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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. That is awesome!!! It takes a lot of balls to play golf the way I do.....................grin.
  2. Beautiful rifle!! To get your "dream rifle" is a satisfaction that is really hard to beat! She shoots as well as she looks too! Wishing you many years of hunting success and joy while carrying your dream in the field. I too will be carrying my "dream rifle" for the first time this year. A Sako 85 Classic in 270 topped with a Zeiss Conquest 3x9x40 I too dreamed of this rifle for a long time. My buddy moog5050 made the purchase possible. Getting a deer with it this season, will only be the icing on the cake!
  3. My wife has never hunted a day in her life. But she has supported my meager attempts at it for almost 40 years. Her and my hunting partners wife, call themselves widows, and converse through the season. Every year she says, "you claim to see all these big bucks, but you never bring one home"! If I bring home a three year old eight point she says, "it's a baby". Well this year I'll show her!!!.......................grin.
  4. Pain like that is your body telling the brain, somethings not right here, dont do that. Before my shoulder surgery, for at least three years, it really hurt to shoot. Could not hold full draw longer than a few seconds. Four and a half months after surgery, I'm back to that point again! But with no more ripping and tearing feeling. And can only shoot 3 to 4 arrows a session. Only need to make one count though. What ever it is, that's bothering you Law, listen to your body, and don't over do it. Maybe right after the season, a talk with your Doc would be in order? Hope it feels better and you get through the season.
  5. First shot with broadhead and hunting arrow. 30 yards. Been a long road, but I'll be ready for bow season!
  6. Great main beam length, bases are stout. Got that sticker on the left G2. He will be filling out more during the early fall as far as neck and shoulders. He would not get a pass from me!!!
  7. Looks like a lot of our hunting grounds. Makes hunting a challenge, as we almost never see deer out in the open. But the rabbits and partridge love it too!
  8. Thanks....... First time I hear a fawn growl, I'm out!
  9. Ohooo, Otis! Ouch! Looks like buck thorn. I've pulled a few of those thorns out of my own hide too over the years. He seem ok now Paula?
  10. Is that what is recommended from Excaliber? I think most recommend every 10 shots or so, to prolong string life. But if you don't have any problems, cool! Is Excaliber a subsidiary of Mathews, and or Weatherby????......grin.
  11. The Limbsaver rail lube is the next best thing I've found. About $8 for a tube and you will get more applications per tube compared to the Scorpion Venom. Not as good as the S.V., but still pretty good, IMO.
  12. It's not cheap, but I really like the Scorpion Venom rail lube. Very slippery, and the best I've found so far, at not attracting dirt and debris along the rail.
  13. Nice pants at a great price! I too am sorry to hear that you are hanging up the hunting hat. Take care 13BVET.
  14. I recently bought a pair of Muck Woody Sports. They had a smell to them as well, when I took em out of the box. I sprayed them with Sawyers and wore them around the farm doing chores, a few times, just to break them in. They got dirty, left the dirt on, and now they just smell of dirt and hay. Good to go.
  15. A lot of us like to use cams. But it's defeating the purpose if you are spooking deer each time you check it. I'd move the cam a 100 yards or so.
  16. Lots of energy when the bolt is fired. The excess wax just flies off the string and cables. Just like your compound apply wax to the string and rub it in with your fingers. No need to put it on the serving or wrapped part of the string. Only use 'rail lube' on the rail of your crossbow. As you said, do this every ten shots or so. Good luck and have fun with your crossbow.
  17. I just don't enjoy hunting when it's hot out. I still have not put the boat away! That may be a better choice!
  18. Some people just have that 'whatever it takes' attitude. Buckmaster7600 has that attitude! I respect that! Sometimes, ya got to work for what you want. Because it will not always just fall in your lap.
  19. Sako gets my vote. But only slightly over the Dakota. Everything on the list gets an honorable mention! Nice group o' guns!
  20. He is 13, a Jr. Archer, and getting to be pretty good shooting his bow. Second season for him. Looking for his first deer this year. We will not be too picky on what that deer it will be. Doe, young buck, or one of the decent bucks, that show up now and then. First good shot he gets, he's taking.
  21. I wash everything in scent free detergent, even regular work clothes. I don't like the "fresh perfume" smell of regular stuff. Keep all my hunting clothes in totes, just so they are all together. Get dressed at home, have a smoke as I go out, and another on stand, wear my clothes till they NEED washing! Kill deer every year with the wind in my face.
  22. Bought license today for grandson and myself. No 4-H DMP this year. But within a mile or so from here, two doe have been killed by vehicles in the last week.
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