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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. These have been around for a couple of years. Id actually like to see how they do with accuracy. You guys can bash the AR platform for how it looks all you want, but the fact that they are just as accurate as any bolt action rifle out there, without heavy modification (as most semi autos need to achieve that), is undeniable. Their flexibility is great as well, being able to adjust stock length, grips, etc to the shooter is unmatched. To each their own though.
  2. If eventually trying to escape a vast web of crazy is your idea of entertaining.... Merry Christmas all.
  3. Most of my season happened during bow, as I had to sit most of gun out due to a knee injury. I had alot of great buck encounters, and killed my biggest buck yet with my bow, but Id have to say the best memory came during gun season. I had a day where I felt good enough to get both of my kids out in the blind with me. We saw a bunch of deer, some small does during shooting hours, and a few good does and a 2 year old buck right after legal light. We didnt shoot anything, but it was fun to finally have both of the kids out with me.
  4. Good. http://www.thelcn.com/lcn01/felony-charge-filed-in-caledonia-hunting-death-20161215
  5. Where did the original post ever say anything about her waving the gun around? I believe it said that she carried it to the counter, and placed it on the counter with no regard for muzzle safety. Some of you guys are distorting this into a flailing lunatic waving a gun and threatening people with it. It sounds to me like she was just a ticked off customer having a hard time dealing with the store's customer service. Shes most likely not a gun enthusiast as it doesnt even sound like she bought the gun, (she was trying to return it for her father or husband or something) and probably didnt know or think about muzzle direction. It also sounds like it wasnt her first attempt to return it. You guys should save a little bit of the judgement, as you dont know the whole situation. Again, I dont condone handling the gun like that, and there are other ways to go about expressing your dissatisfaction with something, but lets not try and twist this into something it wasnt.
  6. You are correct, but she would have to be threatening someone with it. Carrying those things in together and bringing them to the back counter doesnt qualify. Sorry, but it just doesnt.
  7. Its not like she went into any store, it was a store that sells guns, which she was trying to return the gun to. It didnt sound to me like it was loaded or anything else. Sorry, but thats not menacing. While I dont condone the womans alleged actions, I dont see anything illegal that happened in this case.
  8. Sorry for your loss, condolences to you and yours.
  9. I never age my venison, and have no issues with tough or poor tasting meat.
  10. Thanks for the tip for the future chris, someone else gave me that tip as well. Wish Id have thought about that the other day.
  11. I havent been updating this because, well, I havent hardly been out. Gun season has been almost a complete bust for me this year. I injured my left knee opening weekend, spent my entire vacation thanksgiving week on the couch, have traveled a bunch for work, and with my knee, havent been able to walk far or climb stands. I was relegated to a couple of blinds that were a short walk. This past Friday I knocked down a doe at home, gutted her but had to leave her lay so I could pick up my kids. Long story short, by the time I got back to her a few hours later, the coyotes had dragged her into the brush, torn the rear quarters apart and eaten up around the gutting hole. I have some work to do trying to knock out some of those coyotes this winter I guess. So gun season was a bust for me for the first time in 15 or so years. I did get a little news that put a glimmer of hope back in my mind today. The trip for work I was supposed to go on this week/weekend was cancelled, so Ill be able to get out for ML season.
  12. Ive used a few different portable stands, Ill give a rundown. I started with a low end, pretty light ladder stand for a couple of years. While I got pretty good at setting it up and breaking it down, it was loud. I tried putting camo tape on areas that usually clanked together, but it was always too loud for my liking. It was also extremely uncomfortable and has the smallest foot platform of any stand I own (I own a lot of them). It was also not all that flexible, so I decided to go another route. Next up was a low end steel climber. This by far, was the worst portable stand I ever had. Sure, I could get up and down the tree a little faster than with the ladder stand, but it was heavy, loud, and not much more comfortable than the ladder. The only up side was the foot platform being far larger. The next one was a Summit Viper SS. For a climber, it was the cats meow in my opinion. I went through and taped all of the contact points and filled the main tubes with foam insulation. That stand was dead silent, and I could get up and down the tree pretty damn quick. The seat was stupid comfy, and the foot platform was plenty big. Its downfall was the same as any climber, You need a pretty straight tree, no low branches (which offer cover), so this ruled out many of the spots I wanted to hunt. I dont know about you guys, but where I hunt, telephone pole like trees dont typically grow there. I sold both of the climbers and used the money to fund 4 or 5 sets of hang ons and steps. I have been getting pretty good and fast with setting up my hang on stands the last few years, so my next plan for portability will be a Lone Wolf Alpha and sticks. I am also looking into picking up a light weight tripod stand for the brush country type areas I hunt.
  13. Thats an occasion for a special treat for your dog
  14. You cant legally kill a coyote outside of the season for running or killing deer.
  15. I'm quickly losing what respect I had for some of you. I sincerely hope that none of you have something as traumatic as that happen to a member of your family, but if it does I hope that you run across people on the internet making fun of the situation in as a disgusting manor as you are doing now. Just so you get a tatste if your own medicine.
  16. You sir, are a disgusting individual to say something like that.
  17. Rochester is in Western NY, its just not in the South West. Once you get into WNY, it doesn't get much more North than Rochester really.
  18. Photos of the area for any further investigation, if charges are filed, etc. Drones take about 2 mins to setup and launch, and no flight costs incurred. Why not use it if the tax payers bought it?
  19. Nope, Id wait for him to turn. Been there.
  20. Huh? Rochester isnt SW NY.
  21. Say what you will, but Culver hit the nail on the head. If these people were following proper gun safety, the "accidents" wouldnt have happened. It also wouldnt matter what time someone went into the woods or got into their stand. You are trying to solve a safety issue with a completely unrelated law. It makes no sense. To boot, its a free country, I can wander around my land or any other land I have permission to be on, at any time of the day I want to.
  22. I know. In his area, he has late ML season.
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