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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. You could be right, but we wont know for sure without better pics (you dont even have a head on shot) and/or someone putting a tape on him. BTW, just because someone disagrees, doesnt automatically make it a pissing contest.
  2. You do realize that the pics without velvet are from last year and the ones in velvet are from this year, right?
  3. There is if you want the extra tag you can use in bow season.
  4. Wouldnt you have to have bow and ML lifetime add ons to get both the either sex and doe tag for bow/ML?
  5. Just noticed another quirk, if you are typing and another member posts, it does not warn you that someone else has posted before you leave your reply.
  6. To answer the question, you would get the Super Sportsman license. Then, apply for your doe permits. As long as you get both DMPs, that will give you 5 deer tags (reg season buck, 1bow/ML either sex, 1 bow/ml doe, 2 DMPs), 1 bear tag, 2 fall turkey, 2 spring turkey.
  7. So far I think it looks pretty good. I do not like the latest posts thing on the sidebar, takes up way too much space, and there is still the recent topics below that, which is pretty much the same thing. The season countdowns are missing. Those are the only two things I have for now. As far as the new posts thing, its just called something different. Look toward the top right side and youll see 'View New Content' which is the same thing but has more options.
  8. Back to the subject.... Heres the reply from Reg 8 DEC officer Lt Stoner... "Hello John, I understand your confusion and your frustration is shared by many law abiding hunters and citzens alike. However there are literally hundreds of deer farms and licensed shooting preserves in NYS where these products may legally be used. So there is a legitimate and legal reason for stores to stock and sell those products. You are correct though in the fact that often those products are sold and used for illegal activity. While the legitimate sale and use of these products can't be prohibited, concerned and ethical sportsman should cooperate with law enforcement to apprehend and prosecute those who knowingly violate the law. Thanks for your interest and concern, Lt. Tom Stoner" My reply to him.... "Lt Stoner, Thanks for the reply. I actually didn’t think about deer farms. Maybe the DEC and the state of NY should look into passing a law or code that makes the retailers post signs along side the product that clearly states these products are illegal to use at any time of the year for wild deer. That way people that do not already know the law, or are being told the wrong information by other mis-informed people that are employed by the stores would see it right when they are looking at which product they are considering. The stores could be sent an electronic copy of the sign and would be required to print and display them. Just a thought. Again, thanks for the reply. John""
  9. Your best bet is to get a camper that has the enclosed and insulated underside. They usually have tank heaters, etc so that they dont freeze up either. You could probably buy tank heaters and line heaters yourself and install them. My buddy has has a Travel Trailer and a 5th wheel that were both setup like that for cod weather. He has never had an issue when he takes it hunting during late gun season in a foot or more of snow.
  10. Ohio has crossBOWS in archery. Thought you didn't like them? BAAAHAHAHAHAHA
  11. Actually it should. Take a look at Culver's 9 from last year, which scores in the mid to upper 140s. http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php/topic,5454.0.html Heres a pic of the same buck in velvet (2nd from last post) http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php/topic,5234.msg64618.html#msg64618 The buck in this thread has a bit longer G2s and G4s and the brows are taller. 150s all day long.
  12. The scope should be fine on the newer models, which are drilled and tapped for a rail. My old one is not, and requires a side plate style mount, which absolutely sucks. I assume you got a rifled barrel? Just buy a box or two of each brand and type and shoot them. See which ones pattern the best and stick with them. IMO, stay away from the Remington Copper Solid Sabots. I shoot Hornady SSTs and have heard really good things about the Remington Premier Accu-tips.
  13. Im pretty sure the only non resident permits they will issue are for active military stationed in the state. Buy yourself some bear spray if you are nervous about the bears.
  14. They didnt make x-guns legal (whatever an x-gun is) and they certainly wont be adding them to archery season. They are looking to add crossbows though, and have already legalized them. The additional bowhunters that will be joining our ranks with their crossbows, will be a good thing for the sport, and in turn, good for those of us who choose to hunt with compound, long and recurve bows.
  15. I think it helps, but no matter what you do, you are going to have some scent. The soaps and clothes just reduce your scent. I only bought mine because I got the whole outfit on sale for less than $75 a couple of years ago.
  16. Yep, been noticing it lately as well. Im getting fired up and have been spending more time outside and prepping my gear. Stands are going to start going up in the next few weeks.
  17. I have a Scent Lok jacket and pants that I use for early season and then put layers under it as the season moves on. Once the temps get to a certain point, I have a Predator insulated jacket and overalls that I switch to. Id like to replace my early season stuff with Predator gear, as I dont like the Realtree or Mossy Oak camo, as it makes me look like a big dark blob in the tree instead of breaking up my outline. The predator stuff is really nice and I know a guy on Archerytalk that has great prices on it if you are interested. http://www.predatorcamo.com/
  18. Theres no waiting period for long guns in this state. Thats for handguns.
  19. I did not get a regs guide with my license this year. How many people out there just dont read it even if they do have it?
  20. DEC reads this site. Probably doesnt matter if anyone reports him.
  21. Yeah this thing oughta tip over a rhino at 40 yards lol I checked and if I go with a 125gr broadhead, Ill push the KE up to around 71 ft/lb
  22. This topic has been moved to General Chit Chat. [iurl]http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php?topic=5530.0[/iurl]
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