and close to 200 inches. I don't know anything else about it.
  6. He got what was coming to him. Just makes you wonder if they tried to hide something like this how much other stuff did they hid in the name of winning and football.
  7. I think the worst thing that every startled me and a buddy of mine back when we first hunted was a Bobcat screech !!!!!!!!!
  8. Wow very nice buck. !!!!Congrats !
  9. This photo is old and fake. http://www.snopes.com/photos/hunting/stalking.asp
  10. I have been shooting Grim Repear's mechanical for the last 5 years and only lost one deer with these broad heads.
  11. Well this little guy that I have been after gotten taken out today by a car at 7:30 this morning a 100 yards from my house. He was a 6 point. I bet he only weight 100 pounds not field dressed. I was to late to get the deer as the officer called someone and gave it to them.
  12. I was just at Wally world a hour ago and all units except a 7H you could still get. Just got 2 more 8J.
  13. I have been seeing deer but not as many as normal. One thing is the woods seems very green and leafy for this late in the year. Also there may be alot of standing corn or soybeans around too. This is what is hurting my hunting way to many crops standing. Talked to the farmer how works my property and he was telling me the other day he cut about 10 acres soybean field on my property before it started to rain and put 7 deer out of it.
  14. I got a Stealth Cam IR for $99.99 a Bass Pro, only down side is you get alot of white out pictures towards dusk.
  15. Just make lots of Jerky !!!!!!! Go buy the big Jerky gun.
  16. This is kind of cool.They mounted a camera on a buck.
  17. This summer on of the Forest Rangers was out in one of the cow pastures spraying a invasive plants and we stopped to talk to find out what they where doing and they informed us that they where going to start using a GPS and mark where tree stands where and if they where still there after the season they where going to take them and send the to the main office and auction them off, Also you need you name and contact info on them.
  18. That is a great deal to lease. I can tell you know matter where the land is over there (which has to be right near rt 13 I am guessing) is pretty good hunting.Down the Road in Newfield near Charlies Towing there has been 9 bears in a group all summer and fall. You might even get a crack a bear. Lots of low farm land low then woods up on the hills. Cornell owns alot of land over there, and then local logging company owns alot too, and then several large farms. Also a very nice Archery Shop there called Arnot Forest Archery.
  19. I have a buddy that shot a buck a few years ago that dressed out at 249 pounds. He was weighed on the local scrap yard certified scales. I shot a 6 point on the first day of bow season many years ago that dress out at 185 pounds.
  20. I can tell you about 15 years ago, I was out hunting and use some Tinks69 on some cotton balls about 20 yards from my stand, went and got in my stand and just got the bow pulled up and a arrow nocked and there was a buck headed right me less then 50 yards. He was a 7 point. Another time I used Fritz's doe in heat, I put the scent out 10 yards from stand, got in my climber got up about 15 feet or so, started to pull my bow up, next think I knew I had a little 6 pointer coming in. I did not even get a arrow nocked before he was on my sent. Finnaly got a arrow nocked and dropped him right on the spot. Never even ran.Total time from house to stand and back to house with deer field dressed was around 20 minutes.
  21. I remember reading many years ago in the Finger Lakes Times (I think) that people where seeing a kanagroo in Phelps, NY near the Grocery store. Turned out to be a deer that was hoping on its back legs as both front legs where broken.
  22. One of my friends shot this deer last night. It weighed 205 and has a 24 inch inside spread.This was taken in Southern end of Seneca County.
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