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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Quick FYI guys, the OP has tried changing his screen name, email address, etc on his account. It doesnt look like he will be coming back to the site.
  2. No, really, it's not. Because you've already labeled him a lawbreaker saying he poached a second deer....and you don't know all of the facts. You're throwing wet noodles against a wall and trying to see what sticks. And, to be honest, I don't often place tags on the ears/antlers...I actually place them inside the gum line of the buck's mouth after a good suggestion by a DEC officer. I once lost a tag on a drag and had to call and spend time to resolve the tagging and that was his suggestion to prevent it from happening. But, that's another issue, altogether. You are ready to fry the guy...prejudging is not necessarily the best thing to do. I suggest you at least let the man explain. He hasn't been on since July 17...all of these post started on July 24 about the poaching ordeal. Phade, you DO know that you dont have to put the tag ON the animal until you get it to your mode of transportation out of the area, right? So you losing your tag on the drag back was completely unnecessary. Its right in the rules. What happens to the thread is up to the owner of the site. Yep, but the mode of transportation is my feet when hunting behind the house. Don't know if the 4-wheeler would be considered a mode, but that's sometimes in use as well. They mean to your truck or in your case, the house. You dont need to have the tag on the animal dragging it out of the field.
  3. No, really, it's not. Because you've already labeled him a lawbreaker saying he poached a second deer....and you don't know all of the facts. You're throwing wet noodles against a wall and trying to see what sticks. And, to be honest, I don't often place tags on the ears/antlers...I actually place them inside the gum line of the buck's mouth after a good suggestion by a DEC officer. I once lost a tag on a drag and had to call and spend time to resolve the tagging and that was his suggestion to prevent it from happening. But, that's another issue, altogether. You are ready to fry the guy...prejudging is not necessarily the best thing to do. I suggest you at least let the man explain. He hasn't been on since July 17...all of these post started on July 24 about the poaching ordeal. Phade, you DO know that you dont have to put the tag ON the animal until you get it to your mode of transportation out of the area, right? So you losing your tag on the drag back was completely unnecessary. Its right in the rules. What happens to the thread is up to the owner of the site.
  4. Oh now you've done it! I imagine ol' WNYBuckhunter will be explaining why it is impossible for you to have seen what you saw ...... ;D . He should be in here momentarily demanding pictures, hair samples and casts of tracks and maybe even a DNA report all on a notarized form......lol. You know what you can do with that comment Doc. If youd get off your high horse and start reading instead of skimming comments and ASSuming, youd see that I dont demand anything, but Im not going to take your story seriously unless you back it up with evidence. I dont give a rats ass what you think of my opinion. If you are going to make a claim and someone calls you on it, and you cant back it up with evidence, dont start crying foul.
  5. I didnt send an email in on this subject, I was just saying thats what I do when I have a question.
  6. They would refer to DEC or state lawmakers, not the SS, so dont start that nonsense. The whole point is, the stuff is allowed to be sold, with no signs saying the products are illegal to use in NY, and then the employees in the stores are telling customers that its legal to use. Simple solution would be to post signs that explain the law. Since food plots are legal, and the products we are talking about are far from seed, Im not sure where your last comment has any relevance.
  7. Good catch Doe! You gotta be a real dumbass to post your poached deer on the web.
  8. Finally got a chance to shoot for about 1/2 hour tonight. I got the 20 yard pin in the vicinity. Ill be working on it further tomorrow evening at the 3D course. Had my first shot go way low and the arrow hit the main stem on a big lilac bush and busted in half. Another got stuck in the stupid target's plastic leg where it inserts into the body, and pulled the insert out a little getting the arrow out. I can fix that, but for now Im already down to 10 arrows lol. I should be good now that its pretty close.
  9. They would, however, have the authority or contacts to make it the law to post signs explaining the law on the shelves where the products are sold. At least that would make those that use it aware that it is in fact, illegal in this state.
  10. I rubbed the branches above the scrapes inside the bag. I havent been able to find any of the pre-orbital scent in the stores.
  11. I pulled my cam yesterday and something had gone wrong, it had 1 pic. I am pretty sure the power lost connection somehow, so I went through the cam last night and soldered the wires better. When I pulled the cam, all 5 scrapes had been hit. I took a wiz in two of them. Ill check them again when I take the cam back out after Im done testing it.
  12. That deer almost has it all, double drops, main beams almost touching, nice tall G2s and 3s and a little kicker on the right main. All he needs is a split tine and a sticker or two.
  13. Good idea, can't wait to hear the response. Just look in the Q&A section in the back of this years syllabus. The third question from the bottom. http://www.eregulations.com/newyork/hunting/q-a-with-the-environmental-conservation-police/ Im just curious as to what they will say. I have seen what they put in the regs and heard what others have heard.
  14. I was just thinking of starting one for everyone, Ill sticky this one to the top of the forum.
  15. I sent an email to the DEC about it. Ill let you know what they reply with. Heres the email I sent... "I am a little confused about the DEC policy on bait for deer. DEC states that baiting and supplemental feeding of deer is illegal any time of the year, yet many stores carry products that are sold for nothing other than to bait, attract and feed deer. For example, Gander Mountain in Henrietta has 2 aisles dedicated to products like C’mere Deer, Deer Caine, Acorn Rage, Trophy Rocks and many other brands of bait and mineral licks. I have heard employees of the store explain to customers just how to use these products to attract deer to trail cameras, etc and tell them that they use it with their cams near their homes. A few times I have walked over and tried to explain that using those products is illegal in NY, only to have the customer or employee tell me that they believe that it is fine to use any time other than during open deer seasons. I know that is not true, and that those people are mistaken. Every time I go into Gander Mountain, I see people walking out with bags and jugs of the stuff. My confusion is why does the DEC allow those products to be sold in the state, if its not legal to use in the state? Seems to me that people think they can use it because they can buy it here. Thanks, John"
  16. Well if you did, this thread would be about half a page shorter than it is.
  17. I don't know about any of your facts that you think prove that it's impossible for someone to have seen a mountain lion in NY, but you sure do seem to be on a super-serious crusade even in the face of proof that we now know that at least one mountain lion has indeed been shown to have passed through. This latest documented visit also implies that we have absolutely no idea just how many others have done the same thing before. But anyway, I am just suggesting that you calm down a little and try to keep perspective on things before always jumping into the combative mode. It makes conversations a bit more pleasant. However I must say, if it is that necessary for you to shut out any possibilities that any sightings might be real, I sure don't want to disturb your beliefs. Maybe it all has something to do with your comfort level when walking to a stand in the dark ..... I don't know ;D . Frankly it doesn't matter that much to me. But, I learned a long time ago never to say never. Wow Doc, not only havent you been paying attention to the articles on the ML, but you arent paying attention to what I have been saying all along. :
  18. http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/stunning-photos-of-damage-caused-by-the-east-coast ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  19. There are actually quite a few cams out there with that feature. One of the better dedicated brands is Plot Watcher. I dont buy into the idea that you can use one of these to pattern the deer without fail, deer arent robots and always seem to do unexpected things.
  20. Most good bow manufacturers will fix issues related to manufacturing defects even if you arent the original owner. If that bow shop is only knocking $200 off of retail on a used bow, I would go elsewhere. Typically a 1 year old used bow can be picked up for half of retail or less. Sounds to me like the guy was trying to push you toward a new bow, which is understandable, since the 2012 models will be coming out soon and they are trying to clear 2011 inventory. BTW, Elite bows have a fully transferable lifetime warranty.
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