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send letters for crossbows in NY

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Well its the landowners that let the snowmoblie trails thru their property that don't want it to open till after deer season. As for externding bow to oct 1 nyb and nyscc both are pushing for it and I ecpect it will happen, but why not give 2 weeks to the crossbow then or if it is infact as I think nyb will fight it as well can't let someone else get a shot at my deer. I admit I started bowhunting to get a better opportunity at deer. But I would also buy and use a crossbow if it afforded me the same opportunity!

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Actually should only be 2 seasons - ALL bows in bow - all guns in gun.

This where we agree.

Im a bow hunter. I believe that crossbows belong in archery season, with the other forms of archery equipment. I am not alone in this belief either. Watch yourself when painting with a broad brush:)

My brush didn't paint this...

I can't take a guy seriously that has to resort to childish things like calling a crossbow a crossgun.. ok we get that you somehow have this dillusion that just because it has a trigger and a stock that somehow it is a gun... so now fast forward to adulthood and have an adult conversation using correct terminology

More name calling will not dispute what you are about to see.

Here is an AR lower, with a tactical scope.


Here is the new PSE crossgun attachment...IT IS AN AR UPPER!


And finally, the finished product. It uses the same trigger without any modification.


So, in summation, can anyone here seriously say that this isn't half gun, half bow? 

It's an AR, with a bow on the end!...Hence the name X Bow? Or why not X Gun?...

If I use "gun" as the primary indentifier, I'm a racist, elitest homophobe that hates hunting ala Gutfeld.

If I use "bow" as the identifier, I am PC, and will be welcomed into the ranks of all those who wish to intrude upon the bowseason with a weapon that is clearly not "just" a bow.

Separate season? All for it...as long as it cuts into the rifle season's time, not the early archery season.

Disabled...all for it!

For those that haven't seen this "Assault Weapon"...their words, not mine, so back off...here's a little video....400+ fps....not your grandpappie's X Gun.

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It seems people think a xbow is a super weapon. They have the same range and capability as a modern compound! The bolt is shorter an lose energy and therfoe velocity faster than an arrow. The only diff is the string is held via a trigger mech. And a vertical bow is held by the shooter although possibly at a much lessened weight "let off" . Fact is its the person who needs to be able to get into range undetected to place the killing shot.... I know a lot of good target archers who can group under 3in at 100yrds but have yet to kill a deer...

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It seems people think a xbow is a super weapon. They have the same range and capability as a modern compound! The bolt is shorter an lose energy and therfoe velocity faster than an arrow. The only diff is the string is held via a trigger mech. And a vertical bow is held by the shooter although possibly at a much lessened weight "let off" . Fact is its the person who needs to be able to get into range undetected to place the killing shot.... I know a lot of good target archers who can group under 3in at 100yrds but have yet to kill a deer...

Same her...I have a buddy that shoots lights out on a 3D range and has choked every time he has had a deer with in range in the last 5 years. He practices like a mad man spring to the season starter..just can't get over the buck fever with a bow. He doesn't have the problem with a gun but just has a mental block with a bow for some reason. I even had him in his treestand shooting a deer target this summer. He missed 3 bucks this year. Still waiting for him to take me up on my $100 offer for his Matthews...lol

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I don't believe that meets DEC's definition of a legal crossbow. I think there is an issue with the limb length

It appears PSE has taken themselves out of the game here by .25 of an inch...interesting.

the info on it really isn't that good. I belive the dimension the DEC peferences is at leat a 17" limb. the 16.75 I think is axle to axle. I found one article that said the limbs on the 15 were 16 inches...which would make it illegal.

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I'll tell ya what arrowflinger, you're not even in my class when it comes to shooting or reloading. I know more about velocity,pressures,fps,weight and force than most people learn in a liftime.

Apparently I am not in your class when it comes to ego, also. ;)

Get to the point fling er. Wisecracks and one liners do not support your position and furthermore, your insulting posts are an ineffective means to support your opinion or to sway any of the members viewpoints.

Much of your comments have been rebutted with facts. Perhaps you start doing some research and present facts. Be prepared to be challenged when you post an opinion which is unsupported by facts.

Be respectful and  you will receive respectful answers here. To date you treat everyone answers to your posts with utter disdain. Expect to receive an equal amount in return.

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Im a bow hunter. I believe that crossbows belong in archery season, with the other forms of archery equipment. I am not alone in this belief either. Watch yourself when painting with a broad brush;)

My brush didn't paint this...

What the hell are you talking about now? You said bowhunters dont want crossbows or something along those lines. Maybe you dont understand what painting with a broad brush means.

Oh, and I know about the TAC15, its still a crossbow. Once you take the barrel, bullet and gunpowder out of the equation, its no longer a gun.

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Im a bow hunter. I believe that crossbows belong in archery season, with the other forms of archery equipment. I am not alone in this belief either. Watch yourself when painting with a broad brush;)

My brush didn't paint this...

What the hell are you talking about now? You said bowhunters dont want crossbows or something along those lines. Maybe you dont understand what painting with a broad brush means.

Oh, and I know about the TAC15, its still a crossbow. Once you take the barrel, bullet and gunpowder out of the equation, its no longer a gun.

You would do well to learn from Culvercreek on how to have a discussion without constantly showing your illiteracy...and I do mean that figuratively as well..lol...you need to read some books.

See, you finally goaded me into sinking to your level....yet...somehow I'm not surprised.

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Actually should only be 2 seasons - ALL bows in bow - all guns in gun.

This where we agree.

Im a bow hunter. I believe that crossbows belong in archery season, with the other forms of archery equipment. I am not alone in this belief either. Watch yourself when painting with a broad brush;)

My brush didn't paint this...

I can't take a guy seriously that has to resort to childish things like calling a crossbow a crossgun.. ok we get that you somehow have this dillusion that just because it has a trigger and a stock that somehow it is a gun... so now fast forward to adulthood and have an adult conversation using correct terminology

More name calling will not dispute what you are about to see.

Here is an AR lower, with a tactical scope.


Here is the new PSE crossgun attachment...IT IS AN AR UPPER!


And finally, the finished product. It uses the same trigger without any modification.


So, in summation, can anyone here seriously say that this isn't half gun, half bow? 

It's an AR, with a bow on the end!...Hence the name X Bow? Or why not X Gun?...

If I use "gun" as the primary indentifier, I'm a racist, elitest homophobe that hates hunting ala Gutfeld.

If I use "bow" as the identifier, I am PC, and will be welcomed into the ranks of all those who wish to intrude upon the bowseason with a weapon that is clearly not "just" a bow.

Separate season? All for it...as long as it cuts into the rifle season's time, not the early archery season.

Disabled...all for it!

For those that haven't seen this "Assault Weapon"...their words, not mine, so back off...here's a little video....400+ fps....not your grandpappie's X Gun.

yea i can say for sure it's not half gun half bow, it's nothing near a gun never mind an AR rifle. you need to educate yourself before you go spewing off at the mouth my son ;)  copying and pasting pictures of a black crossbow can be done by any 12 yr old.

maybe we should send you over to Afghanistan with a tach-15 in tow which you claim is soooo much like a gun, and we will see how long it takes for your misguided opinion to change on "how much a crossbow is like a gun", or better yet send you deer hunting and see how well you do hunting with a crossbow. have you ever shot a deer with any weapon???

i could post ballistic differances between "A Gun" and a Tach-15 but i think it's better if you yourself do the research my child :O 

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It's all about control, control of what you do,when and how & the people that help the government do that to the rest of us. Those who help the government controll the rest of us need to be left alone.

One day they will need help and you can smile and say, yea I remember when you cut youself a side deal and left us out in the cold. Now it looks as if we all get to suffer for it.

  Let me explain it again for those who missed my earlier post.

The DEC really does wish we'd go away. Hunters are a very expensive tool to use for wildlife management.

  The biologist could be spending time doing real research  instead of following us around from meeting to meeting.

If you'll read the latest CFAB annual report, you will notice not one Senate or Legislative elected person on the econ committe attended one single meeting.

  That alone should tell you what the Albany Econ committee thinks of us.

Don't think for one minuet that the states would not like to find a way to steal the R&P tax money to spend on themselves like the Feds did back in the 90's.

You can copy paste all the crossBOW pictures and sophistry you want. You're only helping to controll people who should be able to hunt with what ever they choose to on there land.

It's like the AR guys, forcing restrictions on people who could care less about a big rack. They show huge deer and claim they get this way by eating right and being left to live another year or two. When in fact you're looking at farm raised breed livestock.

If it feels good. Hey , go ahead and keep that anti~crossBOW cheerleader chant going... You're not doing anything for the sport of hunting but forcing your morals on everyone else.

I'd like to have a list of the anti~crossBOW people and archery shops just to see how long they go before the sales hit the bottom and crossBOW's show up in the store front windows.

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Im a bow hunter. I believe that crossbows belong in archery season, with the other forms of archery equipment. I am not alone in this belief either. Watch yourself when painting with a broad brush;)

My brush didn't paint this...

What the hell are you talking about now? You said bowhunters dont want crossbows or something along those lines. Maybe you dont understand what painting with a broad brush means.

Oh, and I know about the TAC15, its still a crossbow. Once you take the barrel, bullet and gunpowder out of the equation, its no longer a gun.

You would do well to learn from Culvercreek on how to have a discussion without constantly showing your illiteracy...and I do mean that figuratively as well..lol...you need to read some books.

See, you finally goaded me into sinking to your level....yet...somehow I'm not surprised.

Look, let me explain this carefully so that you can understand.

What I said "Im a bow hunter. I believe that crossbows belong in archery season, with  the other forms of archery equipment. I am not alone in this belief  either. Watch yourself when painting with a broad brush;) " Had absolutely nothing to do with what you were just talking about. Thats why I asked what you are talking about. I knew what you were saying, but you used my quote completely out of context.

I havent called you any names or personally attacked you, I even apologized for mistakenly thinking you started throwing out insults in the other thread. I knew I shouldnt have bothered, I could tell from a mile away what you would end up doing.

Oh, and you apparently have no response for the meat and potatoes of what I said? Instead you just cherry pick part of it lol. Hmm, shocking.

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Be respectful and  you will receive respectful answers here. To date you treat everyone answers to your posts with utter disdain. Expect to receive an equal amount in return.


The crossbow pushing attack dogs have been on me since the first post.....don't lecture me about disdain.

In my experience, 75%-90% of pro crossbow posters are totally obnoxious.  They attack anyone who dares hold an opinion different than their own.  They love to call anyone opposed to crossbows in bowseason "elitist," "selfish," and "greedy."  They asign greed as everyone's motive, even when they are specifically given other motives.

They are also dishonest.  They mislead, misrepresent, and downright lie.  "Crossbow bolts drop like a brick" and "shorter arrows cause additional drop" are good examples....what they are claiming violates physical law....yet they insist it to be true.  "Crossbows and compounds are identical" and "There is absolutely no difference between crossbows and compounds" ....when any child would point out the obvious differences, every time.

They regurgitate pro crossbow talking points, over and over, ad nauseum....until they actually believe it to be true.  Look on the Ten point forum.....and you'll see that none of these talking points is an original thought, rather manufacturer propadanda that just gets repeated again and again.

Not every crossbow advocate is a crossbow pusher......but those that are deserve my disdain.

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