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Hunting??...Or, Not.....??


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Like them or not, these AR type rifles appear to be here to stay. Go to any gun shop and there's more of them on the shelves than any other type of long gun. I definitely do NOT think that ex-military people are the ones who have made these guns popular in the hunting fields. Every ex-serviceperson is definitely not a hunter after all and it's not like every adult male has been in the service of late. It's more like the shooting magazines and gun manufacturers who have been pushing them. They have done one of heck of ad campaign to convince the public that these guns are good for hunting too. Whether they are or not could be argued, but what can't be argued is that the gun manufacturers have made a mint selling them. How many bolt, lever, pump and all other more traditional looking hunting guns can manufacturers continue to sell when everyone and their uncle already has one or three? The paramilitary guns were their next big sales push, so here we now are for better or worse.

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Actually, Ants, the City of San Francisco has a city militia group called the San Fran Rump Rangers. They carry pink M-16s but instead of shooting bullets they squirt hot yogurt.

Actually, Ants, the City of San Francisco has a city militia group called the San Fran Rump Rangers. They carry pink M-16s but instead of shooting bullets they squirt hot yogurt.

You're freak'n kidding me... right??

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OMG this turned into a funny post. lol

I know why I keep coming back... This is why crazy/senile people are fun on web sites... Hopefully we all get to that age...

If I say the same thing twice, someone hit me over the head.

If I say the same thing twice, someone hit me over the head.

O yea I am told I am starting to repeat myself but I think they are out of thier minds...


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OOOOPS my bad. I just went back and looked. Early is not a girl.

Sorry ladies and Early for the mistake on my part. Does this still make me a racist though?

Having a wife does not necessarily make one a male, these days.

One of my best friends has a daughter who is a lesbian. She recently married another woman.

He told me he was supposed to give away the bride.

I asked him , " How do you know which one is the bride ?"

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