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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Kinda what the libtards did (and still sometimes do) to Bush?
  2. Im planning to start around the same time as I did last year, early to mid March. Worked out well for me. This year Im boiling it in a different pan than last year. Something with more surface area.
  3. We are starting to move back to using chains on our hang ons as opposed to the nylon straps they come with or ratchet straps. Dont have to worry about the chains. Still use straps for the ladder steps though.
  4. I used to have red IR cams, and always got that deer in the headlights pose. I thought nothing of it until I started running video and saw what happened most of the time right after that pose. I will say that the reactions were mostly negative. Now that I run black flash, I dont have that issue, even when I run my cams low (3 to 4 feet).
  5. NYCC is the crossbow coalition. Not NYSCC http://www.nycrossbowcoalition.com/
  6. It didnt. That was a couple of years ago. It keeps circulating on social media for some reason.
  7. I truly believe that the vast majority of mismanagement will keep on going until the day that NY has a real fish and game department, and not just a division of DEC. The DEC wears far too many hats. Like the old saying goes, jack of all trades, master of none. Just one thing Id like to point out, PA does not have a bounty on coyotes.
  8. When using my cams on a trail, I tend to hang them 5 to 6 feet up, angled slightly down and facing down the trail at a slight angle.
  9. We used to use them in the majority of our stands, but we have switched mostly to sticks. Now, most of our screw in steps are now used as extra hand holds for stands that sit right at the top of ladder sticks. Some trees force us to use a combo of sticks and screw ins though. I like the longer Ameristep screw ins.
  10. Land, and the list of firearms and related items is too long to list. Once my kids are out of high school, chances are, Im out of here.
  11. Id say this has run its course.
  12. Well, this isnt the other forums. If you dont like it here, noone is forcing you to stay. Ive had about enough of listening to people slam the site. If you dont like it, then buh bye.
  13. Honestly, this thread shouldnt be pinned. Its the same argument that happens once or twice a year here.
  14. That sounds like a ton of work to keep straight. We barely have time to move the political posts that keep getting created elsewhere, into the political section lol.
  15. After all these years you still have to ask that?
  16. Gotcha. I dont look at the site unless Im logged in, so that stuff doesnt show up. Maybe burmjohn can explain why or change that.
  17. Youre being kinda vague. Do you mean they show up in tapatalk? are they showing up in your recent posts view? Help me out here and Ill see what can be done to fix it.
  18. No, my absence has been due to work for the most part. Thanks though!
  19. It was venison lasagna dinner actually.
  20. I cant speak for tapatalk, as I dont use it, but I dont see them in my feed unless I got into the political forum.
  21. I bought some roses and made dinner for the new squeeze, candle lit and the whole 9. After that we headed out to see Deadpool (her pick for the movie), which was great. That was about it. as neither of us are that into the greeting card holiday to begin with. She would rather spend money on Jeep parts or guns than a high priced dinner, etc. I think I need to keep this one around for a while lol.
  22. Ive had a couple LED fixtures go out on trailers within a year, and those werent cheapo ones, they were the pricey ones I had on my camper and my old 4x8 utility trailer. The only issues Ive had with bulb lights (other than blown bulbs) have been corroded grounds, wires. You can have those issues with LEDs too. Honestly, they are all junk, Id rather keep my replacement parts on the inexpensive side. I really only care about LEDs for when power consumption is an issue, or if I want it to look nicer, but thats just me.
  23. Ive had some of the LED lights on my trailers. The problem is when they do die, you cant just swap out a bulb, you end up swapping out the whole fixture. They will die on you at some point. For example, my truck has puddle lights on the side mirrors, they are LED and both died due to moisture screwing up the contacts on the boards. I have to buy $80 replacements vs $.50 bulbs.
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