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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. I know this is late, but there are Union Falls and Franklin Falls. Both have great fishing, and both have some great bullhead fishing. They also have small tributaries with some good stream/creek fishing. There's also the Saranac Lake. There are a ton of streams and small lakes to fish in that area, Taylor Pond, Silver Lake, or if you are in driving distance there is Meacham.
  2. This is still only about a specific area. What about the Long Island area, WNY, the Southern Zone, ADK, and Upstate? Why do DEC seem to center on Central NY?
  3. wooly and his G/F Paula just don't like me. It's all good. Who cares? Now they have to resort to posting other threads to make a point. Neither have contributed any actual data to help the thread. Just poke and flame. Nothing constructive on the topic. Adding information would be what most would do, not bash. Guess you have no info to add.
  4. I thought it used to be 50 feet from a road. I can't find anything but this regarding the laws: Taken from this page: http://www.dec.ny.gov/regulations/2442.html
  5. Howa Ranchland Compact Black, in 7mm-08.
  6. Looks like you already have an ariel view. Stand already set up?
  7. Here's a pretty good article on the topic. Seeing no one wanted to answer the question about kinetic energy: http://www.bowhuntingmag.com/crossbows/crossbow-myths-misconceptions/
  8. Hey, we are all a little guilty on this one. Check this article out. http://www.hypnosisdownloads.com/difficult-people/know-all
  9. It's on CNN, FOX, USA Today......... http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/18/health/yosemite-plague/index.html This, is a bit scary.
  10. Dumb and dumber...LOL! I like that. Ask a question, be called dumb, with a vid an all. I was actually being serious. How many actually trust a ML or shotgun at 100 yds? Yes, with the right ammo and load you can kill deer at 100yds or more with shotgun, but do you take that shot with a ML? You will defiantly have a better chance to make a clean kill then with an arrow or bolt. I ask again, what do you think the actual kinetic energy would be at that yardage? Getting 8 inch deep on foam is one thing, no bones on a target. "Once the scope is dialed in it will drop a group the same"? Really? Even on a gun you have to take wind and angle into the equation. Where do I get one of these magical scopes that does everything for me? If a bullet will be off an inch or two due to wind and angle, surely an arrow will be off far more. More like feet then inches. At least my bow as off a lot with a 15mph wind. The wind will also slow down an arrow or bolt a lot faster then a bullet. The vid is impressive, no bones about that. But a vid like this without explanation will have a lot of people trying to take shots at animals without proper information. I will take being called dumb for asking questions. At least I am not dumber for understanding how much wind and angles effect an arrows flight.
  11. This means what? I don't own a crossbow, so what. How do you know I am not thinking about buying one and I am looking for information? My question was valid, how much kinetic energy will the bolt have at 100 yards with a broadhead. Will it retain enough energy to actually get solid penetration? Make a clean and ethical kill on a deer? 100 yards is a long way for an arrow, and that's all a crossbow bolt is, a short arrow. So asking to see what a broadhead will do at that range is a legitimate question.
  12. I would like to see broadheads too. I would also be interested in the kinetic energy the broadhead has at that distance.
  13. Look, I made this post because not everyone has the luxury of hunting private land. Sometimes people take up hunting because they want to, and don't have access to private land yet. I felt it was informative, and a solid basis to getting a good buck on public land. The same methods would get a good doe as well. As for what kind of hunter I am, my integrity and ethics? I have made that very clear in other threads. To anyone new to deer hunting and you have to hunt public land, this really is a good base to start from.
  14. Well, this thread was aimed to help new hunters not be so worried about hunting state land. To give them a basic guide to get a good deer. These methods would be good for a big rack or a big doe. But, as usual, members have ruined it. As for being able to leave a cam on state land? I would like to see a link for that. Then again, it doesn't matter. You post something that might help new hunters, you get blasted. It might be in a raw basic sense, but this thread might have helped someone. Instead you have a need to beat me down, and shit in me. Hope it made you feel good. OH, this is no pity party! It just shows who you are.
  15. The wild fire in Idaho over 1,000,000 acres being destroyed. http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/17/us/western-states-wildfires/
  16. Well, last I knew on state land you could not leave anything behind, legally. No stands no cams, nothing. Also, the possibility of theft.
  17. I was never involved with huntings sites in the past. But a question that seems to come up a lot is getting a big buck on public land. you can't put out cams and you can't plant food plots. Just to help new hunters I was looking around for something about the basic 5 rules for public land, and I found this article. http://www.gameandfishmag.com/hunting/hunting_whitetail-deer-hunting_gf_aa116501a/ Reading this is a great beginner point. It covers the big things you need to do. But, don't take this as anything more then a basis to use to get your basics covered. There are others variables. Other hunters read and do the same things. So deciding to get to your stand at 1AM isn't a good thing to do. When hunting public land, you actually have to hunt smarter, not always harder. Get to know the parameter of the land. What roads boarder the land and where are the places people are parking. Look for the place with no vehicles parked. This will usually be an area that will tough to walk in. Not necessarily an area with no deer, just an area where people don't want to bother with, especially those carrying a tree stand, scout that area, and park a ways away to keep others away from your possible "honey pot'. Don't be so worried about being out of the line if sight. Sit on the ground or a stump, maybe a rock wall ( for bow hunters, practice shooing sitting and on your knees ). Just try to sit where you have something at your back like bushes or shrubs. If you scout, you can make a really nice natural ground blind if you choose too. I have no factual proof, but I bet even setting up a small man made ground blind that you have sprayed with UV killer might even work on a day to day basis. Learn to still hunt. You don't need to be two miles in either. It's not a bad thing to get into the deepest nastiest area you can find, but remember, if you make a kill, you now have to drag that carcass out two miles. To test this, get a bag of sand weighing appx, a measly 50 lbs, drag it through the woods for a few hundred yards. See how you feel after. Then remember, a small deer will weigh twice that at minimum. Patterning other hunters. I am sure I will get some flak for this statement, but....... If you are patterning other hunters, you might be a little to close to parking areas or in an area where you have 20 hunters to 1 deer. That will not help your cause. Are you hunting deer or counting flashlights? There are some big deer on a lot of public land. I won't say the deer are smarter, they just get move by pressure. So you have to make those adjustments as well. No one can teach you how to hunt public land, you might be out there day in and day out scouting, and setting up areas where you see the best signs, but come opening day on public land, you never know where the next hunter is. So take your shot. You might not get another. It's public land, and you have no more right to the monster buck then anyone else hunting those woods.
  18. DirtTime


    I am still thinking of applying for a DMP in 4A. Availability is low on #1, and none in #2. I still go to an agent for my license and tags, That way I can look things over and make sure the information is right. The point thing kinda stinks like a mule fart. The 'donating' $10 for points is like planting a $10 bill in the ground and hoping and waiting. I give you money, you give me what I paid for.
  19. I haven't seen a gun rack in store for Walmart in years. This is funny too, I was looking around for a slug barrel for the shotgun I bought, and there was a link to Wally-World with some odd link about redirect, this item is not for sale anymore ( that was the gun, not a barrel ). Maybe they are liquidating the stock of guns they have. Who knows. Congrats on the new gun at a great price.
  20. Looks like two different bucks. The tricky thing here is in the first pic, that bucks tips are bubbled up and ready to grow more. In the second pic, that buck is branching into an 8. So, it's a little touch and go, but I think 2 different bucks.
  21. How well will an owl call to startle them work in the fall? I have used them in the spring and had some luck getting them to wake up.
  22. If it was legal I would have taken the doe. But, yes If I was after a buck I would have taken the first one. You can't say on any given day what will walk in front of you. That monster may not have walked out that day, or any other day. For us meat hunters, when you have an opportunity, you take it. Horn hunters wait, and that's fine too.
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