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Everything posted by philoshop

  1. Or we could leave the entire administration up to the NYTimes and the WashPost. Sarcasm is fun.
  2. Squirrel hunting and firewood gathering. And, of course, thoroughly checking and organizing all the hunting gear so it doesn't end up being left for the last minute at the end of September next year when the grass needs mowing, the chimney needs cleaning, and a million other things take up all my time.
  3. Very close attention, in fact. And I actually know a bit about what those positions and selections mean. They're all good for the country, and pure poison for the Democrats. I personally couldn't be happier. I think it's going to be a long time before we see another Socialist administration in DC.
  4. In a bar in New Orleans in 1979: "For a good time call (phone #). If no answer, try again in 3 to 5 years." In the bathroom of a merchant sailor flophouse I was remodeling, same city and same year, under the first layer of drywall I removed:"Be very wary of that hairy girl Mary who frequents the pub owned by a guy named Larry." Ahh, sailor poetry at it's finest.
  5. Several years ago I bought a couple yards of blaze orange fabric and just cut it into whatever sizes and shapes I needed. Most of it went to hankie-sized pieces that I stuff in my pockets where they can be quickly reached. I've used them to alert people to my whereabouts while bowhunting, varmint hunting, duck hunting, hiking with the camera, and doing chores in my own back yard. Along with an old film canister full of safety pins it's simple and inexpensive. I don't worry so much about being shot at, but I do worry about being in the line of fire and being shot toward.
  6. All the best for your birthday, my friend.
  7. As I said before, Obama has never cared about who died under his watch on either 'side'. His end goal has always been to undermine the strength and sovereignty of the U.S., and unfortunately he's been pretty effective at it. The scum who came before him did it for money. Obama has done it with the direct intent of destroying our country.
  8. If you've been paying attention, what we've done over the last 8 years is destabilize the ME, by dismantling the stabilizing powers that were actually there. These actions have directly helped the Islamic caliphate to increase their presence and power in the region. Killing bin Laden was at best a token gesture to entertain the Americans, in Obama's view.
  9. I'm not following your argument here. Mr. Obama is not "pro war". At least not in the same sense that the Bushes and Clintons have been, because they were only interested in the money. Obama is simply willing to sacrifice a number of radical jihadists and Americans to accomplish his ends, just like any other Radical Islamic leader. He's an ideologue trying to take down Western Civilization. Nothing more, nothing less. He'll ride with anyone who will help him with that goal. War, peace, and the reality of those options mean nothing to him.
  10. I was just going to post this one from Brietbart: ;-} http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/11/29/president-elect-donald-trump-cuts-deal-to-keep-carrier-corporation-in-united-states/ First Ford, and now Carrier are seeing the new future. Apple has begun to make informal concessions in this area as well. Others will surely open their eyes in the next few months to the value of supporting a strong American economy. Donald Trump and Nigel Farage are almost single-handedly changing the way the Western World thinks about Socialism and Communism. Even Angela Merkel is backtracking on the overall Globalist ideology, as are Pena-Nieto and Trudeau in North America. A strong U.S. is going to be hard to fight, and nobody is going to want to be on the losing side of that conflict. "It's fun to win elections." -- Bill Whittle
  11. It doesn't matter what his 'religion' is. His core beliefs are wholly anti-American, rooted in his acceptance of the concept of Radical Islamic Extremism as a viable political tool. He's shown this to be the case throughout his tenure as POTUS.
  12. The only hard and fast rule about deer hunting is that there are no hard and fast rules. In general, though, late-season deer tend to return to thinking more about food than procreation. It's just my opinion, but hunting food sources is always a good strategy. Even in the peak of the rut when the bucks are totally 'scope-locked' on the does, the does are still primarily focused on the food sources.
  13. There is a very disturbed group of idiots in this country who firmly believe that police officers have no right to defend themselves against attack. Heck, we have one of them right here on this site. I have no idea how this 12-year veteran officer found himself in the situation described, but I'd be willing to bet that in that split second of decision-making he mistakenly took the beliefs of the above-mentioned idiots into account. The leftist anarchists own this completely, IMO.
  14. The Democrat Party has done some serious harm to themselves over the last 18 months. God only knows what they will look like in 2018 for the mid-term elections, let alone in 2020 or 2024. They've consistently ignored everyone outside of the major bi-coastal cities and candidate Clinton actually had the nerve to stand on stage in the middle of coal country and tell people that she fully intends to eliminate their jobs. Tell me if you know, what the he!! were her handlers and programmers thinking? Trump has, in a very short time, largely remade the face of the Republican Party, and it's resulted in his winning the election. The Dems are going to have to do some similar reconstruction of their own party to remain viable in the future. At this point, I don't even know that they've come to grips with just how badly they screwed it up, let alone if they've started to think about fixing their problems. My point is, the Dem base of yesterday is nowhere near as solid and dependable when you look into the future. It's an entirely different game with a lot of rules changes, and just because NYC has traditionally been Democrat is no guarantee that it will stay that way.
  15. I'll make a prediction right now: NYS will go red in 2020 following Trump's two terms. It's a matter of getting the folks outside the cities to get out and vote.
  16. You really have no idea about how you're being played. I love it! Get a healthy dose of CNN, MSNBC, and the NYT tonight so you have something for tomorrow. It won't last long.
  17. One of my hires turned out to be an unrepentant thief and I helped send him right back to prison, and to get the homeowner's property returned to them. I lost some business for a while as i cleared it up. That was almost 15 years ago when scrutiny regarding release was much stricter, and I'm not sure I would do it today.
  18. When Trump gets his policies enacted and this great American machine actually gets rolling again, it's going to be extremely difficult to stop. The Liberals are at sea without an anchor or an engine, retaining plans and policies that have been proven for the last fifty years to simply not work. It might very well be decades before they resume power. Sorry to break it to you, but the American voters are starting to wake up. Witness the tremendous upset of two weeks ago and the current disarray of the DNC who have greatly simplified their position on everything: "That's racist!". They can't even come to grips with the fact that they were defeated, let alone comprehend the reasons why. National failure is not an option.
  19. Just to clarify a point here, there is no such thing as an "illegal immigrant". By definition an immigrant is a foreigner who has legally become a US citizen. You're talking about immigrants vs illegal aliens. I'm not sure what it has to do with released felons, though. I have no problem with 'repentant' felons being given a second chance in life and I've even hired a few over the years to work in construction for me. Mostly guys who just messed up at some point in their early adullthood. But with the mass releases recently being orchestrated by the president and several state governors, Id be very leery about allowing a convicted burglar free access to property belonging to someone else. "Yes your Honor, we put out the fire very quickly and with minimal damage. I have no idea why so many items were missing from the home."?
  20. Comrade De Blasio and his supporters will be singing an entirely different tune when the federal funding starts to disappear and the city taxes start to go up. It'll trickle down to the statewide elections coming up as well. I see this resulting in a lot more Republican-run cities in the near future, so bring it on.
  21. Like I said, she was a girlfriend.;-] She stayed at my place in Buffalo for two weeks doing job interviews at UB, taking tests, and getting various inoculations before she left for Mountain Village, AK to cover about a quarter of the state on a weekly rotation. The gaiters were given to her by the parents of an Inuit kid she was helping, and she passed them on to me. She also got her pilot's license while she was there,of course. Pretty cool chick. I'd be surprised if the gaiters weren't available somewhere if you knew where to look. Things like Inuit knives, gloves and hats are pretty common on the internet. All made by people who depend on their tools and garments for survival.
  22. The last really good pair I had were seal-skin. A former girlfriend did a two-year stint flying around Alaska as a speech therapist and gave them to me as a present when she got back. Those things wore like iron for several years until I left them in my garage one winter and the mice got into them. That was about thirty years ago and I have little doubt that they'd still be going strong today if I had taken better care of them. Seal-skin is like nature's kevlar.
  23. I only ventured out to bust up some kindling, but the wind was flat-out pullin' the snot outta my nose for an hour. No thanks. Be careful out there everyone.
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