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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. Are you talking about DMAP program? That is for landowners with 50+ acres.
  2. Like WNYBuckHunter said, email the DEC for the answer.
  3. My numbers indicate that 8A was 12100 last year, this year 14600, Increase of + 2500. Also 8G includes a huge amount of prime habitat for deer. Not just Genesee county. It picks up 1/3 of Orleans county and runs west into Erie county. A part of Monroe also. I believe that region is one of the largest deer permit areas in the state
  4. This is right up my alley. I used to sell Kioti (Bobcat) tractors, as well as Long-Farmtrac (L.S.) tractors. What hp were you thinking of getting? I know this will probably upset some people, but a UTV is more or less for transportation. Yes U can plow the driveway, and pull one of those discs behind it but, it will never do the quality of work, say a 25 hp compact tractor will do. Their are alot of 3 pt. hitch options that will go behind a tractor and your not committed to one brand. Do alot of research and find a brand U like. Get to know the dealership well, and ask alot of questions. If you lease one, take a real good look at that lease. Their is some special wording in there.
  5. What surprises me is with 50,000+ hunters afield, the DEC received very few responses. How many pheasant hunters received or knew about the this study? Maybe it's time for NY DEC to cooperate with forums like this one, at least for informational purposes.
  6. Anyone plan to do any fall turkey hunting? What are some ways to be successful in the fall? Are turkey numbers going to hinder your hunt? We don't seem have great numbers in our area, so I've elected to film this fall.
  7. Their out there. Just, you have to be there when they are. Watched big deer smell the cams, and walked behind them. Those big boys are smart. Winds are dropping the acorns and the deer clean them up, as fast as they fall. Watch deer last night, from the back yard, visiting each oak tree, seeing what can be found.
  8. It's nice to have that gene pool still walking around. Just think of the future youngsters he's pumping out. He would look better on your wall now though, with all that experience.
  9. I'm amazed what a picture does for the size of antlers. They always seem to be that much bigger when you actually see them in person. This is from my personal experiences,and I'm not expert, believe me. It's fun to guess sizes, and even more exciting to put your hands on'em. Somewhere I saw a mesurement kit that could be used for pictures. Anyone have any experience with this?
  10. It would be nice to see some previous years pictures, to see how his rack has increased.
  11. Got some nice hunting opportunity there G-Man. Looks like he's still got some velvet on them bones. Thanks for sharing, and best of luck.
  12. Went into a local Dick's store last week for a single ladder tree stand. Was a little disappointed to find out they only had two single ladders. One plain jane, the other, plain jane with a shooting rail for double the money. Not the best built either. They had a big selection of the wider stands. Clerk said the wide ones are the craise today, so thats what their stocking.They also had to discount to many in the past to move'em. Can't believe their not selling single stands much anymore. We own 7 Field & Stream stands, from Dicks and they work great. The store in Greece is my next stop.
  13. I heard about the buck in Pembroke. They say it was huge. Been looking in the Batavia paper about it but haven't found anything yet. Still looking for picture
  14. Forest Hunter, great topic! I really enjoyed the pics. and stories to go along. A way to really pump everyone up. Some really nice deer. It just keeps getting better on this forum.
  15. It all looks great. You have a nice draw there. Good Luck.
  16. Mother nature just seems to be hammering away. She needs to get the memo. Stay safe.
  17. I believe their were cases showing up in the northwest part of Niagara County, near Youngstown. The DEC didn't release the findings, until firearms season. No other cases have showed up since. Their was a big scare among deer hunters because, CWD was fresh in everyones mind. The problem with EHD virus is officials don't have a real handle on why it shows up in an area in late summer, early fall and moves to another, vacating the original. It may be true that it may not wipe out a "significant part of the population", but if it was happening in your area, hunting or not, It becomes a major concern, as it did here. One more thing, it seems to hit some of the best animals, and I'm not just not talking about racks, something the "professionals" don't mention.
  18. It that time of the year. Starting to cool down. Deer are starting to show up along the roadways in higher numbers. Seeing the animal, going to waist, really bothers me.
  19. From a legal and ethical aspect . How close should you be from a legal highway when hunting? Main reason being safety first. Several other answers also qualify.
  20. Save the email reply, in writing," to produce on demand."
  21. Nice to see those young birds. Size does seem small for this time of the year, but considering the late spring, lucky to have any. Hope we have a mild winter.
  22. Not even close. Am I the only one or is this year flying! I've got a list a mile long, and it feels like it will still be a half mile, day before bow starts.
  23. With past experience, getting to know people has gained us some nice hunting land opportunities. People that don't know-trust you, are certainly not going to allow you to hunt on their properties. I wouldn't either. Find friends, business associates, customers, and or other people that you have connection with. Don't count out the people that might say no this year either. Remember, their are good reasons why they said no. But I find that sometimes, that changes over time with a few. Put yourself in their situration and try to relate to what they are saying, and more inportantly, why. Nothing meant by any of this, just what has worked for us.
  24. Here is another site that might be some value to you. www.tractorbynet.com
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