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Everything posted by bugsNbows

  1. Good. Maybe some of the Colorado moonbeams are waking up to the realities of today's world.
  2. Looks good. I would add that a vacuum sealer is in order. I have been using one for several years. It has been a wonderful addition to our processing attempts.
  3. Sorry to burst your bubble... the world has been witnessing that for the last eight years.
  4. LOL. Somebody may consider that racist. LOL They may revoke your participation trophy. LOL
  5. How about a Kimber ... Montana, Adirondak, etc?
  6. Bama wins and Clemson beats the crap out of OSU. Poor Urban Crier. Showdown game should be good.
  7. Very interesting. Seems little old Campbell has had many talented folks there. I had a terrific taxi job done (from a guy there) on a nice 9 point archery buck I shot about 18 years ago. The mount is still perfect. I have a cousin that lives in Campbell. As a matter of fact, my Uncle used to be a JP in Campbell. He was kind of an oddball though.
  8. I'm surprised that Pygmy did not chime in on this story. I'd bet he knows about the Beeman Hollow Rd. gang of crooks, thieves and low lives.
  9. Shoot, if I had your money, I could burn mine!!!
  10. From one old fart to another, I just saw your dream gun on GB. It's a Dakota Sharps chambered in 30/40 Krag. It could be yours for a paltry $4300. Go for it big guy. LOL
  11. Well, he certainly has the right Surname! LOL
  12. My wife has been my hunting companion for over 30 years. She loves it... and so do I!
  13. They may widen their selection if / when they see sales numbers. I still think it is a good move by Henry. BTW, I don't even own a Henry rifle... but may soon.
  14. Talk like that will get the Regressive Progressive (UR) in a tizzy.
  15. I see that Henry Rifles is coming out with some new stuff. Of interest to me is the single shot rifle (now that H&R is gone) and the Long Ranger. Henry stuff is U.S. made and quite reasonably priced.
  16. I'm over all the tactical mall Ninja stuff. I'll pass.
  17. Meopta Meopro... (think Zeiss Conquest line). FWIW, I'd suggest you check out a site by Ilya Koshkin called Optics Thoughts (Google is your friend). He is an absolute authority on optics.
  18. Looks great... and love the Whelen. Congrats.
  19. Too bad nobody makes a pill to combat the disease of stupidism liberalism.
  20. I use UAG (Urban Armor Gear I believe is what it actually is).
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