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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Nice buck! He would be top end here in 4-H. Hope you get a crack at him, good luck!
  2. Looks awesome so far! Keep posting until finished. This stuff amazes me! So darned cool!
  3. grampy


    Lightning strike??? lol Does seem a bit odd. Perhaps a territorial dispute between groups?
  4. Won't be long now. Within the next three weeks or so, the majority of bucks will be sporting hard antlers and building up those neck muscles. Looking forward to all the pic's!
  5. Sometimes things are just what they are. I know for a fact, that you got some good stuff working for you, right now. And I forcast BIG things happening for you and your Sis this hunting season! What a truly awesome buck! Definitely amps up the anticipation factor a couple notches! Best of luck buddy!
  6. Combining Christ with hunting on an open forum, can be a slippery slope. I will not bash anyone for their beliefs, religious or not. I may not share my own with the masses here, but will and do with the few I'm close to. Everyone has their own take on this. And if you have been a member here for any length of time, then you know wolc123's way is to "spread the word". Some of his posts are a bit over the top. (I've questioned a few myself) Along with some very informative ones as well. Good bad or indifferent, I respect the man's right to post as he wants to. Weather or not you agree, with the content of the posts. It is up to the individual reader, to discard, or contemplate, any posts on this or any forum. For what it's worth, just my opinion.
  7. Saw this with the Mrs. Very good movie!
  8. Happy Birthday! Only the best for you today! Enjoy!
  9. Sure wish I could add a shot pic here. After shooting a few arrows last week, I'm unable to draw my bow again. I'll give the shoulder a few more days before trying again.
  10. So "senseless maiming" does not include putting a "length of braided line" through the fishes mouth and paddling for however long, to take a picture? Hmmmm. Guess it all depends on your prospective. Or if you are the fish being towed. Shoulda just ate it.
  11. Not good. Believe me I know! Makes a good story over a beer though!
  12. Got room for my deer on October 1st ?
  13. +1 I too have the HHA sight and love it! My bow is also set at around 50lbs. I set for bullseye at 23 yards. Aim a touch low at 10 and a touch high at 30, my self imposed bow "hunting" limit. That puts me in the kill zone. Only time I use the slide is when practicing out to 40, 50, and 60 yards. Practicing at 60, makes those 20 and 30 yarders seem like chip shots. Really sweet set up ya got there Biz! And looks like you're doing fine, right out of the box! Keep shooting, build up your confidence, and the deer should fear you this season. Best of luck to ya!
  14. Sounds like an awesome hunt Fletch! Maybe you can do a "live from the swamp" thread! Look forward to lots of pic's too!
  15. A few acres of uncut corn, helps not only the hunter in late season but also the deer and other critters that survive after the hunting season. Give and take. It's been a few years since I've killed a deer near one of our plots. I actually prefer to hunt hemlock swamps, oak ridges, and thick funnel areas.
  16. I like your thinking! Stiff and crusty eyed is me, for most of the season! Practice as you hunt!
  17. Do you hunt your own land, someone else's, or public? It's fine that you don't agree with food plots. Have you ever planted anything? Worked you own ground at all? Even a small garden for yourself and family? Tried to improve any wildlife habitat? Tried to give back to the animals you hunt? You are entitled to your opinion and preffered way of hunting. As long as it's legal, it's all just hunting to me. And I will never put down a method of hunting because I don't do it or agree with it. I don't think that accomplishes anything. Why narrow our opportunities? Still hunting is a cool way to hunt. Killed a couple of my biggest bucks still hunting. But I don't limit myself to one way of getting it done. I've found challenge and enjoyment, in hunting many different ways and places. As long as it's within the law, it's all good!
  18. Nice win on a very pretty rifle! Congratulations! Let us know if she shoots as nice as she looks! I bet it will!
  19. Would you also consider, sitting in an oak or hickory tree baiting? C'mon man.
  20. Was catching up on paper work last night. Switching between the Yankee's getting spanked, and huge men running in to each other, in a meaningless contest. Mindless entertainment. But it was better than whatever they had on the hunting channel. Just can't stomach the canned hunts and dramatic whispering any more.
  21. First I've seen this! And how cool is that gun? Really cool! Put her through some paces and let us know what you think. Look forward to what you have to say!
  22. Yeah, not a fan of either team myself. But I am a fan of watching huge men run into each other. So I'll flip over to see some of that, for the first time in 17.
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