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Everything posted by philoshop

  1. There's actually a lot more to it than that, and you know it. Trump's win has pulled the country back from the edge of Socialism. That's something every American should be happy about.
  2. With respect to a Presidential run, this is how Cuomo sees it: He's from the right sort of family; he's young; he has the right sort of financial backing; he's stayed away from any indictments during his tenure (he's good at throwing people under the bus BTW); he has appeal among low-info people across the country; he thinks Obama policies will sustain some sort of Democrat legacy for him to ride on; he doesn't think that being the chief screw-up in one state is enough. The DNC, under Keith Ellison, will welcome him aboard.
  3. I have access to a tractor, a few chainsaws, and of course my newly acquired rubber bands. Where exactly are these yoga-panted gals found? Apologies for my limited attention span.
  4. I'm still recovering from whatever flattened me last summer and fall, but I think I'm gaining on it. The docs aren't helping much with that. Way too many opinions without any really constructive suggestions. That's a different story. My brother gave me a bunch of different weight rubber tubing sets to pull against to get my shoulder back in shape for next bow season, and I try to walk a bit every day. Best I can do for now.
  5. You're not talking about fifty reps in the morning and fifty reps in the evening, are ya? I mean sit ups, not beers.
  6. He's still angling for a Presidential pardon.
  7. I would have been kicked off the staff of my High School newspaper for that kind of 'journalism'. And much of what I did then was comedy/parody for laughs. It's insulting what's become of real journalism.
  8. Okay, this is just weird: I came across an old candy tin filled with rolls of caps just last week while I was pawing through old hunting stuff. I grabbed a hammer and acted like a kid again for about fifteen minutes in my driveway. Well, a grownup 'kid' drinking a beer, anyway.
  9. I honestly don't know, Diplomat. I've never seen any statistical lists with that kind of information. I suppose if someone had access to police records of the victims a cross-reference could be done, but any correlation would require a lot of assumptions: if a 40 year old victim had a gang or drug-related offense from 20 years ago, but a clean record since then, would he still fit the 'non-innocent' profile? Or an 18 year old kid with a record who is killed just for trying to 'go straight' and leave the gang/drug life, which happens a lot BTW? Like I said, I don't know how many were or weren't "innocent" victims, and you may be right in your assumption. But every one of those 760 killed were victims nonetheless, including a number of small children, and the city has done nothing serious to prevent it except to place more constraints on the law-abiding citizens and the law enforcement community. This strikes me as a stupid way to approach such an enormous problem.
  10. What happens when law-abiding citizens are disarmed: The criminals still have guns, and they're empowered and emboldened with the knowledge that they mostly will be facing unarmed victims. Throw in some anti-cop vitriol that keeps LE off the street, and other political activism biased against both the law-abiding citizens and the police, and innocent people are going to die. The concept of 'cause and affect' is not difficult to grasp. It's being willfully ignored by the politicians in charge, most of whom are Democrats in the big urban areas. It's not a coincidence.
  11. Congratulations, Grandpa! Looking forward to the hunting and shooting pics in just a few short years.
  12. As long as Islam is your religion, Sharia law is your Judicial preference, and you consistently vote Democrat, things are completely clear. Nothing to see here, just move along.
  13. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if Obama and George Soros went halvsies and bought the failing NYT in the next few months. It's their go-to megaphone with their preferred audience. Wait for that as well.
  14. The NYT is reporting that Obama is going to continue to be a disruptive divider and 'community agitator' for his last 20 days in office, (and likely beyond). This is hardly "news". We fully expected this behavior from the greatest 'resentment organizer' this country has ever had in the White House. We'll see something this week from Obama intended to further stir up the racial resentment now that he's handed little treats to the 'Greenies' and the professional political class. Just wait for it.
  15. Well Doc, I could say a whole lot, but that's what the troll feeds on.
  16. Give me a brief definition of "alt-right" that doesn't include your personal opinion. Take all the time you need. Some 'serious' leftist thinkers have been trying and they can't get it either, so don't beat yourself up over it.
  17. I don't think many of your 'hero mayors' will last long once President Trump and his administration starts enforcing U.S. laws against sedition. You, and others, are grasping at a mighty thin rope here my friend.
  18. That's why Trump scares the hell outta' all of them. He's only loosely party-affiliated and he's not party-dependent. He's standing in opposition to the D.C. Uniparty establishment (Dems and Reps alike) and his intention is to put the screws to all of them for their behavior over the past several decades. The voters recognized that position and soundly endorsed it in the election. The old thinking of Democrat vs Republican is no longer valid, hence the taglines of "America First" and "MAGA".
  19. It's important to understand Obama's basic philosophy. He's a Communist in every way. And under a global Communism no one country can possibly be any better than anyone else. His eight year reign as president has been directed toward stifling the U.S. economy in an effort to make it more similar to the economy of, say, Ghana. He's been rather successful. No one country can be allowed to think for itself and to institute laws that don't work within the collective. Obama's been pretty successful in this as well. Think 'Bathroom Bill' and 'Socialized medicine'. No one country within the collective can be allowed to support another country who's working against the collective. Think Anti-Brexit and the recent UN referendum against Israel. Obama may call it a success, but I consider it one more reason to kick his ass into oblivion. No one in this country's history has done more to destroy 'race relations' than Obama. That's been the flame that keeps his pot simmering. An angry mob is a controllable mob in his world. He's done well with that. We'll put Obama on the curb in about three weeks, but he won't be gone for a long, long time. He's going to be stinking up the neighborhood for a few generations. It's his job.
  20. The article mentions that he claims to be an arborist. That's a tough job that requires some serious smarts (BTDT). If he's really an arborist, and he's good at it and works for a reputable outfit, he should have no problem whatsoever with becoming a legal immigrant. Why would he choose the illegal route? It doesn't add up. There's obviously a lot more to this story than the NYT wants the readers to know. The NYT is good at that sort of spin..
  21. All the best to you! You've created a wonderful meeting place for us. Sorta' like a big can of mixed nuts. I'm grateful for your endeavor and persistence.
  22. Best Birthday wishes to you! Keep those awesome photos coming!
  23. I liked "The Chipmunks" Christmas too. Lots of memories tied up in past Christmases.
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