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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Take care of yourself Brad. Hope ya feel better soon!
  2. I don't remember the model Daisy. But ya had to pump the stock 20 times. Killed chipmunks, birds, and a squirrel. Didn't have it but one summer until I moved up to a single shot 22 lr. Don't remember the brand or model of that either? Bought it 2nd hand from mowing grass and raking leaves. Fun times.
  3. My hearing isn't very good now from years of working around machines. Probably time to start looking at getting hearing aids myself. Gets embarrassing saying "what" all the time. Though Mrs grampy says I have "selective" hearing???
  4. The wind is a deers best friend. Make it yours too. Shoot what you like. Like what you shoot.
  5. I hear you will also need a training course, similar or same as taking a pistol permit course to get the permit? So many questions! Very few answers from the state. As to who will be giving the courses, and where? Along with How long the prosses will take? Also no one under age 21 qualifies to get a semi auto permit. Just more laws passed, and hoops to jump through for law abiding gun owners! These stupid laws will do NOTHING to curb the gun violence of criminals, and mentally unstable persons.
  6. Great work as always!!! What a cool unique buck!!!
  7. The church across the street has a donation bin for clothes and stuff.
  8. Some really nice pic's!!! Thanks for sharing!
  9. The fact that right after the shower, the venue had a 'special on wraps' pretty much tells the story.
  10. Actually three Cynthia. Along with the Copperhead and Timber Rattlesnake, we also have the Massasauga Rattlesnake. The Massasauga only lives in two small area of NY. Both are wetlands. One is NE of Syracuse. The other is a bit West of Rochester.
  11. I heard the same from some of the wildeyed southern boys I hung out with. Along with family that has lived there their whole lives too. Also heard they won't bother ya if ya just leave em alone. In my own many experiences, never did have one chase me.
  12. That is a northern water snake. Non venomous. But can get a bit aggressive. I lived down south for a number of years in my early days. Came in contact with venomous snakes fairly often. never had one 'chase' me. A Cottonmouth, like any snake is more afraid of you. And will defend itself if provoked. Left alone, they are happy to just have you be on your way.
  13. Pass. Could buy something similar in good running condition, for half of what it would cost to fix that one. And that's not including all your time invested.
  14. Wishing you all a speedy and complete recovery. Great photo!
  15. Happy Birthday!!! Wish you nothing but the best on your special day!!
  16. Happy Birthday sir! Hope your special day if filled up with all the good stuff!!!
  17. When I started out, the very best hunters I knew all smoked and did not use any scent control. I know that one in particular, that only showered once a week! All old farmers, who were really into deer hunting, back when there were far fewer deer than today. All four of them killed mature bucks most every year. But were masters at playing the wind, used honest woodsmanship, and payed attention to how they entered and exited the spots they hunted. Some of those spots were also on VERY crowded public land too. I agree with scent control to a point. Anything to get a slight advantage, right? But only to a point. As I truly believe that the examples of those old guys from long ago are still very valid today. And no matter what we do for scent control, the downwind deer will ALWAYS smell us. Perhaps "maybe" a little less for the strict scent control hunters. But smell us ALL they will. As Belo stated, if strict scent control gives you confidence then by all means go for it! For the majority of us, use your woodsmanship skills, and play the wind to your best advantage.
  18. I do use scent free soap, shampoo, detergent and so on. But rely mostly of having multiple set ups in good spots, to move to when the wind changes. There is NOTHING you can do, to where a deer can't smell you! Play the wind!!!!
  19. Yup.......fisher, long tail and all.
  20. Being safe, saved you!!! It could happen to anyone, at anytime, using any treestand! At 65 most all my hunting the last ten years or so has been from terra firma. We do only have ladderstands now, along with one tripod and one built box stand, for when we do leave ground level. A harness is a cheap insurance policy to prevent what could be a life changing , or ending situation. Wear it!!!
  21. I definitely wouldn't try shooting through the mesh either.
  22. Great looking pup!! Love the name too. He will be living the good life at Zeek Acres!
  23. I too have used the Ameristep blinds. They seem to hold up OK when staked down well. And like you, I only keep the windows open to a minimum, and have seen plenty of deer. Even killed a nice buck from one a couple years back. But this Muddy blind has window mesh that says I can see out, and deer can't see in? That may allow me to see more deer, that perhaps I wouldn't have before? IDK?? We'll see. Also has built in brush loops that hold brush to the blind. I'm hoping this blind will be a step up from the Ameristep?
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