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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. If a hunter bow hunts for any length of time, it is almost guaranteed that a miss or loss will happen. Anyone who claims otherwise is most likely lying to ya.
  2. Congratulations! Nice backstraps right there!
  3. Wow, sometimes ya just gotta shake your head. I got no problem seeing dead deer. I do have a problem disrespecting them. C'mon man.
  4. Got multiple properties and state land nearby. I hunt em all. I'll go wherever I feel gives me the best chance that day. Based on deer activity, wind and weather conditions. Sometimes just a gut feeling.
  5. If this is true, I hope you are shooting a traditional bow. "how can I get the benefits of archery season with the least amount of dedication and work" As the dedication and work to shoot a compound is nothing, compared to trad bows.
  6. We are all passionate with what we hold dear to us, among those things, is hunting. Why else would we be on this forum. So in respectfully debating, it brings out many different opinions and views. I read others and express my own. In the process, very seldom are minds changed. That is fine with me. Guess we will just have to see, "where it all ends"?
  7. But if were to "preserve the integrity of the sport" there would be "NO HUNTING" with a compound! It would be traditional bows ONLY. So in the past, time was "set aside" for the inclusion of the compound.
  8. No flame suit needed man. But the land access and hunter numbers issue will continue with or without the crossbow. Nothing ever stays the same. Change, good and bad is inevitable. It's up to us as individual hunters to adapt or get left behind. "Preserving the integrity of the sport". Hasn't that been thrown out the proverbial window since the inclusion of the compound bow? Respectfully saying, I myself, never give a rats patootie what others think!
  9. That's pretty cool! But does she know his reputation?...................grin. Wishing them tight lines and big smiles!!! Like the one Pygmy is wearing! And she even tips Genny! Good stuff right there.
  10. For just a moment, forget about all the mechanical differences of a longbow, recurve, compound and crossbow. And please allow me to ask a simple question. To those who appose crossbow, as long as it is not fired with gunpowder, during bow season, how does what another hunter, CHOOSES to use, for THEIR hunting tool, effect YOUR hunt? I've been a BOWHUNTER since the early 80s. And to be honest, with myself and those reading this. What another hunter is using over the hill or in the next woodlot, does not effect MY hunting at all! So how could I possibly be selfish enough to say to another hunter, "you can't use that, because I don't use them, or I don't like them"? The majority of hunters are gun only hunters. What if they all got together and said "we don't want ANY bow hunting" for the same selfish reasons? Just be happy we have a season at all! There are many out there who would be just fine, to not have ANY hunting at all. United we stand, divided we fall. Just hunt. It really is all good.
  11. Good things happen when you have an exceptional dog and handler working as a team! Great work Tom and Luna!
  12. RIP.............Saw him with Bob Dylan at SPAC in the mid 80s. Still vividly remember how good he was that night. Thanks for all the memories T.
  13. As I've gotten older, I have learned to politely say "NO" to certain things, to avoid a FUBAR situation.
  14. I support full inclusion. But anyone who so "chooses", can still hunt with compound or traditional bow. I say "chooses", because I don't think I should be making my "choice", impact other hunters. Each hunter should have their own "choice", on how they want to hunt, as long as it's legal. I'ts all good.
  15. Nice job! Awesome buck! Congratulations!
  16. Seems like you have a solid plan in place to put some meat in the freezer, for your family, and some antlers on the wall, for you and your son to admire. Best of luck to ya out there!
  17. Congratulations! What a beautiful buck! Great job man!
  18. Now on to winterizing the boat for the rest of the day. Throw some steaks on the grill too. Next outing for me will be Saturday. Three day weekend comming up too! Will keep hunting the fringes, seems to be good action so far. Save the good spots for later in the month, when my grandson can make it out. Though he could of had his choice of chip shots this morning.
  19. Now that is cool! Have fun! Hope she gets to see something.
  20. Great morning! Saw one of the shooters but just beyond my range. And had a steady stream of doe for most of the hunt. 11 in all. Gotta love eye to eye in a ground blind!
  21. Season is HERE! Whoo hoo! Good luck all!
  22. I slept like a baby last night, headed up the stairs at 9. Doc, I kind of got used to having my sight pin "float" around the target. But thanks to good form and a well tuned bow, I hit where I'm "aiming". I try to keep everything loose, because the more you tighten up and try to hold steady, the more ya torque the bow and you shoot worse.
  23. Welcome! Glad to have you with us! Just pull up a seat and join right in anytime. Look forward to hearing more from you. Best of luck this fall!
  24. Should be a perfect morning! Best of luck to all heading out!
  25. Yes sir. No shotage of guy's baiting in the hilltowns where we hunt Matt. Saw a couple of em last week at Agway. They alway give me the wink and smile. Whatever. Known them for years. But I don't care to listen to their big buck stories later in the season either. I always say "thats good, I gotta go, see ya later". So some may call me a p=! €k, so be it. Perhaps I am at times.
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