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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Jeez......I wonder if the guy would give me permission to put a stand in that tree?
  2. Happy Birthday my friend! Hope your day is chock full with all the best! Enjoy you're special day sir.
  3. I used the Wasp broadheads back around 91 and loved them. Used 100gr though. Killed a bunch of deer with them.
  4. I'm up to five arrows every other day. Always try to make that first one go where I want. For decades I shot year round. Then old age came along. I'll take what I can now.............smile.
  5. Ahhhhhhhh........just stood in front of the ac unit to get a feel of what it will be like on Sunday morning! I like it!
  6. #1, above all else, is to see my 13 year old grandson get his first deer. I really don't care if I fill my buck tag or not this year. Though I will if given the chance. Just being out there is good for me now.
  7. This is an awesome thread to follow during the season!
  8. I wonder how much of their own millions, these kneelers have put forth to help their "cause"? Get up off your knees and put up, or shut up, if you feel that strongly! You are roll models! Hands on, face to face, honest communication, and taking a good look at ourselves, would do more for the "cause" than showing more disrespect. Because disrespect only begets disrespect. Also, while on the job, I'm paid to do my job. Not to protest. If I were to protest a perceived injustice outside of the workplace, while on the job, I would be shown the door. And rightly so. I do think race relations in the US need to be addressed. But showing disrespect to the flag, or ANYTHING, or ANYONE, is not the first step to take for improving, or eliminating the racial inequity, they are protesting. Again, disrespect only begets disrespect. And I feel, the basis for improving race relations, needs the foundation of respect, from all sides, to be built upon. JMO.................
  9. I've figured out ways to stay warm on stand Larry, not so much to stay cool though. Think snow!
  10. Great buck! Bet you're anticipation meter is pegged! Best of luck this season!
  11. Biz, on my tablet, I come in through google. Never have a problem. Give that a try, hope it works! I'd hate to miss out on the daily Judge updates......grin.
  12. As always, Thanks for taking us along Robin! This is one of my favorite posts each year! The musical score you use is excellent too (I'm somewhat, of an acoustic guitar player)! Watching your video, always leaves me with a feeling of peace. Thank you for sharing with us! Good luck and keep safe up at Low's.
  13. Congratulations!! Enjoy every minute, time fly's so fast. Before ya know it, you're a grampy too! And Draven is a great name! Never heard it before, but I love it! Awesome, everyone is healthy and happy!
  14. Stink bugs and spiders for us too this year! What the heck! Them wolf spiders freak me out.
  15. Dang......came in too late. Nice going though rachunter! Very generous of you for sure, and all the stuff goes to good homes! Best retirement wishes to you sir.
  16. Wonder if he develops a flinch problem after that? I know I would!
  17. Yup, right at three, to three and a half, is perfectly in my comfort range for hunting. Along with a crisp clean break, with no creep. I've never shot an Accu Trigger, and not sure if I would like it. For me, it would take some getting used to. But a lot of hunters and shooters seem to like them.
  18. It could be -10°, and the hunting "stars" still have to wear the baseball caps with their "sponsor's" logo. And to not cover up the pretty face, with all the make up for the "lady stars". After the camera captures the money shot, they quickly put on the balaclava, and shiver uncontrollably! Like the rest of us mere mortals.
  19. Whats the difference. A six, four, or spike are all usually only a year old. A couple two inch pieces of antler, will not add meat to the pot.
  20. Will trade a 4H DMP for a private land buck hunt on proven property.
  21. Try moving the peep back where it was. If your bow needed an adjustment, the peep is usually not the first thing you move. Once you have a good sight picture again, have the bow squared up, shoot a few groups, see where you are hitting and move the bow sight accordingly. Hope that works for ya.
  22. LOL! But I did fall off one a couple years ago. Went to sit down in the dark and mis-judged where it was, and went azz over tea kettle. With all the racket and muffled laughing, didn't see any deer that morning.
  23. 95% of the time, a little over 10" on a milk crate. 5% of the time 10 to 15' in a ladder stand.
  24. In the 90's here over the coming weekend. Not feeling the hunting urge with temps this high. Will put off hunting until the weather feels more fall like. Don't want to use up spots during low deer activity and the skeeter blitz!
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