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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Toted a 12 ga. 'Deerslayer 2' with Leupold 1x4 glass, for a long time! Killed a pile of deer with it too. Used the Remington Copper Sabots and later the Accutips. That gun really thumped them! On both ends.........lol It's semi retired, now that 4-H went to rifle a few years ago. But could still lay em out if ever brought back into service!
  2. Ding.....Ding.....Ding.......you win!!! You have two bucks for the price of one!!!
  3. I'd love to get my hands on, and handle that.......................................rifle.
  4. Hope you all have a safe and successful season! Also keep in mind that you don't need to kill the biggest buck, to have a great season. Keep it fun, and enjoy the good times with family and friends. Enjoy the peace and serenity of the deer woods. And pay no attention to all the shots you hear. They are most likely misses! Best of luck to you all!
  5. I have two hunting properties roughly seven miles apart. On multiple occasions over the years deer from one property have been seen on the other. Though there is no Thruway, or major roads between the two. Mostly just woods, fields and county roads. And knowing most of the local hunters in our area, we often see them kill deer we have seen or we kill deer they have pic's of. Deer are like people, in some respects. Some are home bodies, while others are serious travelers, or some just get the urge to take a trip now and then. During the rut, if there are plenty of doe in an area, a buck doesn't need to travel very far to find them. And will tend to stay closer to his core area, than a buck in an area with few doe. He will generally be the one to travel more, searching for a date. So right now, if you have a bunch of doe, you hold the wild card! The bucks will find them!
  6. Will continue to keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing Judy a speedy and complete recovery.
  7. Welcome! Great to have ya join us.
  8. Sending thoughts and prayer to Judy and you. Hoping for a quick and full recovery. Hang in there buddy.
  9. Will carry for the first time my dream rifle. Sako 85 Classic in 270. Hoping to start making memories with it, before passing it to my grandson.
  10. I know I've NEVER shot one from my living room Al. And have gotten lucky here and there in some pretty nasty conditions, in the deer woods.
  11. Awesome! Now all I gotta do is shoot a decent buck! No easy task around here! But now I have added incentive! A buck skull carved by you, would really make a great "trophy" mount!
  12. Question wooly, if one were to get a decent buck, would you be willing to do the skull? Cleaning and carving? For a fee of course. I had the one from last year camo dipped. But a carving from your paws would be really extra cool!
  13. Any we are lucky enough to get will be shipped TYD. Hey, an artist needs his canvas!
  14. We will be out no matter what. Only question is if it will be in a ladder stand or a chair blind. Both are set in good spots. Been a few years since I've got one on opening day. I usually pass up the small bucks and doe, that scoot by first thing, to make someone else happy, on the public land that borders ours. No matter the weather, my smile will be wide and bright, to make it to another opening day! This will be my 44th! Good luck all!
  15. grampy

    The End

    My #1 goal was to see my 13 year old grandson get his first deer, this bow season. That didn't pan out due to various reasons, some my fault, some beyond our control. But we shared some good woods time together, thats the most important thing. And we are not done yet! Shot what sadly may be my last bow buck, due to continuing shoulder and health issues. But if so, I'm sure my grandson will allow me to tag along. I will be in the bow woods as long as the good Lord lets me!!! And the high point of this bow season for me, was going out to WNY to hunt with moog and phade. And also meet some really awesome members while there. So on to gun season, which will end for me on the 26th. Got a week to hunt, so got to cram as much fun and memories into that as possible! Already looking forward to October of 18 too Larry!
  16. Gotta say after meeting a bunch of members, all were real good people. Hope to keep the streak going! Wildcat would be cool to meet. Wouldn't mind checking out some of his handiwork too! He's forgot more about rifles than I know.
  17. Yes, you open it up, sit in the chair, and pull the blind up over you. Think I paid around $100 for it. It is very cozy, dry and windproof. I do us a Primo's Trigger Stick, bi-pod or mono works great! It's also low profile and blends in most anywhere. I haven't done it yet, but could even bring a small propane heater to keep warm. I can sit much longer and comfortably in this, compared to a tree stand with the umbrella, during inclimate weather. And I'm mainly a ground pounder anyways, so don't feel I'm giving anything up by coming out of the trees. May not be everyone's cup of tea, but works great for me!
  18. Looking at the extended forecast for Albany county, it looks like we might have a short window, between sunrise and ten AM.before the rain starts. That will be perfect for me to hunt my opening day spot up in a tree stand. I only hunt off the ground two or three times a year now, and opening morning is one of them. After the rain starts, it will be off to a travel funnel in my chair blind. The tree umbrella's do work well in light to moderate rain, but I've found they don't work so well in harder rain and strong winds. So I bought the chair blind a few years ago, and it's perfect for gun hunting in inclimate weather!
  19. Congratulations! You will always remember every detail of the first one! You'll kill many more in the years to come, but none will ever be quite as special as that very first one. Way to go and nice shot.
  20. We got a call the other day saying, "I'm so and so and I've used you guys four or five times, and hit another one! Can you come find him?"......click.
  21. Right lung punched. Caught just the bottom of left one and just missed the heart. With a 100gr. Rage Hypo. This deer only went 50 yards from where it was hit, fell down the hill, and could not get back up. Why it did not die right away, is a mystery to us as well.
  22. Congratulations! Way to go my friend! Really Awesome! You had a lot of great hunts this year. I'm so impressed with your dedication and skill. On to the gun now. Best of luck and keep it going!
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