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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Since November 18th, I have not seen a buck that I'd like to shoot. But on two separate days, my wife saw huge bucks from our kitchen window, while I was up to the farm. Seems to happen at least once a year. Sigh.............
  2. I'm live from the couch today! Two more days until grampy's big adventure! Will venture outdoors to put up a few more Christmas lights, and clean out my truck from accumulated hunting gear. As my season is over now. Will clean and organize everything post op for something to do. Will watch some football today as well. But my mind and soul will keep wandering off to the deer woods. I'll be thinking of all who are out there, and hoping for memorable hunts to all! Keep safe and good luck!
  3. Welcome! Glad that you found us! There is a whole lot of useful hunting information here at your fingertips. And a bunch of really good people and hunters, who will be willing to help you over the learning curve. Best of luck to you in all your future hunting endeavors.
  4. Welcome! Good to have you join us!
  5. When I was a young pisser, I got in trouble with the local farmer. He saw my name written in the snow, in his daughters handwriting.......hehehe. As far as deer, I have never seen any ill effects. Have peed in scrapes and had mature deer come in and pee right over mine, caught on camera. I have seem this quite a few times.
  6. Congratulations! Very nice buck!
  7. Yup, good stuff right there. I let out an audible "YESSS" after reading that this morning. Another BIG congratulations to Samantha and to her mentor and Dad, turkeyfeathers!
  8. The most basic, fundamental, rule of firearms, is to keep your friggin finger, off the friggin trigger, until you are absolutely friggin sure of your target! Jeez......this stuff always makes me sick.
  9. Story of my deer hunting to a T..........hahaha. Good to know I'm not alone!
  10. Looks as if I'll be king of this thread for the rest of the season! Not by choice though....... So I'll keep it going. Tune in, ya never know what an older bored guy on meds, just might come up with!!!........hehehehe.
  11. Great story! So cool how it all worked out, and everyone is happy! Great gun! I'm thinking you had someone smiling next to you on stand, with that rifle hanging between you.
  12. Welcome! Great to have ya join in on all the fun here!
  13. Welcome! Thank you for your service. Rome is a great part of the state for hunting and fishing! Even has a Bass Pro Shops over in Utica ! Glad to have you with us!
  14. Welcome! Good to have another Capital District member! Glad you finally decided to join us. Look forward to hearing more from ya!
  15. I know I'm quite impressed! Nice job! Way to go Tacks!
  16. Gonna put the exclamation point on a great season, if ya can pull it off moog! Go get em!
  17. Good day to remember how much we are thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  18. My hunting partners daughter, is making me some ice fishing mittens. When done, I'll post some pictures.
  19. Congratulations on the purchase! That's awesome John! They are not cheap, but the aluminum signs, tacked to treated plywood, works and lasts the best for us. The the tyvek ones, plastered on high travel areas are great too. But we redo those every year as to keep them new looking, to give the impression to others, we do mean POSTED! We even put out a few security cameras in use signs too.
  20. Congratulations! This what it's all about! Her smile says it all. Great job by Daughter and Dad! A beautiful, lifelong memory was made this morning.
  21. Saw four bucks early in the day. A real close call with one of my shooter bucks, but I made a rookie mistake. He should be hanging in the barn tonight. After that, did some still hunting around the big swamp until 2:30 or so. Could not finish out the day. The monster inside me won today. I think my season is done at this point. Surgery on Tuesday. Gave it all I had, but have nothing more left to give. Need to build up strength for Tuesday's adventure. No pity party here! I'll be back better than ever!
  22. Bottom picture fifth one down from the top. For some reason that on stands out above the rest to me. I do agree with phade. Whichever one you choose, the finished bow will be epic!!!
  23. Yes, first kill with it for me. Thanks my friend.
  24. Anyone who shoots an animal and refuses to get it out. Then wears tighty whities in the woods. Should have his license AND man card revoked!
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