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Live From the Stand 2012


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This has been one of the most frustrating rut hints I've seen. Been hunting over 30 years and have had my property in Catt county for 12. Have always taken vacation and been in stand from Nov 1 - 10 faithfully every season. No matter when they predict the rut have always had at least a couple of those awesome days you live all year for in that span. This year has been tough Occasional signs of it getting good and then nothing. Back out again under the umbrella with rain here this morning. Not going to give up yet. Have until tomorrow evening. Good luck to all.

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Had a spike around 645am, watched him a bit on ridge then he started wheezing at something it ended up being a red fox. At 850 a nice wide 7 point came in right to one of my wicks. He came is fast I wasn't ready. I did try and get the camera on him but he looked up bounded off

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Sam just hunted hocking county for the last week. We saw lot of great bucks and i shot one yesterday but made a bad hit unfortunately. Rutting really started hard two days ago and even with the warm temps you should be in for a good week out there. On my way bak to ny now. Good luck out there. I will def be back next year!!


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Great day..rained and stopped before I left...dead quiet...settled in at 6am....7 :15 two deer some minutes apart 200yrds away headed for beds....8am a nice doe and twins came in under stand...she was 12yrds out ...wide open ...pass...8:30 I stand to stretch and 60yrds behind and to my rt a buck is doing the same...then lays back down behind a big maple.. one ear and occasional nose is all I can see ...and he grunts once in a while..I kept an eye on him until he finally got up at 10:44...and he came right to me ...had him feeding wide open at 9yrds... until 11:10...head fed away from me but something spooked him in the woods he'd been bedded in...came back to me and then went up into our slashings...I left at 12pm....after the last few days ...he looked like a fawn but 6pts...may regret..but hope not...dry boots eat warm up and try again...I took phone pics ..not sure they turned out...waiting for daughter to e-mail them to me...old phone no internet...

Edited by growalot
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Great day here too. Saw a fox, a hound chasing the fox, heard the fox.get shot, nearly ran 2 pheasants over with my car, saw a beautiful owl flying midday, and nearly shot a young buck. (Busted while drawing).

Time for pub crawl 2012. Monroe ave in rich if any of you want to come. Benefits the march of dimes, so we call it "drinking for babies"

Cheers all.

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I sat in a new stand this morning in letchworth sat until noon didn't see anything I get to my truck for aquick break and not even 10 minutes latter I see a doe coming off of my trail I put on a stalk she wals right into another guy who's setting up his climber wham he shoots her walks over and says dam I just grazed her there was hair every where. I go back to my truck and head fo my stand at 1 and come across blod every where I follow it and up jumps the guys doe with her stomach dragging on the grund I start trying to gain ground on it to put it out of its misery and I hear 2 quick shots a cop chased it into the woods and put it out of its misery then said if you have a doe tag you can have her then he just left. Point of the story the guy who shot hr with the bow only needed to walk 50 yards or so and he would find blood every where. What an a hole

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My buddy hunting 200 yards from me shot a decent 7 point. Saw some good deer movement today I just shot a nice 7 point! He's not a monster but he made me work for the shot and now I have meat in the freezer! I still have small bucks around me walking around, great day to be in the woods :)

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Ended up tracking the doe for a few hundred yards. First 50, no blood, no arrow, then the blood started, arrow came out and it looked like a red paint can was being poured out for about 100 yards through the thickest brush for miles, then clots and it petered out. I was able to track prints to a goldenrod field, where I jumped her. Saw the offside wound, right in the backstraps. She ran off, no longer bleeding. I packed my stuff and headed home.

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My buddy hunting 200 yards from me shot a decent 7 point. Saw some good deer movement today I just shot a nice 7 point! He's not a monster but he made me work for the shot and now I have meat in the freezer! I still have small bucks around me walking around, great day to be in the woods :)

U set the phone down to shoot him? Lol. Congrats and be sure to show us what those extremes did!!! I cant wait to send one through a bigguns pumpin station!

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U set the phone down to shoot him? Lol. Congrats and be sure to show us what those extremes did!!! I cant wait to send one through a bigguns pumpin station!

lmao yes I put it down... The buck my buddy shot busted me trying to take a pic of him
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