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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Happy Birthday! Hope you're still celebrating your special day!
  2. Got a lot of friends here who are Bills fans. Sorry, but Go Panthers!!! Go pay some bills and wash the truck Larry.
  3. Nice shootin moog! I too, agree with rob-c , middle first. That is a deadly shot. Almost perfect in fact. The quartering away shot is the one I always picture, when I dream of that booner coming in to my set up!
  4. Just outside, and down wind, of the closest thick, nasties that leads to this spot.
  5. I wonder if Bruce Jenner bought a muff?
  6. Wow! That is a lot of elk! Best of luck with your hunting! Keep safe. Please post up some pic's when ya get one down!
  7. Beautiful rifles! I don't own one, but I am an admirer.
  8. Just wondering why you bought it? As you seem so motivated to sell it after only two months. Perhaps looking for something bigger?
  9. I posted about this last year. We got some new members and maybe others may have missed it. So I'll put it up again. It's almost time to hit the deer woods to hunt! Some of us have been looking forward to this season, since the end of last season! Doesn't matter how much practice you have done with bow, crossbow, shotgun or rifle. Long time hunter or newby. Something could go wrong, and a shot may not hit where intended. Unfortunately it has happened to me, and could happen to any hunter. Bloodtracking is a learned skill. And I have been doing it for decades. On my own for family or friends, and since 1999, with Deer Search as a NYS certified tracker, using blood tracking dogs. My mentor for Deer Search was John Jeanneney. John is a founding member of Deer Search, and was instrumental in enacting the legislation in the late 70s, to allow the use of certified blood tracking dogs in NYS. John has seen it all, in his thousands of tracking sorties, over many, many years! And is one of the most experienced blood trackers in the US. After all those years, he has given up tracking, due to health reasons. But he wrote a book, actually books, on blood tracking, based on all he has seen and learned while in the woods, tracking deer and bear. His book, "Dead On" has a wealth of information and tips, that could be the difference, in recovering a deer or not!!! Experienced hunters with years of hunting behind them, will learn something from this book. And the hunters, just starting out, or with little or no experience on blood tracking, will find it invaluable! I can not recommend this valuable tool any higher! My only motivation for writing this, is if it helps recover even one deer this year that may not have been recovered otherwise, it will be worth it! I have absolutely no monetary interest in the sale of this book. My only motivation is to help fellow hunters. The book can be purchased through amazon, perhaps other places if you google it. Wishing everyone a successful season! May all your shots be true! But if the unthinkable happens and one is not, this book will be very helpful to you. We owe it to the animals we hunt, to do everything within our means to recover that animal. Our dog Xola! She will be two and a half this season, and will really start to shine this year.
  10. With so much going on this time of year, I'm never ready. But somehow always make the opener.
  11. Can't beat it for the price! It's a darn good crossbow! IMO, better than some others at twice the price! Have fun!
  12. Jeez,...... I just checked in to see what Pygmy had to say. Nice choice with the Cabela's muff though.
  13. Add more $ to the price if you sell to a hunter! Or Ask the new owner for hunting privileges after the sale! Or Post the GPS coordinates for the hunters on this forum!........................grin. Beautiful bucks by the way.
  14. Real nice buck! Good luck with him!
  15. I have and love this crossbow! Puts my Barnett to shame. Fun backyard shooting, with my grandson. May even get some woods time this November!
  16. That little spot I showed you last year, may be good again this year, in Thatcher, for early bow season?? Might be worth a try? Good luck. The no rifles in Thatcher does put a crimp in things there.
  17. I bought the Centerpoint. Have to say, Savagehunter is a great guy to deal with!!!
  18. I agree. All these public land areas have hunting potential. But most are small and can be crowded, with not only hunters, but people walking their dogs, hiking, bike riding, bird watching, or any number of other things, public land gets used for. That is just what comes with hunting public land. That is why I always recommend Partridge Run, for hunting in Albany County. It is bigger acreage wise, than all the others combined. It is the only public land in this area, where you could hunt and move about, and not see another hunter! I have hunted PR since I was a pup, before I got my own land to hunt. I have killed many deer there, and some pretty decent bucks too. Even with private land, I STILL hunt there on occasion. 20 or 30 years ago, even the large acreage of Partridge Run was too crowded. Now days, most parking lots and access points are almost clear of vehicles, except the opening weekend of firearms season. You too should take a look over there rob. I think you will really like it! It's as close to wilderness hunting, as you will find in Albany County public hunting lands. Just don't spread the word too much! I have hunting access, to the private land surrounding Martha Burke! What about those big bucks???
  19. Whatever comes our way, I'll deal with it and make the best of it! We've been spoiled the last two or three winters. I enjoy hunting with snow on the ground! Got my buck right after a snow last year. I really stocked up on snow camo, since the end of last season. So......let it snow.....let it snow.....let it snow!!!!!
  20. Most all my hunting is from ground level. 20 yards or less for me for most all my shots. Nothing like being eye to eye, on their level, and close enough to spit on! Wouldn't have it any other way! And up the difficulty X2 when there are two hunters, like when my grandson hunts. Figure if we can get it done on the ground, when he's on his own, hunting from a tree will seem easy! His education on the ground will serve him well, long after I am no longer able hunt with him.
  21. Love the 7mm-08! After our area, 4-H went to rifle not long ago, I too switched from my shoulder thumping 12g to a 7mm-08 Savage Axis. Did some trigger work, and topped it with Leupold glass and it is a proven deer gun with "dead right there" results! Your Ruger American is a great rifle too! I have used the Cor Loc's, Fusions, Whitetails, Hornady's and a couple others at the range with pretty good accuracy. But for hunting, it's the Federal Premium, Nosler Bullistic Tips in 140 gr. that shot best from my rifle. The performance on deer is lights out instantly, when you do your part. Killed two decent bucks with this round at less than 50 yards. This round was suggested to me, from a member here when I asked the same question! Welcome to the forum! Hope to hear more from ya!
  22. Haven't bothered to take my phone out for pic's lately. But have been shooting pretty good! Mostly between 30 and 45 yards. First shot always at 30, my max hunting range. Most shots are within Larry's pie plate!.....lol One more week, then switch to broadhead. I've worked so hard to get to this point since my May 4th shoulder surgery. And some other issues since then. I had serious doubts about bowhunting this year. But it looks like I will be able to participate. You never realize how much you would miss it, until you almost lose it.
  23. I'm in one now for a Henry 22 rifle!! Drawing Oct. 22nd. Reminded me to buy a couple more tickets!
  24. Welcome to the site! Would be cool to hear some of your hunting/fishing adventures! Join in anytime! Look forward to hearing more!
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