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Everything posted by Iluvracks1359

  1. I fall into neither of those categories, yet I have passed up small 6's and some 4 pointers each of the last two years. Ive only been lucky enough to kill two bucks, both were 4 pointers, and both were in the same season 3 years ago. I do not own any land, but I am basically the only person that hunts the land that I hunt, but for meat I will take a doe any day before I shoot a small buck. That being said, if he's a nice 6 or more, im pulling the trigger, regardless of how old the deer is.
  2. unfortunately, the area over looks a field, and they are coming from a very small patch of new growth, so there really is no tree for a tree stand other than where I have it now, Ive found a tree where I can hide from where they are coming from, and it should allow them to close the distance now. We shall see
  3. UPDATE: So I was sitting my stand last night, and had 5 deer, again 100 yards out, when I realized something, THE DEER ARE STARING AT ME IN MY STAND. When we originally set the stand up, per trail cam pictures, we did not expect the deer to be coming from this direction, and thus did not compensate for them to be sky lining my side profile. I am pretty sure, like 95% this is why they aren't coming in to the spot, and as soon as I get a friend to help, I am going to go in and move the stand to a tree where this will not happen any more! For now, I am going to have to ground hunt until this can get done. . . hopefully this weekend!
  4. this is really cool! clearly just playing at this point, there's no aggression whatsoever in that big 8, he would have annihilated the young buck had they have been sparring for the babes.
  5. I had a 1992 thunderbird , and those cars had HUGE trunks. I once threw a doe in the trunk on a blanket, all was fine, except for the fact that blood had leaked out of the trunk, and down my back bumper. Mind you the car was white. . lol , I must have had some pretty questionable looks sent my way on the drive home that evening
  6. I mean I saw this big 10 point last on September 30th, basically right before the heat wave took over. and the thing is 100 yards away where im seeing the deer, there are literally no trees to put a tree stand on . . its just a hedgerow with all small trees all the way around.
  7. Hey guys. So after the second weekend, I'm pretty frustrated, and wondering of its time to start thinking of a new game plan. Many of you saw the trail camera pictures I posted and i had a nice buck, and a few other deer showing up pretty regularly, at least 2 to 3 times a week. Since july. Now for the past 2 weeks there has been very little action on the cameras, the 10 point has disappeared, and every night I'm seeing deer about 100 yards away from me. Should I try to post up in that spot? Is it likely they will return to where my stand is? I'm so frusturated!!!
  8. Hey guys. So after the second weekend, I'm pretty frustrated, and wondering of its time to start thinking of a new game plan. Many of you saw the trail camera pictures I posted and i had a nice buck, and a few other deer showing up pretty regularly, at least 2 to 3 times a week. Since july. Now for the past 2 weeks there has been very little action on the cameras, the 10 point has disappeared, and every night I'm seeing deer about 100 yards away from me. Should I try to post up in that spot? Is it likely they will return to where my stand is? I'm so frusturated!!!
  9. Last year I had found a spot where I was seeing deer every morning, but it was just a little patch of woods and there was really no tree to set a stand up in. So every morning that I went out I sat on my little foldable hunting stool, and on the mornings that I didn't scare them out, I had deer come within 20 or less yards of me, EVERY TIME. Even got a shot on a nice buck, (that I yanked because of nerves) . Also should be noted that I drank a cup of coffee every time before I went to that spot. As mentioned in this thread, when ground hunting, play the wind, and make sure you cover your scent. I use the Earth cover scent every time before I go into the woods, and I also keep all of my hunting clothes in a scent free carbon bag, which I spray once a month with the same cover scent. I swear by the stuff, and I have been SO close to so many deer, and I can count on one hand the times I have actually gotten winded by them.
  10. I mean, a gut shot will almost always kill a deer, of course it would take longer than a vital hit, that is DEF a gut shot tho, im thinking she maybe just went into shock, it can happen. Lucky you didn't have to follow her for days, you woulda had a good blood trail any ways
  11. what would I search on ebay? I want to look this up and give them a shot
  12. I ALMOST walked out the door without my bow, other than that the day went well, besides the fact that nothing came in :(:(. One year I set my phone on the hood of my car while I was getting ready, and forgot it was there, when I drove off I heard something go thump thump over my windshield and onto my roof and I thought . . hmm I hit a bird, then 3 seconds letter I went OH SHIT THAT WASNT A BIRD. I found the phone on the side of the road, the only damage was a cracked screen, but it was internal so it was done for :(. Lets just say I TRIPLE check everything before I leave now.
  13. Really kind of you man, if i get a deer out of my stand I am on the bottom of a prettt nast hill, unfortunately I'm sure Montgomery county is a bit far for u haha
  14. searched how to age a deer and came across this site, pictures are animated so its not the best, but a good baseline for learning. https://www.realtree.com/deer-hunting/how-to-age-bucks
  15. this is one of my all time favorite pics that I have ever gotten
  16. I have a ten point with a scar in his left shoulder from my toxic broadhead last year . . . hes number one on my wish list.
  17. Honestly, I almost expect my cameras to be stolen when I place them, and I am overly shocked every time I go out there and look at them and they are still there. I hunt private land, but still you know how people are. My buddy has had his camera stolen multiple times from his own woods, Ive had 2 latter stands stolen...people are just scum bags
  18. the relief is here boys!! low of 39 tomorrow night!! wooo!! Oct 1st going to be a great day too!
  19. I agree with you belo, I put mine out in the first week of September, and I still felt like that was a little too much procrastination, but I did it as soon as I could. now you are going to go out there 1-2 weeks before season and make all this noise and spread all of your sweaty scent. not the best prep
  20. update on the toxic, after taking my bow to a highly recommended bow shop, we realized my arrows were not cut to the right length for my draw weight and length, for the spine I was using. Anyways we did a quick paper tune, and after that I shot some toxic this weekend. They were dead on to my field points, where last year they were 3 inches left at 20! I'm going to give them another shot this year.
  21. you sir, are an idiot. I have no other words to reply to this post. you basically admit to jacking turkeys, can someone turn this guy into DEC?
  22. I would say this deer is AT LEAST 3, look at how broad his snout is, also his main beam is pretty thick. Def a trophy 8 point
  23. Val, do you understand that the "tons of area" in western ny still does not compare to the type of land out in the Midwest, and the number of hunters. Western NY is OVERRUN by hunters because yes, there are a lot of deer out there, and most people from other under populated deer areas flock to the west to hunt there, I know I do.
  24. Switched to Rage, the guy who owns the bowshop I go to SWEARS by them, and he said he was not all that impressed with Toxic, that the Idea of them is great, but getting them to fly right is a different story
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