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summer time food cravings....


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So admit it .....we all have them...food addiction of one kind or another...What are 2 of your strongest additions in summer time eats?...I mean even though you could have them year around...you only "need" to have them in the summer....

mine are watermelon....never eat it outside of summer and have to have it in the fridge all summer long.....grow it too....Watch the jokes.. :no:;)

Of all things...freeze pops...thank God they are only 20 calories...I could keep a plastic factory in the black with just my consumption of freeze pops...lol...

My 2 worst summer time addictions from child hood till now....what are yours?

Edited by growalot
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Fresh summer fruits. Mangos, cherries, etc.

That's not limited to domestic fruits either..

During the many years that I lived out in the country, I used to hike miles and miles of farm roads, dirt roads, woods roads, etc. every summer..Many of those roads and trails are lined with wild berries.. I enjoyed them all, but my favorites were wild blackberries, picked off the briars and eaten by the HANDFULL...YUM !!..

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For me, other than the obvious BBQ, it's the fresh local tomatoes, cucumbers & corn on the cob.

Can add the fresh berries too; strawberries, raspberries or black caps.

Crap (produce) they sell in the stores sucks!!

And of course my one, true sin - ice cream, specifically the ice cream pie the new local stand makes.

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