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Everything posted by stubby68

  1. Would you guys like someone to hold your hand too? Do you carry a gun every time you are in the woods ? Even if not hunting? I have never heard so many adults talk about being afraid of what goes bump in the night. I thought the point of bow hunting was no guns. Now I'm hearing you should be able to carry a gun. What about those who do not have a ccp should they be aloud to sling there shotgun. I go in the woods I carry my knife for it so not hunting season. Might need it for trimming at trail cams. Hunting season I have gun and knife. I have had in counters with coyote and bear with and without a gun. Close incounters. Once a coyote jumped me from a bush 3 feet away only had time to stick but of gun in it's face. He bit the stock sounded like he bit it in half.Gun still has teeth marks in it. I dropped gun and stabbed him in ribs with knife. He ran found dead in about 100 yeards. Another time checking cams I ended up between sow and cub . Opening cam heard cub cry turned and there was momma 15 yeards the other side of me. I stood grabbed knife and talked to her the whole time she walked around me to cub then they both walkedoff.she was talking backed to me the hole time. Even after out of sight could still hear her. Another time I walked up on a bear feeding on a lost bow shot deer. I yelled while bear was making a point that it was not cool with me. I backed off and left. Heck I have tried to walk up on bear close enough to get good pic with cell phone. Never worked but had to try. My favorite saying is if it bleeds I can kill it so why fear it. If you are afraid of things in the woods then maybe stay out of the woods.
  2. Why ask others what you should shoot. It is your hunt not ours take the one you want.
  3. Welcome I live in Arcade hunt from there to Portageville. Actually anywhere 30 to 40 miles in that General direction from Arcade .
  4. Oh you said cadaver tissue. No it is a synthetic material they inject into the injured tension or ligaments. It binds with your natural tissue and grows or repairs what is damaged. Sounds like something from a syfi movie. When doc first told me about it I thought he was kidding so he showed me the video. I wanted to have that done to fix my knee but had to have it done the old way.
  5. Not sure can't find the video to post but will try to find. I saw it in January or so and since I suffer from crs I can not recall what they used or what the procedure was called. My Dr told me about it . Actually really cool stuff
  6. Thanks Eddie but no hero here. I was indestructible when I was younger and paying for it now. Not that I am that old just feel it. I dreed what I will feel like in 20 more years. Oh just got reminded was attacked by a bull years ago. Crushed my fore arm between his head and a steal beam. Works good now but still reminder me it is there from time to time.
  7. They have come up with a way to regrow and repair ligaments and tendons without surgery. It is not humane trials now and having great results. Less pain no surgery and things work like new after. I watched a video on it earlier this year. They inject a synthetic chemical in the area that needs repair. That material then grows new or repairs the damaged portion. They fill the joint with a foam type material that expands fills and surrounds the joint to protect while you are healing . Really cool actually.
  8. Eddie I feel for you with the stones. I have had 47 of them. Only 9 blasted the rest passed on there own. Worst pain ever wouldn't wish that on Hillary
  9. We are hunters pain or no pain we still go at it because we love our time in nature. I have 2 bulging disks and 2 rupturec disks along with spinal rheumatoid arthritis in my back. Bad shoulder from rotator cuff surgery and bad right left knee from 3 knee surgeries. Still out there every season. Last December I dislocated my left knee and broke it. Lower leg bone split with the grain from knee to ankle. This season will be a little tougher but I refuse to sit even one day on the couch. Gotta love what hunters will go through to enjoy what we love doing.
  10. Have a TC Black Diamond for sale never been shot. 300 or no. I will try to get pic up
  11. gun or bow,knife,,drag rope and water.Oh arrows or shells. I only hunt dark to dark so do not want to be carrying extra stuff I really don't need. Good luck and most of all have fun no matter how your hunt turns out.
  12. As said highest persentage merion wool socks. And I know this will get laughs but grab a pair of womens nilons put them on then the thicker socks. trust me it works great. Also I started wearing alpacha socks 2 years ago better then wool. Man are those things warm
  13. my brother bow hunts and uses rage 2 blade. this is the exit hole on one he got. With a hole like that I would think 3 blade would be pointless.
  14. the human body is giving off scent. Unless you are using scent control products every second you are on stand it is useless. Spraying down works while you are spraying. By the time you put the bottle away you are producing oder. Wash your clothes in scent free soap fine but when the hit the air or touch anything including your body they are absorbing oders. If doing these things gives you confidences then by all means do them. I'm just pointing out that nothing you do will stop your scent for more then a minute or 2. Deer and other animals use smell to avoid danger and find food every day. They can detect even small amounts of oder.
  15. Done it on my phone computer and tablet. Sam results on all 3. I can go to county site and info is there. I can also check on a neighboring property and it has info. Then check on another and nothing. It is hit and miss and some hits I know for a fact to have wrong info. Didn't really think it could give me real boundary info anyways. Not when I have to get survey info through owner because it is not a viable to public.
  16. Yea I It looks like It could be very usefull tool. Figured it might also give a fair idea of boundaries. I checked properties I already had all the info on and have known for years first jut to see how accurate it was. I did not think it would be perfect but didn't expect it to be as far off as it is or to not show any info. on one hunting property I have it shows my stand 200 yards or so on neighbor property. Kind of hard when it is in the middle of 400 acres. Like i said maybe it is me but from what it has shown me I would not recommend using it. You could walk onto property that this shows is a very long ways off.
  17. Don't know why but most of the properties I have checked have wrong info. Most have no info. I checked 17 properties. Some were just homes not hunting properties. Did that because I was seeing bad or no info. Only had 3 of the 17 come up with correct owner and property lines. My home was one that wrong. Shows the neighbor owns halv the house. Some of the properties it will not go to when address is used. I move map to area click on property it has wrong owner and shows no boundaries. One property in went to with address only thing it showed it as being a half mile down the road on neighbors property. One of my hunting properties has wrong owner and boundaries are way off. These properties are all owned by friends or family , have been for years. I have all the maps and info for them so I know the info that is comeing up is wrong. Can't figure out why some properties have no info or boundaries. Does anyone know if maybe I have a setting that should changed. I have tried everything I can think of. At this point I am thinking the app is crap and would not trust any of the info it gives. Like I said it could just be a setting problem. Good thing it is free I would hate to have paid for this info. Or lack there of. Any help would be great It looks like it could be usefull if info were there and correct.
  18. when you open the site. you should get a drop box that gives you the option to always receive or always block adds. I use firefox and got that box yesterday. Clicked block and no more popups. However I keep getting warning that my connection is not secure. I don't think firefox likes the upgrade. whenever on site it runs slow pauses and freezes at times. Along with the not secure warning. When Exit this site it runs fine. I believe it is a firefox thing not the site itself.
  19. I'm with Doc On the heat. My trigger trips when the temps hit the 50 mark day and night. I like the cold and snow. Always have. No complaints from me when it is below zero and snow up to my butt crack. I don't even enjoy hunting when it is above 30. I hate June through mid October.
  20. Because it will not be long before someone starts saying the NY should shorten gun season and manage its herd like states like Ohio, Kansas,or any other state that is known for good bucks. Then we could have big bucks. Same things that you stated for bows being able to help maintain population in other states and not in NY ,are the things that make those states able to have lots of big bucks when NY has fewer. yet those things are dismissed when someone wants bigger bucks. It is always the gun hunter that is the problem . those other things are ignored.
  21. cool. like I said I just never heard them called that, so I didn't know what you were talking about.
  22. Oh ok I know what you are talking about. We have a ridge side full of them. Just never heard them called pig nuts.
  23. You are right . It says September in part 1 not 2. Part 2 does not say when it would be. I was wrong
  24. sounds like white oak. Weird though sense yours are all reds. What my I ask Is a pig nut. never heard of that.
  25. Remember this the next time someone says that NY dec needs to manage like other states so we can have big bucks like they do.
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