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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I could shoot my vertical bow out to 100 yards if I really wanted to, but by the time the arrow gets there, the deer will be long gone. Remember, the sound of your bow (or crossbow) is going to get to the deer before the arrow does. The guys that buy into marketing gimmicks like that wont last long in the archery woods anyway.
  2. I have an extra set, and have had the site for over a year now and had no issues with the fibers. During the off season this year, Im going to figure out a way to use some long replacement fibers and wrap them around the housing or run them down the length of the dovetail bar so the pins will be a touch brighter.
  3. I feel your frustration. Had the same type of thing going on for me as well. Ive been out shooting a bit, but then the other night I was shooting my 3D target at the house and the back side of it just started coming completely apart and its not stopping arrows any more. Im going to be forced to go buy a new target, which I wasnt planning on. Either that or drive 10 minutes to the range every night, which isnt really feasible.
  4. Thanks! I think I really lucked out getting ahold of permission for this place.
  5. Ive been noticing the darkness getting earlier and earlier too. Just over a month to go!
  6. Yeah you gotta let that one go, no reason to chance getting sprayed lol
  7. Wow, some people are just a-holes. I would have told her Id rather be an idiot retail employee than a poacher any day of the week.
  8. I usually make a trip or two each season down there, usually during gun. It can be a great spot if you do some scouting, and Ive seen some really big bucks in there. I like going when any water has been frozen for a while so I can get into the cat tails. One of my friends pushed a big non-typical out of the cat tails down there right to me and I shot him too far back. Happened to be another hunter a ways down from us and he finished it off and took the deer. Bummer of a day, but since then, I always go back.
  9. Yessir, hoping to catch one of them slippin this year. I was out glassing some fields just before dark tonight and caught Hayrake (the wide 11 point) feeding in a bean field about 300 to 400 yards away from where the camera is. I have a pretty good idea of what trails he is using to get in and out of the fields and will be hanging a stand or two between his bedding area and these fields. Hopefully I can catch him heading out to feed in the late afternoon or evening.
  10. Let me know, Ill help ya out setting up a Photobucket account or something like that. Again, have a great time!
  11. This was sent to me by Single_Shot, pretty cool find on his part, thanks for sharing! http://www.deeranddeerhunting.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=8852&et_mid=517084&rid=3418244
  12. The law covers this season and next. It will be re-evaluated next year (2012) and rewritten. If you look at the DEC 5 year plan, the chances are, its going to be put into archery season. As far as competition goes, you really shouldnt look at hunting that way. You are missing half of what its really all about if you turn it into a competition.
  13. Youve never seen Ace Ventura Pet Detective?
  14. Its a Copper John Dead Nuts Pro with the dovetail bar and the .019 pins
  15. Sounds like a great trip! Have fun and good luck!
  16. Here is a listing of all of the 2011 - 2012 NY hunting season dates
  17. People out west routinely shoot deer and other animals at 50, 60 yards and sometimes further with their vertical bows. If you have the right circumstances, good equipment and are comfortable shooting that far, theres nothing wrong with it. Crossbows have the same effective range as a vertical bow. If you think a crossbow is going to work like magic in the woods, and all those deer will be easy to shoot, you are talking out of your ass or just fooling yourself. BTW, Ive been shooting my new bow out to 60 yards and not doing too bad with it, even with a decent cross wind. The toughest part of it is seeing the center of the target behind my pins.
  18. Deer and coyotes live in the same areas all the time. Adult sized deer can defend themselves, its the yearlings and fawns the coyotes are generally looking for. Oct 1 is just around the corner, blast some of those coyotes!
  19. We have to wear it any time you are in the field hunting down here.
  20. The answer I gave is what was told to me by 2 or 3 different ENCON officers at separate times. An email to your regional office wouldnt hurt though.
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