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I was surprised by Paul Ryan's speech

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After listening to Paul Ryan last night and reading the full transcript of his speech this morning I was surprised that he did not mention anything about the 2nd Amendment and gun control, especially in light of the multiple mass shootings this year and more so in light of the fact that he is an avid hunter. Although he did elude to God given rights since the founding of our country. He did say:

"Each of these great moral ideas is essential to democratic government — to the rule of law, to life in a humane and decent society. They are the moral creed of our country, as powerful in our time, as on the day of America's founding. They are self-evident and unchanging, and sometimes, even presidents need reminding, that our rights come from nature and God, not from government."

Overall I think he gave a good speech about getting our economy back up and running and fixing the country's job crisis. Lets just hope he and Romney aren't just blowing smoke up our a$$es.

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"God given rights"....Interesting term...since there are none. Rights come from the mind of man; they are created by man. Governments, of men, bestow rights on citizens...and sometimes take them away...as the Republicans are now poised to revoke citizen rights already in place. ("Humane and decent??)

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"God given rights"....Interesting term...since there are none. Rights come from the mind of man; they are created by man. Governments, of men, bestow rights on citizens...and sometimes take them away...as the Republicans are now poised to revoke citizen rights already in place. ("Humane and decent??)

OK monkey given rights. :prankster:

And please do tell what rights the republicrats are getting ready to take away please?

Edited by erussell
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They plan to revoke the right to abortion...and to punish rape victims by forcing them to bear children of rape. They seek to revoke rights recently granted to homosexuals. (Just think: God created homosexuals...Governments of man denied them rights...then granted them rights...and, now the Republicans seek to revoke those rights...Go figure!)

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Keep spreading fear. They've been trying to overturn Roe v Wade for decades and it's gone no where. If Bush of all presidents couldn't do it in 8 years what makes you think Romney will be successful. I think they are going to have their hands full dealing with $15 trillion dollar debt and the economy.

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Is it possible he failed to mention the 2nd amendment because in light of the recent shootings independent voters could be scared off? You have to remember, conservatives will vote conservative in November and liberals will vote liberal. Politicians are really competing for independent votes and those voters may have had their attitudes on gun control soured by the recent violence.

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Many of you seem to dismiss the idea that abortion could change and say that to suggest otherwise is fearmongering. But, you make believe that Obama is going to single handedly change all of the gun laws and take away your guns.

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Being a woman..having worked in a high school...sorry if it offends..well not..I'm pro choice...but that's neither here not there for I don't believe taking it away will ever happen...should not be government funded though...that said...I'd vote for Romneys wife given a chance....hers was a hell of a speech

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"God given rights"....Interesting term...since there are none. Rights come from the mind of man; they are created by man. Governments, of men, bestow rights on citizens...and sometimes take them away...as the Republicans are now poised to revoke citizen rights already in place. ("Humane and decent??)

I will be praying for you, that you can find a way to release all your pent up hate.

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Well i think there is a better chance of the current administration taking away our gun rights than a new Romney run administration taking away abortion rights. Obama has nothing to lose.

Yes clearly he is waiting for his second term to spring a trap and take your guns away, and he is kidding when he says he isn't going to take your guns.

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Well, we all heard Obama tell the Russian Pres that he could be more flexible in his second term. Russia is helping Iran get the nukes they want and Russia wants us to remove missle defenses from eastern Europe. First off, why would our representative, Obama tell our adversry and in my opinion our enemy that he can give more . Isn't his job to get more? Like stop helping crazy countries get nukes? Second, it's like going up to a cop and saying I have no plan to shoot you but could you take off that damn bullet proof vest? And the cop says after my lunch I can.

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Must agree with Thug: Whoever gets elected will have great difficulty solving the serious economic problems created by Bush, the younger. Anyone recall our economic status under Bill Clinton?

So let me get this straight. Clinton gets tot credit for prosperity (not Reagan, Bush1) but Obama doesn't have to bare any fault for our faltering economy, That is Bush 2. I think we understand you positon

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